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type = %lu, offset = %p, addend = %p, contents = %p%s: Unsupported relocation type %ld in non-PLT relocationsfixup !main in %s --> %pnot yet... %dbind obj %p obj->pltrela %p reloff %p gp %pa0 %p a1 %p a2 %p a3 %pa4 %p a5 %p a6 %p a7 %pra %pELF_R_TYPE(rela->r_info) == R_TYPE(JMP_SLOT)/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/riscv/mdreloc.cbind now/fixup in %s rela %p where %pbind now/fixup in %s relocbase %p value %p addend %pbind now/fixup in %s --> old=%p new=%pbind returning (and calling) %ptnm"nnomm|om&omn_rtld_setgpadd %p (%s) to %p (%s) DAGroot/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/libexec/ld.elf_so/rtld.croot->refcount != 0decremented reference on "%s" (%d)incremented reference on "%s" (%d)Fatal error%s: dead lock detectedInvalid shared object handle %pUndefined symbol "%s"Cannot determine caller's shared objectdlsym of %s in %pdlvsym of %s@%s in %pdladdr of %pNo shared object contains addressdlinfo for %p %dInvalid requestdl_iterate_phdr (DF_1_INITFIRST)calling fini function %s at %p%scalling fini array function %s at %p%s_rtld_call_fini_functions(%d)_rtld_initlist_tsortrestarting fini iterationunloading "%s"calling init function %s at %p%scalling init_array function %s at %p%s_rtld_call_init_functions()restarting init iterationrtld_exit()sp = %p, argc = %ld, argv = %p <%s> relocbase %pgot is at %p, dynamic is at %penv[%d] = %p %sBad pAUX_basepAUX_pagesz != NULL_rtld_sym_zero!_rtld_objself.needed!_rtld_objself.pltrel && !_rtld_objself.pltrela!_rtld_objself.pltgot!_rtld_objself.textrel/usr/lib/etc/ld.so.confdynamic linker is initialized, mapbase=%p, relocbase=%ploading main programprocessing main program's program headerpAUX_phdr != NULLpAUX_phnum != NULLpAUX_phent != NULLpAUX_phent->a_v == sizeof(Elf_Phdr)pAUX_entry != NULLactual dynamic linker is %spreloading objectsloading needed objectschecking for required versionsinitializing initial Thread Local Storage offsetsrelocating objectsdoing copy relocationsinitializing Thread Local Storage for main thread__prognameenviron__mainprog_objsetting gp for maincalling _init functionscontrol at program entry point = %p, obj = %p, exit = %pdlclose of %pdlopen of %s %d*old_obj_tail == objdlopen obj %s nodelete__dl_cxa_refcount of %p with %zdReference count overflowReference count underflownew reference count: %zu__dl_cxa_refcont: address not foundrelro_end >= relro_startRELRO %s %p %zx %s: Cannot enforce relro protection: %sڏ֏ޏҏڏޏ_rtld_shared_enter_rtld_exclusive_enter/libexec/ld.elf_soLD_DEBUG=LD_BIND_NOW=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=LD_PRELOAD=%s: symbol %s has wrong verneed value %dUndefined symbol "%s" referenced from COPY relocation in %sCOPY %s %s %s --> src=%p dst=%p size %ld!dstobj->isdynamic/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/libexec/ld.elf_so/reloc.c%s: Shared object has no run-time symbol table%s: Symbol table too large relocating %s (%ld/%ld rel/rela, %ld/%ld plt rel/rela)%s: text relocations%s: Cannot write-enable text segment: %sdoing non-PLT relocations%s: Cannot write-protect text segment: %sdoing lazy PLT bindingdoing immediate PLT bindingfixing up PLTGOTobj->sysv_hash || obj->gnu_hash/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/libexec/ld.elf_so/symbol.ccheck "%s" vs "%s" in %s%s: symbol %s references wrong version %d%s: object %s should provide version %s for symbol %ssysv check "%s" in %ssymnum < obj->nchainssearch object %p (%s) for %ssearch referencing object for %ssearch _rtld_list_global for %ssearch DAG with root %p (%s) for %ssearch _rtld_list_main for %sSearch the dynamic linker itself.PLT %s: Bogus symbol table entry %luSTB_LOCAL symbol %s in %slookup failed returning _rtld_sym_zero@_rtld_objself%s: Undefined %ssymbol "%s" (symnum = %ld)%s: Trying to call undefined weak symbol `%s'morepages: munmap %pCannot map anonymous memorymemory corruption or double free in realloc (null)0123456789abcdefUnknown error: %d : %s assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d 2HHHHHHHHH2HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.H.HHHHH.H\HHH&+EUm)5KWcu'6N[q$C`qE\{6No 2AUk!CXk~&:G\pUndefined error: 0Operation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callInput/output errorDevice not configuredArgument list too longExec format errorBad file descriptorNo child processesResource deadlock avoidedCannot allocate memoryPermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice busyFile existsCross-device linkOperation not supported by deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentToo many open files in systemToo many open filesInappropriate ioctl for deviceText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeNumerical argument out of domainResult too large or too smallResource temporarily unavailableOperation now in progressOperation already in progressSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol option not availableProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supportedProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocol familyAddress already in useCan't assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerNo buffer space availableSocket is already connectedSocket is not connectedCan't send after socket shutdownToo many references: can't spliceOperation timed outConnection refusedToo many levels of symbolic linksFile name too longHost is downNo route to hostDirectory not emptyToo many processesToo many usersDisc quota exceededStale NFS file handleToo many levels of remote in pathRPC struct is badRPC version wrongRPC prog. not availProgram version wrongBad procedure for programNo locks availableFunction not implementedInappropriate file type or formatAuthentication errorNeed authenticatorIdentifier removedNo message of desired typeValue too large to be stored in data typeIllegal byte sequenceNot supportedOperation canceledBad or Corrupt messageNo message availableNo STREAM resourcesNot a STREAMSTREAM ioctl timeoutAttribute not foundMultihop attemptedLink has been severedProtocol errorPrevious owner diedState not recoverableloadedallocated%s: not ELF file (too short)%s: read error: %sELF%s: not ELF file (magic number bad)%s: invalid ELF class %x; expected %x%s: unsupported file version%s: unsupported file type%s: unsupported machineehdr->e_phentsize == sizeof(Elf_Phdr)/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/libexec/ld.elf_so/map_object.cehdr->e_phoff + ehdr->e_phnum * sizeof(Elf_Phdr) <= _rtld_pagesz%s: PT_INTERP %pPT_LOAD%s: %s %p phsize %luPT_PHDRPT_DYNAMICPT_TLS%s: not dynamically linked%s: wrong number of segments (%d != 2)%s: cannot allocate program header%s: phdr %p phsize %zu (%s)mmap of entire address space failed: %smmap of executable at correct address failedmmap of data failed: %smmap of bss failed: %smprotect of text -> data gap failed: %sņCannot open "%s"Cannot fstat "%s"refusing to load non-loadable "%s"Cannot dlopen non-loadable %s %p .. %p: %s WARNING: %s has impure textadding %p (%s) to _rtld_list_mainadding %p (%s) to _rtld_list_globalload by name %s %p/etc/ld.so.conf: invalid/unknown sysctl for %s (%d)%luunsupported sysctl type %dsysctl returns %sentry %ldcould not load %s for %sobj %s nodeletesysctl value %s not found for lib%s : preloaded "%s" Trying "%s"absolute pathname required for shared object "%s" Searching for "%s" (%p)%s: Shared object "%s" not foundheaders: digesting PT_DYNAMIC at %p d_tag %ld at %pdynp->d_un.d_val == sizeof(Elf_Rel)/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/libexec/ld.elf_so/headers.cdynp->d_un.d_val == sizeof(Elf_Rela)use_pltrel || use_pltreladynp->d_un.d_val == sizeof(Elf_Sym)found GNU Hash: buckets=%p nbuckets=%u chains=%p nchains=%lu bloom=%p mask_bm=%u shift2=%u symndx=%uheaders: DT_INIT_ARRAY at %pheaders: DT_INIT_ARRAYZ %zuheaders: DT_FINI_ARRAY at %pheaders: DT_FINI_ARRAYZ %zuheaders: phdr %p (%p) phsize %zu relocbase %pPT_INTERPheaders: %s %p phsize %luPT_GNU_RELROҰ°xnܯ0 R6>rrrrrrrrrrܱ added path "%s" #read: %sfstat: %smmap: %s processing mapping "%.*s" library "%.*s"missing sysctl variable name sysctl "%.*s" ptr = %.*smaximum library entries exceeded `%s'missing sysctl variable value for `%s'missing sysctl library list for `%s'No library map entries for `%s/%.*s' key "%.*s"No library entries for `%s'./ HWCAPISALISTORIGINOSNAMEOSRELPLATFORMexecname not specified in AUX vectorbad execname `%s' in AUX vectorsysctltcb %pobj %p dtv %p tlsoffset %zu_rtld_tls_static_space %zuModule for TLS index %zu missing%s: Use of initialized Thread Local Storage with model initial-exec and dlopen is not supported%s: No space available for static Thread Local Storagename: %s, entry->name: %sobj->path: %s%s: Unsupported version %d of Elf_Verneed entryverneed: vn_file: %d, str: %sneeded: name: %s, str: %s%s: Unexpected inconsistency: dependency %s not founddepobj != NULL/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/libexec/ld.elf_so/symver.c%s: version %s required by %s not defined%s: Unsupported version %d of Elf_Verdef entryhash: 0x%x, vd_hash: 0x%xvername: %s, str: %s%s: version %s required by %s not foundmaxvertab: %dverdef: vn_ndx: 0x%xvernum <= maxvertabverneed: vernum: %d, hash: 0x%x, name: %s, file: %s, flags: 0x%xverdef: vernum: %d, hash: 0x%x, name: %szP%s: %s stack overflow detected; terminatedbuffer overflow detected; terminatedQ(unsigned long)dst >= (unsigned long)dst0/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/lib/libc/../../common/lib/libc/string/bcopy.c(unsigned long)src >= (unsigned long)src0memcpydst != NULL/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/lib/libc/../../common/lib/libc/string/strlcpy.csrc != NULL_strlcpystringp != NULL/home/nick/netbsd/nick-aarch64/src/lib/libc/../../common/lib/libc/string/strsep.cdelim != NULL_strsepBBBBB@(((((((((((((((          ((((((((((((((((( ((((( AAAAAABBBBBB /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbinA value for the PATH environment variable that finds all the standard utilitiesThe maximum ibase/obase values in the bc(1) utilityThe maximum array size in the bc(1) utilityThe maximum scale value in the bc(1) utilityThe maximum string length in the bc(1) utilityThe maximum number of weights that can be assigned to any entry of the LC_COLLATE order keyword in the locale definition fileThe maximum number of expressions that can be nested within parenthesis by the expr(1) utilityThe maximum length in bytes of a text-processing utility's input lineThe maximum number of repeated occurrences of a regular expression permitted when using interval notationThe version of POSIX 1003.2 with which the system attempts to complyWhether the system's C-language development facilities support the C-Language Bindings OptionWhether the system supports the C-Language Development Utilities OptionWhether the system supports at least one terminal type capable of all operations described in POSIX 1003.2Whether the system supports the FORTRAN Development Utilities OptionWhether the system supports the FORTRAN Runtime Utilities OptionWhether the system supports the creation of localesWhether the system supports the Software Development Utilities OptionWhether the system supports the User Portability Utilities OptionThe minimum maximum number of streams that a process may have open at any one timeThe minimum maximum number of types supported for the name of a timezoneThe maximum number of functions that may be registered with atexit(3);<6T66079<~:t;==?CTED^EXFG0GGH,xH@HTILL DMP bN O P @^XpB\P8tRj|@0t:zR| 01B0LNR BBBB VBBBL2H`2~F0L  R BBBBBBB FB0 P@2BDZ  BBBBBBBBBBBBBB 44F@DN hBBBBBBD085nH@BNT  BBBDBB Tl<6(BD\  BBBBBBBBBBBBBB  76FZ  BBBBBBBBBBBBBD F BBBBBBBBBBBBBD BBBBBBBBBBBBBBPh9BFZ 2 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB H H=B`V N BBBBBBBBBBBB hR?|N?"BB4X?BPFB B PBBBBBB ?@B`FZPJB?Z0@"P>@B@P  BBBBBBBBD ` BBBBBBBBB HlABFB L 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