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TrueCharts 21.04 Rework

Western Digital Drives - The Preferred Drives of FreeNAS and TrueNAS CORE
Soon 21.06BETA will release and TrueCharts is ready for you!

We spend a long time polishing and perfecting our Apps, while completely reworking our most inner workings. This means we have a completely new GUI layout, which exposes as many features available with Kubernetes/Helm as possible.

But we didn’t forget the novices!
We also wend over every single app and have ensured every App should be as completely functional as possible with just the default settings.

Please be aware that the newest App versions are not compatible with previous versions of the Apps and you can sadly enough not upgrade. They all require a clean reinstall.

Please also be aware that while Ingress is finished, we are still working on completely rewrithing the Traefik App, as we are separating Traefik from the Ingress settings inside the individual Apps. There might be some breaking changes between 21.06 and 21.08 and we are sorry for any inconvenience!

We also want to announce our new Community Manager:
@StavrosMadK aka Stavros Kois

He will take on most of the tasks related to handling support requests and feedback for TrueCharts.

We wish all of you the best working with TrueCharts Apps!
We will soon push the new major (aka "first version number") versions for all Apps, these updates are breaking changes and require a complete reinstall.

They will also not contain Ingress form the start, as they are completely redesigned, with more flexibility in mind. We'll slowly test them and add features in the weeks to come before 21.06BETA is launched.

With these new versions, we hope to enable everyone, from newby to poweruser to be able to setup a decently working SCALE Apps based system.

We worked hard to ensure that they should all be somewhat functional with default settings and work hard to enable you to customize them to your wishes.
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Today we've released a github "template" catalog.

This template can used to setup your own basic catalog with just one click.
With basic testing and structure already included, ready to rock!
Today i'm proud to announce that we've released the new version of TrueCharts, which is completely reworked and adapted for TrueNAS SCALE 21.04.

Please be aware:
The new version is not compatible with TrueNAS SCALE 21.02. The old version is still available but under another branch named "legacy_21.02ALPHA"

We modified a total of more than 40.000 rows of code and tried to fix all bug that where reported. Many thanks to those of you that did report bugs and request features.

Some highlights:
- Removed our own certificate manager
- Integrated support for the TrueNAS SCALE integrated certificate manager (with special thanks to @waqarahmed for bugtracing many issues)
- Dynamic "portal" buttons, that point to the right address depending on Reverse-Proxy or NodePort settings
- Split the Apps into "Stable" and "incubator" "trains", depending on if we have a maintainer for them
- Introducing our own Apps for many container (with special thanks to the k8s-at-home community)
- Complete rewrite of our "Ingress" and "Service" code
- Removal of some cases that lead to App deletion getting stuck
- Significant updates to documentation and website
- Big increase in the coverage of some of our tests
- Significantly faster CI for PR testing
- Some new Apps (special thanks to @StavrosMadK and @djs52 )
- Significant testing and polishing
- Moving all our code and documentation to a single repository (mono-repo)

The future:
In the following two weeks, we'll continue working on polishing the code for 21.04 release.
Besides we will start working on our 21.06 milestone, which is support for Apps that consume/require databases.

This also means you can now start basing your PR's or forks on our Master branch again. As the "staging" branch will be depricated and removed, untill needed again for breaking changes.

Many thanks for your trust and patience!
After a week of hard work, we can finally announce:
TrueCharts Containers

While there are many great container sources available, it often happens those are either:
- Are not compatible with native K8S securityContexts
- Contain bloat
- Use weird versioning schemes

Using external containers, also makes it harder for us to ensure everything works as promised. As we can't ensure the containers stay online and are tested enough before being released.

By creating some of our containers ourselves( with much inspiration, collaboration and help from the K8S-At-Home Community) we hope to ensure for a stable foundation for our charts!

Our new containers will be first used in our 21.04 release, nicknamed "TrueCharts2.0" which includes a total rewrite and redesign of our core components. All because if the great feedback from the community... You!
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From today onewards we finally start having some decent progress on the documentation.

The new website (Just a landing page) has been launched at and the new wiki finally has some actually usefull information.

Currently available are:
- Code of Conduct
- Contribution Guidelines
- General information on every App
- License information on every App
- A guide to get you started with using GIT
- General information about Storage using TrueCharts
- Information for contributors how to structure and layout your Apps.

We hope to expand this to feature.

We also got many questions regarding "ingress". In the future we will try to avoid refering to ingress for user-facing applications, just as we avoid most "kubernetes specific"-terminology.

New releases have just been pushed, that removed unneeded "Ingress" references in the UI.