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A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O 2x0x0w !     $$$0$$!A ,iNet\0u-boot*EHCI Host Controller  nand_transfer_oobnand_fill_oobnand_scan_tailallocate_instancecomposite_unbindeth_get_dev_by_namefdt_fixup_memory_bankscreate_bbtnand_select_chipverify_bbt_descromap2430_musb_enabledevice_probedev_get_platdatadev_get_privdev_get_uclass_privdo_fastbootomap_uhh_resetomap24_i2c_setspeedmmc_initmcs7830_basic_resetmcs7830_recv_common_ehci_create_int_queuerx_submitalloc_requestseth_bind_usb_eth_initusb_eth_recvmmc_init_streamomap_hsmmc_init_setupmmc_reset_controller_fsmomap_hsmmc_send_cmdmmc_read_datammc_write_dataomap_hsmmc_set_iosmusb_g_ep0_irqg_dnl_registerdo_bootvx_fdtset_default_envenv_importenv_exportext4fs_devreadext4fs_log_journalext4fs_put_metadatado_env_exportdo_env_importpart_print_efiefi_load_pepart_get_info_efifdt_find_or_add_subnodealloc_double_indirect_blockis_gpt_validalloc_read_gpt_entriesis_pte_validcb_getvarrx_handler_commanddevice_removeraw_accessError : I2C initializing first phase clock Error : I2C initializing clock drivers/mtd/mtdcore.cU-Boot BUG at %s:%d! (((((AAAAAABBBBBB## Error: illegal character '='in variable name "%s" ## Can't malloc %d bytes ## Error inserting "%s" variable, errno=%d %-*s- %s Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' without arguments for list of all known commands %s: xfers requiring several transactions are not supported. Timeout destroying interrupt endpoint queue %s: unlock failed, writes may not work ANDROID!Android's image name: %s Kernel load addr 0x%08x size %u KiB Kernel command line: %s Error: malloc in android_image_get_kernel failed! RAM disk load addr 0x%08x size %u KiB %skernel size: %x %skernel address: %x %sramdisk size: %x %sramdisk addrress: %x %ssecond size: %x %ssecond address: %x %stags address: %x %spage size: %x %sos_version: %x (ver: %u.%u.%u, level: %u.%u) %sname: %s %scmdline: %s DRAM: bad length %d < %d ## Warning: gatewayip needed but not set ARP Retry count exceeded; starting again asxWaiting for Ethernet connection... done. unable to connect. Hit any key to stop autoboot: %2d  0%2d *?[\Resetting CPU ... Unknown operator '%s' ** Bad device specification %s %s ** ** Bad HW partition specification %s %s ** ** Bad device %s %s ** ** No device specified ** auto** Bad partition specification %s %s ** ** Bad device size - %s %s ** ** No partition table - %s %s ** Whole Disk** Invalid partition %d ** ** No valid partitions found ** ** Invalid partition type "%.32s" (expect "U-Boot") nand: error: Unable to find NAND settings in GPMC Configuration - quitting reserving fdt memory region: addr=%llx size=%llx ## Flattened Device Tree from Legacy Image at %08lx fdt header checksum invalidfdt checksum invaliduImage is not a fdtuImage is compresseduImage data is not a fdtfdt overwritten## Flattened Device Tree blob at %08lx ERROR: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree Booting using the fdt blob at %#08lx ## Flattened Device Tree from multi component Image at %08lX Booting using the fdt at 0x%p fdt size != image sizeloadablesThe given image format is not supported (corrupt?) ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at %08lx ... No Linux %s Ramdisk Image Wrong Ramdisk Image Format ## Loading init Ramdisk from multi component Legacy Image at %08lx ... (fake run for tracing)machidUsing machid 0x%lx from environment Starting kernel ...%s FDT creation failed! hanging.../memory## WARNING: fixup memory failed! initrd_highramdisk - allocation error Loading Ramdisk to %08lx, end %08lx ... image is not a fdtfdt_highFailed using fdt_high value for Device Treedevice tree - allocation error Using Device Tree in place at %p, end %p Loading Device Tree to %p, end %p ... fdt move failedbootdelayXIPLoading %s %s ... Uncompressing %s ... Image too large: increase CONFIG_SYS_BOOTM_LEN %s: uncompress error %d Must RESET board to recover Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid Could not find a valid device tree Loadable(s) is corrupt or invalid autostartyesAutomatic boot of image at addr 0x%08lX ... bootpretryperiodBOOTP broadcast %d Retry time exceeded; starting again md5OKAYStarting download of %d bytes FAILdata invalid sizeFAILdata too largeDATA%08xERROR: missing variable at %s:%d/%s() FAILmissing var0.4bootloader-versionU-Boot 2017.07downloadsize0x%08xmax-download-sizeserialnoFAILValue not setfastboot.FAILmalloc errorfastboot.%sWARNING: unknown variable: %s FAILVariable not implementedunlockFAILnot implementedFAILunknown oem commandreboot-bootloaderFAILCannot set reboot flagCACHE: Misaligned operation at range [%08lx, %08lx] %s: %s: error: gpio %s%d not reserved mSDRLPDDR%s + %s/%s %*s Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' 'bootd' recursion detected Command '%s' failed: Error %d %s - %s Usage: %s - No additional help available. Loading from %s device %d, partition %d: Name: %.32s Type: %.32s ** Read error on %d:%d ** Bad Header Checksum ** No closing ']' bracketNo closing bracketUnbalanced brackets|.^$*+?()[\drivers/usb/gadget/composite.cy Y yes YES %.*s%s%d,%dbootcmd=run findfdt; run distro_bootcmd; mmc dev ${mmcdev}; if mmc rescan; then if run userbutton; then setenv bootenv uEnv.txt;else setenv bootenv user.txt;fi;echo SD/MMC found on device ${mmcdev};if run loadbootenv; then echo Loaded environment from ${bootenv};run importbootenv;fi;if test -n $uenvcmd; then echo Running uenvcmd ...;run uenvcmd;fi;if run loadbootscript; then run bootscript; else if run loadimage; then run mmcboot;fi;fi; fi;run nandboot;setenv bootfile zImage;if run loadimage; then run loadfdt;run mmcbootz; fi; bootdelay=2baudrate=115200arch=armcpu=armv7board=beagleboard_name=beaglevendor=tisoc=omap3loadaddr=0x80200000kernel_addr_r=0x80200000rdaddr=0x81000000initrd_addr_r=0x81000000fdt_high=0xfffffffffdtaddr=0x80f80000fdt_addr_r=0x80f80000usbtty=cdc_acmbootfile=uImageramdisk=ramdisk.gzbootdir=/bootbootpart=0:2console=ttyO2,115200n8mpurate=autobuddy=noneoptargs=camera=nonevram=12Mdvimode=640x480MR-16@60defaultdisplay=dvimmcdev=0mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rwmmcrootfstype=ext3 rootwaitnandroot=ubi0:rootfs ubi.mtd=4nandrootfstype=ubifsramroot=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=65536 initrd=0x81000000,64Mramrootfstype=ext2mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} ${optargs} mpurate=${mpurate} buddy=${buddy} camera=${camera} vram=${vram} omapfb.mode=dvi:${dvimode} omapdss.def_disp=${defaultdisplay} root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype}nandargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} ${optargs} mpurate=${mpurate} buddy=${buddy} camera=${camera} vram=${vram} omapfb.mode=dvi:${dvimode} omapdss.def_disp=${defaultdisplay} root=${nandroot} rootfstype=${nandrootfstype}findfdt=if test $beaglerev = AxBx; then setenv fdtfile omap3-beagle.dtb; fi; if test $beaglerev = Cx; then setenv fdtfile omap3-beagle.dtb; fi; if test $beaglerev = C4; then setenv fdtfile omap3-beagle.dtb; fi; if test $beaglerev = xMAB; then setenv fdtfile omap3-beagle-xm-ab.dtb; fi; if test $beaglerev = xMC; then setenv fdtfile omap3-beagle-xm.dtb; fi; if test $fdtfile = undefined; then echo WARNING: Could not determine device tree to use; fi; validatefdt=if test $beaglerev = xMAB; then if test ! -e mmc ${bootpart} ${bootdir}/${fdtfile}; then setenv fdtfile omap3-beagle-xm.dtb; fi; fi; bootenv=uEnv.txtloadbootenv=fatload mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootenv}importbootenv=echo Importing environment from mmc ...; env import -t -r $loadaddr $filesizeramargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} ${optargs} mpurate=${mpurate} buddy=${buddy} vram=${vram} omapfb.mode=dvi:${dvimode} omapdss.def_disp=${defaultdisplay} root=${ramroot} rootfstype=${ramrootfstype}loadramdisk=load mmc ${bootpart} ${rdaddr} ${bootdir}/${ramdisk}loadimage=load mmc ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} ${bootdir}/${bootfile}loadbootscript=load mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} boot.scrbootscript=echo Running bootscript from mmc${mmcdev} ...; source ${loadaddr}loadfdt=run validatefdt; load mmc ${bootpart} ${fdtaddr} ${bootdir}/${fdtfile}mmcboot=echo Booting from mmc ...; run mmcargs; bootm ${loadaddr}mmcbootz=echo Booting with DT from mmc${mmcdev} ...; run mmcargs; bootz ${loadaddr} - ${fdtaddr}nandboot=echo Booting from nand ...; run nandargs; nand read ${loadaddr} 280000 400000; bootm ${loadaddr}ramboot=echo Booting from ramdisk ...; run ramargs; bootm ${loadaddr}userbutton=if gpio input 173; then run userbutton_xm; else run userbutton_nonxm; fi;userbutton_xm=gpio input 4;userbutton_nonxm=gpio input 7;mmc_boot=if mmc dev ${devnum}; then setenv devtype mmc; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fiboot_net_usb_start=usb startusb_boot=usb start; if usb dev ${devnum}; then setenv devtype usb; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fiboot_efi_binary=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${kernel_addr_r} efi/boot/bootarm.efi; if fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; then bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdt_addr_r};else bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdtcontroladdr};fiload_efi_dtb=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${fdt_addr_r} ${prefix}${efi_fdtfile}efi_dtb_prefixes=/ /dtb/ /dtb/current/scan_dev_for_efi=setenv efi_fdtfile ${fdtfile}; if test -z "${fdtfile}" -a -n "${soc}"; then setenv efi_fdtfile ${soc}-${board}${boardver}.dtb; fi; for prefix in ${efi_dtb_prefixes}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${efi_fdtfile}; then run load_efi_dtb; fi;done;if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} efi/boot/bootarm.efi; then echo Found EFI removable media binary efi/boot/bootarm.efi; run boot_efi_binary; echo EFI LOAD FAILED: continuing...; fi; setenv efi_fdtfileboot_prefixes=/ /boot/boot_scripts=boot.scr.uimg boot.scrboot_script_dhcp=boot.scr.uimgboot_targets=mmc0 boot_extlinux=sysboot ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} any ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}extlinux/extlinux.confscan_dev_for_extlinux=if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}extlinux/extlinux.conf; then echo Found ${prefix}extlinux/extlinux.conf; run boot_extlinux; echo SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...; fiboot_a_script=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}${script}; source ${scriptaddr}scan_dev_for_scripts=for script in ${boot_scripts}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${script}; then echo Found U-Boot script ${prefix}${script}; run boot_a_script; echo SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...; fi; donescan_dev_for_boot=echo Scanning ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart}...; for prefix in ${boot_prefixes}; do run scan_dev_for_extlinux; run scan_dev_for_scripts; done;run scan_dev_for_efi;scan_dev_for_boot_part=part list ${devtype} ${devnum} -bootable devplist; env exists devplist || setenv devplist 1; for distro_bootpart in ${devplist}; do if fstype ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} bootfstype; then run scan_dev_for_boot; fi; donebootcmd_mmc0=setenv devnum 0; run mmc_bootdistro_bootcmd=for target in ${boot_targets}; do run bootcmd_${target}; done%s: null device (%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s Vendor: %s Rev: %s Prod: %s device type DOC device type unknown Unhandled device type: %i Type: Removable Hard DiskCD ROMOptical DeviceTape# %02X # Capacity: %lu.%lu MB = %lu.%lu GB (%lu x %lu) Capacity: not available unbind() method failed on dev '%s' on error path Failed to unbind dev '%s' on error path invalid mtd device '%.*s' partition size too small (%llx) no closing ) found in partition name empty partition name no partitions allowed after a fill-up partition unexpected character '%c' at the end of partition out of memory 0x%08llx@0x%08llxno partitions for device %s%d (%s) unexpected character '%c' at the end of device %s: Device '%s' failed to remove on error path %s: Device '%s' failed child_post_remove()%s: Device '%s' failed to remove, but children are gone %s: Device '%s' failed to post_probe on error path U-Boot.armv7bootp_archInvalid pxeuuid: %s bootp_vciDHCP client bound to address %pI4 (%lu ms) DHCP: INVALID STATE Host Name*** WARNING: %s is too long (%d - max: %d) - truncated Root Path*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: %d 0123456789ABCDEFEHCI failed: timeout when disabling periodic list %s Class Probed Name uclass %d: %s - %c %s @ %08lx, seq %d, (req %d)get_valueset_valueVirtual root driver already exists! Virtual root driver does not exist! Some drivers were not found (not set)arch_numberboot_paramsDRAM bank-> start-> sizeeth%dname = %s eth%iaddr%-12s= %s fdt_blob = %p current eth = %s ipaddrip_addr = %s baudrate = %u bps TLB addrrelocaddrreloc offirq_spsp start Early malloc usage: %lx / %x bootcmd## Starting EFI application at %08lx ... ## Application terminated, r = %d ERROR: Failed to reserve space for FDT ERROR: Failed to process device tree WARNING: Invalid device tree, expect boot to fail ## Starting application at 0x%08lx ... ## Application terminated, rc = 0x%lx Trying to execute a command out of order ## Transferring control to NetBSD stage-2 loader (at address %08lx) ... Booting kernel.. 0x%lxconfaddr## Transferring control to Plan 9 (at address %08lx) ... ## Transferring control to RTEMS (at address %08lx) ... ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at %08lx ... Unsupported Architecture 0x%x ## Booting Android Image at 0x%08lx ... Wrong Image Format for %s command ERROR: can't get kernel image! Can't get image type! Can't get image compression! Can't get image OS! Can't get image ARCH! Can't get image load address! ERROR: unknown image format type! Could not find a valid setup.bin for x86 Can't get entry point property! Could not find kernel entry point! WARNING: legacy format multi component image overwritten ERROR: new format image overwritten - must RESET the board to recover initrd_startinitrd_endERROR: booting os '%s' (%d) is not supported subcommand not supported tftpAutomatic boot of VxWorks image at address 0x%08lx ... ## Ethernet MAC address not copied to NV RAM bootaddr## VxWorks bootline address not specified bootdev## VxWorks boot device not specified bootfilehost:%s host:vxWorks e=%snetmask:%08x serveriph=%s gatewayipg=%s hostnametn=%s othbootargs## Using bootline (@ 0x%lx): %s ## Not an ELF image, assuming binary ## Starting vxWorks at 0x%08lx ... ## vxWorks terminated /chosen## ERROR: %s : %s ## Starting vxWorks at 0x%08lx, device tree at 0x%08lx ... no partition id specified partition changed to %s%d,%d List of available devices: %-8s %08x %c%c data abort Data (writethrough) Cache is %s \cPlease enter '%s': ## Resetting to default environment edit: ERROR: Cannot export environment: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() %zX## Warning: defaulting to text format ## Error: external checksum format must pass size ## Info: input data size = %zu = 0x%zX ## Error: bad CRC, import failed cmd/nvedit.cERROR: Environment import failed: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() ## %s: only one of "-b", "-c" or "-t" allowed ## Warning: Input data exceeds %d bytes - truncated Environment size: %d/%ld bytes ## Error: "%s" not defined Saving Environment to %s... cmd/fastboot.cERROR: USB init failed: %d at %s:%d/%s() usb_dnl_fastboot USB cable not detected. Command exit. usage: fatinfo [] ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatinfo ** ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatwrite ** ** Unable to write "%s" from %s %d:%d ** %llu bytes written Error: FAT sector size mismatch (fs=%hu, dev=%lu) %s%c %8u %s%c %d file(s), %d dir(s) Error reading cluster Error: reading directory block Error: %llu overflow Error: clearing FAT entries Error: finding empty cluster Error: writing contents Error: flush fat buffer Error: writing directory entry /* NULL pointer error */The address of the fdt is %#08lx New length %d < existing length %d, ignoring. libfdt fdt_open_into(): %s No FDT memory address configured. Please configure the FDT address via "fdt addr
" command. Aborting! moNew length 0x%X < existing length 0x%X, aborting. mklibfdt fdt_path_offset() returned %s libfdt fdt_add_subnode(): %s prop (%d) doesn't fit in scratchpad! Sorry, I could not convert "%s" Unexpected character '%c' libfdt fdt_setprop(): %s libfdt node not found 0x%08Xerror: unprintable value 0x%plibfdt fdt_getprop(): %s %s%s { Nested too deep, aborting. %s}; %s%s; %s%s = %s/* NOP */ Unknown tag 0x%08X libfdt fdt_delprop(): %s libfdt fdt_del_node(): %s magic: 0x%x totalsize: 0x%x (%d) off_dt_struct: 0x%x off_dt_strings: 0x%x off_mem_rsvmap: 0x%x version: %d last_comp_version: %d boot_cpuid_phys: 0x%x size_dt_strings: 0x%x size_dt_struct: 0x%x number mem_rsv: 0x%x boorsindex start size ------------------------------------------------ libfdt fdt_get_mem_rsv(): %s %x %08x%08x %08x%08x libfdt fdt_add_mem_rsv(): %s libfdt fdt_del_mem_rsv(): %s fast interrupt request Unable to update property %s:%s, err=%s ## Starting application at 0x%08lX ... ## Application terminated, rc = 0x%lX GPIO: '%s' not found cmd_gpiogpio: requesting pin %u failed gpio: pin %s (gpio %i) value is unknown (ret=%d) Warning: no access to GPIO output value Warning: value of pin is still %d Current bus is %d Invalid bus %d Setting bus to %d Failure changing bus number (%d) Current bus speed=%d Setting bus speed to %d Hz Failure changing bus speed (%d) CRC32 for %08lx ... %08lx ==> readingError %s the chip: %d %04x: %02xValid chip addresses: %02XExcluded chip addresses:Bus %d: %s-sOFFInstruction Cache is %s ## Copying part %d from legacy image at %08lx ... Wrong Image Type for %s command Must specify load address for %s command with compressed image Bad Image Part ## Copying '%s' subimage from FIT image at %08lx ... Could not find script subimage compression type Invalid image type for imxtract Loading part %d ... Uncompressing part %d ... GUNZIP ERROR - image not loaded Unimplemented compression type %d fileaddrInvalid data width specifier ** No boot file defined ** %llu bytes read in %lu ms (loads_echo## Ready for S-Record download ... ## S-Record download aborted ## Start Addr = 0x%08lX loadaddr## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ENTER ... loady## Ready for binary (ymodem) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... loadx## Ready for binary (xmodem) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Binary (kermit) download aborted ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ESC ... Base Address: 0x%08lx double wordbytehalfword%s at 0x%08lx (%#0*lx) != %s at 0x%08lx (%#0*lx) Total of %ld %s(s) were the same Zero length ??? FDXHDX10010IEEE 802.3IEEE 802.9 ISLAN-16T???Incorrect PHY address. Range should be 0-31 PHY 0x%02X: OUI = 0x%04X, Model = 0x%02X, Rev = 0x%02X, %3dbase%s, %s Error reading from the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x addr=%02x reg=%02x data=%04X Error writing to the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x Error reading from the PHY addr=%02xError writing to the PHYduThe MII dump command only formats the standard MII registers, 0-5. %u. (%04hx) -- %s -- fullhalf (%04hx:%04x) %u.%2u,%2u = b%u%u speed selection = %s Mbps%2u = %5u duplex = %s%2u-%2u = %5u selector = %s%2u-%2u = %u selector = %s%2u %2u-%2u = %5u %sOKERROR#part_num shouldn't be larger than %d switch to partitions #%d, %s mmc%d is current device mmc%d(part %d) is current device MMC erase: dev # %d, block # %d, count %d ... Error: card is write protected! %d blocks erased: %s ENH userenhwrrelgpPartition configuration: User Enhanced Start: User Enhanced Size: No enhanced user data area User partition write reliability: %s GP%i Capacity: No GP%i partition GP%i write reliability: %s Partitioning successful, power-cycle to make effective Failed! get mmc type error! MMC read: dev # %d, block # %d, count %d ... %d blocks read: %s OK, force rescanset dsr %s MMC write: dev # %d, block # %d, count %d ... %d blocks written: %s YesNo DDR ENHDevice: %s Manufacturer ID: %x OEM: %x Name: %c%c%c%c%c Tran Speed: %d Rd Block Len: %d %s version %d.%dHigh Capacity: %s Bus Width: %d-bit%s Erase Group Size: HC WP Group Size: User Capacity: WRREL Boot Capacity: RPMB Capacity: No MMC device available delall device %s%d <%s>, # parts = %d #: name size offset mask_flags %2d: %-20s0x%08llx 0x%08llx %d no partitions defined active partition: %s%d,%d - (%s) 0x%08llx @ 0x%08llx could not get current partition info defaults: mtdids : %s mtdparts: addno such device %s defined in mtdids variable too long partition description %s:%s(%s)%sgenerated mtdparts too long, resetting to null delcurrent partition deleted, resetting current to 0 partition %s not found quietdump no devices available Device %d bad blocks: %08llx scrubclean-y.spread.part.chip NAND %s: Warning: scrub option will erase all factory set bad blocks! There is no reliable way to recover them. Use this command only for testing purposes if you are sure of what you are doing! Really scrub this NAND flash? scrub aborted .oobNo memory for page buffer Error (%d) reading page %08lx Page %08lx dump: OOB: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x .raw.raw.noverify'%s' is not a number Size exceeds partition or device limit size adjusted to 0x%llx (%d bad blocks) %s: error at offset %llx, ret %d Unknown nand command suffix '%s'. %zu bytes %s: %s markbadblock 0x%08lx NOT marked as bad! ERROR %d block 0x%08lx successfully marked as bad biterrNot a NAND device bootdevice ** No boot device ** ** Device %d not available not used -bootableUnknown option %s %s%xping failed; host %s is not alive host %s is alive prefetch abort Invalid pxefile address: %s Error parsing config file pxefile_addr_rpxeuuidConfig file found Config file not found resetting ... %llu bytes written in %lu msgsubinvalid op ** Abort software interrupt ## Executing script at %08lx Hex conversion error on %c Invalid bitlen %d Invalid device %d:%d Error %d during SPI transaction do_bootmERROR prep subcommand failed! Argument image is now in RAM: 0x%p Argument image is now in RAM at: 0x%p Subcommand failed hwbch8bch16hammingswUsage: nandecc %s -pext2fatanyInvalid filesystem: %s Error reading config file undefined instruction starting USB... resetting USB... stopstopping USB.. USB is stopped. Please issue 'usb start' first. USB device tree: infconfig for device %d *** No device available *** Device %d does not exist. Device is no hub or does not have %d ports. Setting Test_J modeSetting Test_K modeSetting Test_SE0_NAK modeSetting Test_Packet modeSetting Test_Force_Enable modeUnrecognized test mode: %s Available modes: J, K, S[E0_NAK], P[acket], F[orce_Enable] on downstream facing port %d... on upstream facing port... Error during SET_FEATURE. Test mode successfully set. Use 'usb start' to return to normal operation. stor no USB devices available no current device selected USB read: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... %ld blocks read: %s USB write: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... %ld blocks write: %s USB device %d: unknown device Device %d: usb %s arm-none-eabi-gcc (Fedora 7.1.0-2.fc26) 7.1.0 GNU ld (Fedora 2.28-1.fc26) 2.28 Ethernet Gadget![NYd9ir;[?25%c[%d;%dfScanning disks on %s... %s:%dFound %d disks w/.LVIC!nW ?m9ir;1?ir;%s: Invalid DOS Signature %s: Invalid NT Signature %s: Could not allocate %ld bytes %s: Invalid optional header magic %x Unknown Relocation off %x type %x 2%-'?M(-'?MU-Boot EFI: Relocation at %p is out of range (%lx) %s:1NetWARNING: Truncating timer from %llx to %x EHCI failed to shut down host controller. unable to allocate TDs unable to construct SETUP TD unable to construct DATA TD EHCI fail timeout STS_ASS set EHCI timed out on TD - token=%#x EHCI fail timeout STS_ASS reset out of buffer pointers (%zu bytes left) RE is too long (code overflow)EHCI failed: timeout when enabling periodic list .callbacks.flags## Warning: Unknown environment variable access method '%c' ## Warning: Unknown environment variable type '%c' ## Error: flags type check failure for "%s" <= "%s" (type: %c) ## Error: Can't delete "%s" ## Error: Can't overwrite "%s" oldval: %s defval: %s ## Error: Can't create "%s" arocsdxbim!bad CRCERROR: Cannot import environment: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() !import failed## Error: cannot export environment !readenv() failed ERROR: controller '%s' not recognized at %s:%d/%s() ERROR: can't autoconfigure on %s at %s:%d/%s() %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02Xusing %s, OUT %s IN %s%s%s MAC %pM ERROR: %s failed, status = %d at %s:%d/%s() ethactethrotatenet/eth_legacy.c%s%daddr%saddrBoard Net Initialization Failed CPU Net Initialization Failed Net Initialization Skipped ethprime [PRIME] Warning: eth device name has a space! eth%dmacskipethmacskip%pMERROR: can't alloc requests at %s:%d/%s() %s speed config #%d: %d mA, %s, using %s CDC Ethernet Warning: %s MAC addresses don't match: Address in SROM is %pM Address in environment is %pM Error: %s address not set. Error: %s address %pM illegal value Warning: %s failed to set MAC address ** File not found %s ** ** Cannot support non-zero offset ** ** Error ext4fs_write() ** no block left to assign No Memory %s: Device read error! no block left assign no block left Recovery required File System is consistent ** Invalid Block Device Descriptor (NULL) %s read outside partition %lu ** ext2fs_devread() read error ** ** %s read error - block * %s read error - last part file found, deleting Error in ext4fs_log_gdt Please supply Absolute path Invalid path It is a Directory Error in getting the block group descriptor table Failed to iterate over directory %s < ? > %10u %s Invalid input arguments %s ** Can not find directory. ** Failed to mount ext2 filesystem... buffer ptr is NULL _get_node: malloc failed update journal finished Block full, trying previous All blocks full: Allocate new Directory uses extents Directory exceeds limit no inode left to assign error in File System init hash tree directory No memory Not enough space on partition !!! Error in copying content f_fastbootstatus: %d ep '%s' trans: %d Android Fastbootfailed to enable out ep failed to alloc out req failed to enable in ep failed alloc req in Error %d on queue ** Unable to read file %s ** USetting reboot to fastboot flag ... dofastboot#address-cellsfdt_chosen: %s WARNING: could not set bootargs %s. ERROR: - must RESET the board to recover. %s: %s: %s /aliasesetherneteth%daddrlocal-mac-address%s: num banks %d exceeds hardcoded limit %d. Recompile with higher MEMORY_BANKS_MAX? device_typeWARNING: could not set %s %s. regfdt_initrd: %s linux,initrd-startWARNING: could not set linux,initrd-start %s. WARNING: could not set linux,initrd-end %s. linux,initrd-endfdt_root: %s serial#serial-numberWARNING: could not set serial-number %s. #size-cellsThe address of the fdt is invalid (NULL). libfdt fdt_check_header(): %s - too old, fdt %d < %d - too new, fdt %d > %dNo current device Interface: Device %d: No valid FAT fs found Filesystem: %s "%s" reading %s Error: non zero offset is currently not supported. writing %s no partition number specified unexpected trailing character '%c' no such device %s%d no such partition MMC Device %d not found Can't find images parent node '%s' (%s) ## Checking hash(es) for FIT Image at %08lx ... Hash(es) for Image %u (%s): /configurationscompatible%s Kernel: %s Init Ramdisk: %s %s FDT: %s %s FPGA: %s %s Loadables: %s descriptionUnsupported %s address size dataentry/imagesalgo## Loading %s from FIT Image at %08lx ... Bad FIT %s image format! Could not find configuration node Using '%s' configuration Could not find subimage node Trying '%s' %s subimage Verifying Hash Integrity ... Unsupported Architecture FDT image is compressedNo %s %s %s Image Could not find %s subimage data! Subimage data is not a FDTCan't get %s subimage load address! Error: %s overwritten Loading %s from 0x%08lx to 0x%08lx %s Description: %s Type: %s %s Compression: %s %s Data Start: %s Data Size: %s Architecture: %s %s OS: %s %s Load Address: %s Entry Point: hashHashsignatureSign%s %s algo: invalid/unsupported key-name-hintrequired (required)%s %s value: unavailable Can't get image data/sizeCorrupted or truncated treeCan't get hash algo propertyBad hash valueBad hash value lenUnsupported hash algorithmCan't get hash value propertyuboot-ignore-skipped + error! %s for '%s' hash node in '%s' image node %sFIT description: %s Image %u (%s) %s Default Configuration: '%s' %s Configuration %u (%s) error: wrinting directory entry 01-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02xmissing environment variable: %s ** Unrecognized filesystem type ** ** %s shorter than offset + len ** ** Unable to write file %s ** usb_dnloadmusb-hdrc%s: failed!, error: %d mtdparts=Unknown ArchitectureUnknown CompressionUnknown OSUnknown Image%d Bytes = rev0rev1rev2Error: unable to acquire board revision GPIOs FAT: Misaligned buffer address (%p) unable to get device descriptor (error=%d) USB device descriptor short read (expected %i, got %i) Error: Invalid FAT entry: 0x%08x toggleblink%u%s%dDevice %s not found! pxelinux.cfg/path (%s%s) too long, skipping pxelinux.cfg/%sbootfile_path too small. (%zd < %zd) Base path too long (%s%s) Retrieving file: %s Invalid FAT entry bootm_lowbootm_mapsizebootm_sizeenv_buf [%d bytes] too small for value of "%s" mtdpartsdir_inputdir_outputBank %s: %s%d: %s: %d [%c]%s%sError: Bad gzipped data Error: gunzip out of data in header Expected include path: %.*s Couldn't retrieve %s Missing default: %s ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### Unknown hash algorithm '%s' HASH_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE exceeded %s for %08lx ... %08lx ==> 0123456789abcdefEnv export buffer too small: %lu, but need %lu himport_r: can't insert "%s=%s" into hash table WARNING: '%s' neither in running nor in imported env! WARNING: '%s' not in imported env, deleting it! Error, wrong i2c adapter %d max %d possible ## Checking Image at %08lx ... Legacy image found Bad Magic Number Bad Header Checksum Verifying Checksum ... Bad Data CRC OK Android image found FIT image found Bad FIT image format! Bad hash in FIT image! Unknown image format! %sImage Name: %.*s %sImage Type: %s %s %s (%s) %sData Size: %sLoad Address: %08x %sEntry Point: %08x %sContents: %s Image %d: %s Offset = 0x%08lx HAB Blocks: 0x%08x 0x0000 0x%08x ERROR: root node setup failed ERROR: /chosen node create failed ERROR: arch-specific fdt fixup failed - must RESET the board to recover. mtddevnummtddevnameincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setincorrect data checkincorrect length checkinvalid distance too far backinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length codebaudrateI2C: no mmc device at slot %x ep%d%sinitcall sequence %p failed at call %p (err=%d) MMC: NAND: %lu MiB Net: %s=%s%d.%d.%d.%d%s: Invalid Argument(s) *** ERROR: Can't read GPT header *** %s: ERROR: Can't allocate %#lX bytes for GPT Entries *** ERROR: Can't read GPT Entries *** GPT: Failed to allocate memory for PTE .dtb./localcmdNo kernel given, skipping %s ramdisk_addr_rSkipping %s for failure retrieving initrd kernel_addr_rSkipping %s for failure retrieving kernel ip=%s:%s:%s:%s BOOTIF=bootarg overflow %zd+%zd+%zd+1 > %zd append: %s fdt_addr_rfdtfilesocmalloc fail (FDT filename) %s%s%s%s%s%sSkipping %s for failure retrieving fdt fdt_addr%s: %s list passed to list_sort() too long for efficiency No match for driver '%s' ERROR: Failed to allocate 0x%lx bytes below 0x%lx. ## First Load Addr = 0x%08lX ## Last Load Addr = 0x%08lX ## Total Size = 0x%08lX = %ld Bytes ## Total Size = 0x%08x = %d Bytes filesizeNo CLI availableTIunknown cmd (%d) at %d ## ERROR: unsupported match method: 0x%02x mcsERROR: setting autoneg failed at %s:%d/%s() ERROR: failed to set multicast hash at %s:%d/%s() ERROR: failed to set configuration at %s:%d/%s() drivers/usb/eth/mcs7830.cERROR: RX: failed to receive at %s:%d/%s() ERROR: RX: got too many bytes (%d) at %s:%d/%s() %x - %s <--> %s %llug%llum%lluk%lluEnter choice: PHY duplexPHY AN duplexPHY AN adv duplex read failed, assuming half duplex NULL device name! MII devices: '%s' Current device: '%s' No such device: %s PHY speedPHY AN speedPHY AN adv speed read failed, assuming 10BASE-T Beagle Rev Ax/Bx AxBxbeaglerevBeagle Rev C1/C2/C3 CxBeagle Rev C4 C4Beagle xM Rev A/B xMABBeagle xM Rev C xMCBeagle unknown 0x%02x EEPROM is blank or 8bit addressing failed: retrying with 16bit: Recognized Tincantools Zippy board (rev %d %s) zippybuddyRecognized Tincantools Zippy2 board (rev %d %s) zippy2Recognized Tincantools Trainer board (rev %d %s) trainerRecognized Tincantools Showdow board (rev %d %s) showdoglcddefaultdisplayshowdogRecognized KBADC Beagle FPGA board beaglefpgaRecognized Liquidware BeagleTouch board beagletouchRecognized Brainmux LCDog board lcdogRecognized Brainmux LCDog Touch board lcdogtouchRecognized BeagleBoardToys WiFi board bbtoys-wifiRecognized BeagleBoardToys VGA board Recognized BeagleBoardToys LCD board Recognized bct electronic GmbH brettl3 board Recognized bct electronic GmbH brettl4 board Recognized LSR COM6L Adapter Board lsr-com6l-adptNo EEPROM on expansion board noneUnrecognized expansion board: %x unknowndvi Caution! Your devices Erase group is 0x%x The erase range would be change to 0x%lx~0x%lx mmc erase failed MMC: block number 0x%lx exceeds max(0x%lx) mmc fail to send stop cmd mmc write failed eMMC >= 4.4 required for enhanced user data area Card does not support partitioning Card does not define HC WP group size User data enhanced area not HC WP group size aligned GP%i partition not HC WP group size aligned Card does not support enhanced attribute Total enhanced size exceeds maximum (%u > %u) Card does not support host controlled partition write reliability settings Card already partitioned %s: %d, time %lu %s: timedout waiting for cc! %s: timedout waiting for cc2! %s: timedout waiting for sysctl %x to clear Status Error: 0x%08X Timeout waiting card ready MMC: no card present Card did not respond to voltage select! MMC: SET_DSR failed Man %06x Snr %04x%04x%c%c%c%c%c%c%08lx: %02lx %04lx ? writing %08x %04xnot same typ %d != %d Offset exceeds device limit device %d whole chip offset 0x%llx, size 0x%llx incorrect device type in %s incorrect device number in %s onenandnorinvalid partition number %d for device %s%d (%s) nand0=nandmtdparts=nand:512k(x-loader),1920k(u-boot),128k(u-boot-env),4m(kernel),-(fs)mtdidsmtdids too long (> %d) mtdparts variable not set, see 'help mtdparts' mtdparts too long (> %d) mtdids: incorrect mtdids: no identifier device id %s%d redefined, please correct mtdids variable could not initialise device list mtdparts variable doesn't start with 'mtdparts=' device %s%d redefined, please correct mtdparts variable mtdparts_init: no valid partitions #(-27 %08x-%02x** First descriptor is NOT a primary desc on %d:%d ** CD001** Wrong ISO Ident: %s on %d:%d ** EL TORITO SPECIFICATION** No valid boot catalog found on %d:%d ** ** Wrong El Torito ident: %s on %d:%d ** ** Can't read Boot Entry at %lX on %d:%d ** ** Checksum Error in booting catalog validation entry on %d:%d ** ** Key 0x55 0xAA error on %d:%d ** ** Partition %d not found on device %d ** ** Partition %d is not bootable on device %d ** IDESATAATAPIUSBDOCHOST device %d -- Partition Type: %s ## Unknown partition table type %x Partition Map for Part Start Sector Num Sectors UUID Type %s: *** ERROR: Invalid GPT *** %s: *** ERROR: Invalid Backup GPT *** %s: *** Using Backup GPT *** Part Start LBA End LBA Name Attributes Type GUID Partition GUID %3d 0x%08llx 0x%08llx "%s" attrs: 0x%016llx type: %s guid: %s ** No boot partition found on device %d ** Part Start Sect x Size Type %2d %lu %lu %6ld %.32s xx%s%c%dcannot add second partition at offset 0 %s: offset %08llx beyond flash size %08llx %s%d: partition (%s) size too big %s: partitioning exceeds flash size %s%d: partition (%s) start offsetalignment incorrect %s%d: partition (%s) size alignment incorrect %s%d: partition (%s) start offset alignment incorrect Using %s device %0*x350335153525353035XX600 MHzOMAP35171 GHz3703720 MHz800 MHz36XX/37XXOMAP/AM3630/37303625/372537153505%s%s-%s ES%s, CPU-OPP2, L3-200MHz, Max CPU Clock %s %s%s-%s ES%s, CPU-OPP2, L3-165MHz, Max CPU Clock %s ", "* 0x%p [0x%08x]0x%08x%s[%02x%s%llu Hz%s%lu.%ld %cHz%sJournal Recovery Completed Journal Scan Completed eMMC%s: %d (%s)%-12s= 0x%08lX Extd Boot** Can't read partition table on %d:%lu ** bad MBR sector signature 0x%02x%02x %3d %-10lu %-10lu %08x-%02x %02x%s%s %llu Bytes%s %ciB%sUSB download gadgetpart_offset is %lu total_sector is %llu error: overflow occurs Jump offset is too biginvalid extent block ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1)malloc failed. ** ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1):malloc failed. ** ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1)failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)malloc failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)malloc failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)malloc failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)malloc failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)failed. ** FAT32 FAT12 FAT16 pre-reloc realloc() is not supported^%s$Error compiling regex: %s ## Error: variable "%s" not defined ## error: subst buffer overflow: have %d, need %d %s: No match %s=%s ## error: pattern buffer overflow: have %d, need %d HUSH_NO_EVALUnknown command '%s' - try 'help' or use 'run' command drivers/usb/gadget/f_fastboot.cERROR: unknown command: %s at %s:%d/%s() FAILunknown commandERROR: buffer overflow at %s:%d/%s() FAILbuffer overflowBad status: %d downloading of %d bytes finished drivers/usb/gadget/ether.cERROR: rx submit --> %d at %s:%d/%s() FAILED! Erasing %s... Writing to %s... No serial driver found*** Warning - %s, using default environment Using default environment common/env_common.cNo such device Device %d: %s... is now current device ERROR: There is a global environment variable with the same name. %s: readonly variablefdtaddrsetenv %-11s [ %c ] | `-- |-- reloc pc : [<%08lx>] lr : [<%08lx>] sp : %08lx ip : %08lx fp : %08lx r10: %08lx r9 : %08lx r8 : %08lx r7 : %08lx r6 : %08lx r5 : %08lx r4 : %08lx r3 : %08lx r2 : %08lx r1 : %08lx r0 : %08lx Flags: %c%c%c%c IRQs %s FIQs %s Mode %s%s 1--'?M07/29/2017beaglesmsError: SMSC95xx: No MAC address set - set usbethaddr Bad magic number Bad header crc Bad data crc Bad image type Empty Script No FIT subimage unit name Can't find '%s' FIT subimage Not a image image Bad Data Hash Could not find script subimage data Wrong image format for "source" command SPI error: unsupported bus %i. Supported busses 0 - 3 SPI error: unsupported chip select %i on bus %i SPI error: unsupported frequency %i Hz. Max frequency is 48 Mhz SPI error: unsupported SPI mode %i SPI error: malloc of SPI structure failed omap3_spi: invalid wordlen %d SPI TXS timed out, status=0x%08x SPI RXS timed out, status=0x%08x RE is too long (data overflow)USER_26FIQ_26IRQ_26SVC_26UK4_26UK5_26UK6_26UK7_26UK8_26UK9_26UK10_26UK11_26UK12_26UK13_26UK14_26UK15_26USER_32FIQ_32IRQ_32SVC_32UK4_32UK5_32UK6_32ABT_32UK8_32UK9_32HYP_32UND_32UK12_32UK13_32UK14_32SYS_32nandeccswitch OMAP3 NAND ECC calculation algorithmhw [hamming|bch8|bch16] - Switch between NAND hardware 1-bit hamming and 8-bit/16-bit BCH ecc calculation (second parameter may be omitted). nandecc sw - Switch to NAND software ecc algorithm.gpio_omapTSTEMUHSGP1. Beagle boardNANDpoweroffPerform POWEROFF of the devicePerform RESET of the CPUstart application at address 'addr'addr [arg ...] - start application at address 'addr' passing 'arg' as argumentsiminfoprint header information for application imageaddr [addr ...] - print header information for application image starting at address 'addr' in memory; this includes verification of the image contents (magic number, header and payload checksums)bootdboot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'boot application image from memoryloadosramdiskcmdlinebdtprepfakealias for 'help'helpprint command description/usage - print brief description of all commands help command ... - print detailed usage of 'command'print monitor, compiler and linker versionsourcerun script from memorybdinfoprint Board Info structurebootefiBoots an EFI payload from memorybootzboot Linux zImage image from memorydcacheenable or disable data cache[on, off, flush] - enable, disable, or flush data (writethrough) cacheicacheenable or disable instruction cache[on, off, flush] - enable, disable, or flush instruction cacheconinfoprint console devices and informationecho args to console[args..] - echo args to console; \c suppresses newlinebootvxBoot vxWorks from an ELF image [address] - load address of vxWorks ELF image.bootelfBoot from an ELF image in memory[-p|-s] [address] - load ELF image at [address] via program headers (-p) or via section headers (-s)exitexit scriptext4loadload binary file from a Ext4 filesystem [ [addr [filename [bytes [pos]]]]] - load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr' from ext4 filesystemext4lslist files in a directory (default /) [directory] - list files from 'dev' on 'interface' in a 'directory'ext4sizedetermine a file's size - Find file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' and determine its size.ext4writecreate a file in the root directory [sizebytes] [file offset] - create a file in / directoryext2loadload binary file from a Ext2 filesystem [ [addr [filename [bytes [pos]]]]] - load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr' from ext2 filesystem.ext2lsfatwritewrite file into a dos filesystem [] - write file 'filename' from the address 'addr' in RAM to 'dev' on 'interface'fatinfoprint information about filesystem [] - print information about filesystem from 'dev' on 'interface'fatls [] [directory] - list files from 'dev' on 'interface' in a 'directory'fatloadload binary file from a dos filesystem [ [ [ [bytes [pos]]]]] - Load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr' from dos filesystem. 'pos' gives the file position to start loading from. If 'pos' is omitted, 0 is used. 'pos' requires 'bytes'. 'bytes' gives the size to load. If 'bytes' is 0 or omitted, the load stops on end of file. If either 'pos' or 'bytes' are not aligned to ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN then a misaligned buffer warning will be printed and performance will suffer for the load.fatsizeflattened device tree utility commandsfstypeLook up a filesystem type : - print filesystem type fstype : - set environment variable to filesystem type [ [directory]] - List files in directory 'directory' of partition 'part' on device type 'interface' instance 'dev'.savesave file to a filesystem bytes [pos] - Save binary file 'filename' to partition 'part' on device type 'interface' instance 'dev' from addr 'addr' in memory. 'bytes' gives the size to save in bytes and is mandatory. 'pos' gives the file byte position to start writing to. If 'pos' is 0 or omitted, the file is written from the start.load binary file from a filesystem [ [ [ [bytes [pos]]]]] - Load binary file 'filename' from partition 'part' on device type 'interface' instance 'dev' to address 'addr' in memory. 'bytes' gives the size to load in bytes. If 'bytes' is 0 or omitted, the file is read until the end. 'pos' gives the file byte position to start reading from. If 'pos' is 0 or omitted, the file is read from the start.query and control gpio pins - input/set/clear/toggle the specified pin gpio status [-a] [ | ] - show [all/claimed] GPIOsi2cI2C sub-systembuscrc32loopmmmwnmprobeitestreturn true/false on integer compare[.b, .w, .l, .s] [*]value1 [*]value2-lt<-gt-eq==-ne!=<>-ge>=-le<=[0|1|green|all] [on|off|toggle|blink] [blink-freq in ms][led_name] [on|off|toggle|blink] sets or clears led(s)greenload binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)[ off ] [ baud ] - load binary file over serial line with offset 'off' and baudrate 'baud'load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)loadbload binary file over serial line (kermit mode)loadsload S-Record file over serial line[ off ] - load S-Record file over serial line with offset 'off'infinite loop on address range[.b, .w, .l] address number_of_objectsbaseprint or set address offset - print address offset for memory commands base off - set address offset for memory commands to 'off'checksum calculationaddress count [addr] - compute CRC32 checksum [save at addr]cmpmemory compare[.b, .w, .l] addr1 addr2 countmemory copy[.b, .w, .l] source target countmemory write (fill)[.b, .w, .l] address value [count]memory modify (constant address)[.b, .w, .l] addressmemory modify (auto-incrementing address)memory display[.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects]miiMII utility commandsdevice - list available devices mii device - set current device mii info - display MII PHY info mii read - read MII PHY register mii write - write MII PHY register mii modify - modify MII PHY register updating bits identified in mii dump - pretty-print (0-5 only) Addr and/or reg may be ranges, e.g. 2-7.next page ableacknowledgeremote fault(reserved)asymmetric pause able100BASE-T4 able100BASE-X full duplex able100BASE-TX able10BASE-T full duplex able10BASE-T ablexxx to doasymmetric pausepause enable100BASE-TX full duplex able10BASE-T full duplex able10BASE-T ableOUI portionmanufacturer part numbermanufacturer rev. number100BASE-X full duplex able100BASE-X half duplex able10 Mbps full duplex able10 Mbps half duplex able100BASE-T2 full duplex able100BASE-T2 half duplex ableextended statusMF preamble suppressionA/N completeA/N ablelink statusjabber detectextended capabilitiesloopbackspeed selectionA/N enablepower-downisolaterestart A/Ncollision test enablePHY control registerPHY status registerPHY ID 1 registerPHY ID 2 registerAutonegotiation advertisement registerAutonegotiation partner abilities registersleepdelay execution for some timeN - delay execution for N seconds (N is _decimal_ and can be fractional)mmcinfodisplay MMC info- display info of the current MMC devicemmcMMC sub systeminfo - display info of the current MMC device mmc read addr blk# cnt mmc write addr blk# cnt mmc erase blk# cnt mmc rescan mmc part - lists available partition on current mmc device mmc dev [dev] [part] - show or set current mmc device [partition] mmc list - lists available devices mmc hwpartition [args...] - does hardware partitioning arguments (sizes in 512-byte blocks): [user [enh start cnt] [wrrel {on|off}]] - sets user data area attributes [gp1|gp2|gp3|gp4 cnt [enh] [wrrel {on|off}]] - general purpose partition [check|set|complete] - mode, complete set partitioning completed WARNING: Partitioning is a write-once setting once it is set to complete. Power cycling is required to initialize partitions after set to complete. mmc setdsr - set DSR register value eraselisthwpartitionsetdsrdefine flash/nand partitionschpartchange active partitionpart-id - change active partition (e.g. part-id = nand0,1)nbootboot from NAND device[partition] | [[[loadAddr] dev] offset]NAND sub-systempingsend ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hostpingAddressnfsboot image via network using NFS protocol[loadAddress] [[hostIPaddr:]bootfilename]dhcpboot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocoltftpbootboot image via network using TFTP protocolbootpboot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocoldisk partition related commandsuuid : - print partition UUID part uuid : - set environment variable to partition UUID part list - print a device's partition table part list [flags] - set environment variable to the list of partitions flags can be -bootable (list only bootable partitions) part start - set environment variable to the start of the partition (in blocks) part size - set environment variable to the size of the partition (in blocks)sysbootcommand to get and boot from syslinux files[-p] [addr] [filename] - load and parse syslinux menu file 'filename' from ext2, fat or any filesystem on 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr'pxecommands to get and boot from pxe filesget - try to retrieve a pxe file using tftp pxe boot [pxefile_addr_r] - boot from the pxe file at pxefile_addr_r getmenutitledefaultpromptlabelkernellinuxlocalbootinitrdincludedevicetreedevicetreedirfdtdirontimeoutipappenddefault-arm-omap3default-armsetexprset environment variable as the result of eval expression[.b, .w, .l] name [*]value1 [*]value2 - set environment variable 'name' to the result of the evaluated expression specified by . can be &, |, ^, +, -, *, /, % size argument is only meaningful if value1 and/or value2 are memory addresses (*) setexpr[.b, .w, .l] name [*]value - load a value into a variable setexpr name gsub r s [t] - For each substring matching the regular expression in the string , substitute the string . The result is assigned to . If is not supplied, use the old value of setexpr name sub r s [t] - Just like gsub(), but replace only the first matching substringsspiSPI utility command[:][.] - Send and receive bits - Identifies the SPI bus - Identifies the chip select - Identifies the SPI mode to use - Number of bits to send (base 10) - Hexadecimal string that gets senttruedo nothing, successfullyfalsedo nothing, unsuccessfullyminimal test like /bin/sh[args..]-o-a-z-n-e1.5 Mb/s480 Mb/s5 Gb/susbbootboot from USB deviceloadAddr dev:partUSB sub-systemstart - start (scan) USB controller usb reset - reset (rescan) USB controller usb stop [f] - stop USB [f]=force stop usb tree - show USB device tree usb info [dev] - show available USB devices usb test [dev] [port] [mode] - set USB 2.0 test mode (specify port 0 to indicate the device's upstream port) Available modes: J, K, S[E0_NAK], P[acket], F[orce_Enable] usb storage - show details of USB storage devices usb dev [dev] - show or set current USB storage device usb part [dev] - print partition table of one or all USB storage devices usb read addr blk# cnt - read `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#' to memory address `addr' usb write addr blk# cnt - write `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#' from memory address `addr'use USB Fastboot protocol - run as a fastboot usb deviceimxtractextract a part of a multi-imagesplSPL configurationexport [kernel_addr] [initrd_addr] [fdt_addr] img "atags" or "fdt" kernel_addr address where a kernel image is stored. kernel is loaded as part of the boot process, but it is not started. initrd_addr address of initial ramdisk can be set to "-" if fdt_addr without initrd_addr is used. fdt_addr in case of fdt, the address of the device tree. exportatagsrunrun commands in an environment variablevar [...] - run the commands in the environment variable(s) 'var'askenvget environment variables from stdinname [message] [size] - get environment variable 'name' from stdin (max 'size' chars)set environment variables[-f] name value ... - [forcibly] set environment variable 'name' to 'value ...' setenv [-f] name - [forcibly] delete environment variable 'name'printenvprint environment variables[-a] - print [all] values of all environment variables printenv name ... - print value of environment variable 'name'editenvedit environment variablename - edit environment variable 'name'environment handling commandsdeleteeditimportprintexistssaveenvsave environment variables to persistent storagesha1sha256showvarprint local hushshell variables - print values of all hushshell variables showvar name ... - print value of hushshell variable 'name'thenelifelseforwhileuntildonearchitecturecompressionoperating systemimage typeuncompressedbzip2bzip2 compressedgzipgzip compressedlzmalzma compressedlzolzo compressedlz4lz4 compressedaisimageDavinci AIS imageFilesystem ImagefirmwareFirmwareflat_dtFlat Device TreegpimageTI Keystone SPL ImageKernel Imagekernel_noloadKernel Image (no loading done)kwbimageKirkwood Boot ImageimximageFreescale i.MX Boot ImageInvalid ImagemultiMulti-File ImageomapimageTI OMAP SPL With GP CHpblimageFreescale PBL Boot ImageRAMDisk ImageScriptsocfpgaimageAltera SOCFPGA preloaderstandaloneStandalone ProgramublimageDavinci UBL imagemxsimageFreescale MXS Boot ImageatmelimageATMEL ROM-Boot Imagex86_setupx86 setup.binlpc32xximageLPC32XX Boot ImagerkimageRockchip Boot ImagerksdRockchip SD Boot ImagerkspiRockchip SPI Boot ImagevybridimageVybrid Boot ImagezynqimageXilinx Zynq Boot ImagezynqmpimageXilinx ZynqMP Boot ImageFPGA ImageteeTrusted Execution Environment Imagefirmware_ivtFirmware with HABv4 IVTInvalid OSLinuxnetbsdNetBSDoseEnea OSEplan9Plan 9rtemsRTEMSu-bootU-BootvxworksVxWorksqnxQNXInvalid ARCHalphaAlphaARMIntel x86ia64IA64m68kM68KmicroblazeMicroBlazemipsMIPSmips64MIPS 64 Bitnios2NIOS IIpowerpcPowerPCppcs390IBM S390SuperHsparcSPARCsparc64SPARC 64 BitblackfinBlackfinavr32AVR32nds32NDS32or1kOpenRISC 1000sandboxSandboxarm64AArch64AMD x86_64xtensaXtensastdoutstderrBlock sequence errorCRC/checksum errorInvalid framingCancelledEnd of fileTimed outSorry, zModem not available yetCan't access filehdusbddocdmmcsdDOSISOEFIrootroot_driverunusedfuncti,omap3-gpioti,omap4-gpioti,am4372-gpioomap24_2omap24_1omap24_0ToshibaSamsungFujitsuNationalRenesasST MicroHynixMicronAMD/SpansionMacronixEonSanDiskIntelATOUnknownTC58NVG0S3E 1G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG2S0F 4G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG2S0H 4G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG3S0F 8G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG5D2 32G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG6D2 64G 3.3V 8-bitSDTNRGAMA 64G 3.3V 8-bitH27UCG8T2ATR-BC 64G 3.3V 8-bitH27QCG8T2E5R‐BCF 64G 3.3V 8-bitNAND 4MiB 5V 8-bitNAND 4MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 8MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 16MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 32MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 32MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 32MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 32MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 64MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 64MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 64MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 128MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 128MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 128MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 256MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 256MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 256MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 512MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 512MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 512MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 1GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 1GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 1GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 2GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 2GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 2GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 4GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 4GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 4GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 4GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 8GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 8GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 8GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 8GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 16GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 16GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 16GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 32GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 32GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 32GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 32GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 64GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 64GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 64GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 64GiB 3,3V 16-bitrebootgetvar:download:continueoemEthernet Dataidlein/statusout/statuswaitext4unsupportedneed dictionarystream endfile errorstream errordata errorinsufficient memorybuffer errorincompatible versionFDT_ERR_NOTFOUNDFDT_ERR_EXISTSFDT_ERR_NOSPACEFDT_ERR_BADOFFSETFDT_ERR_BADPATHFDT_ERR_BADPHANDLEFDT_ERR_BADSTATEFDT_ERR_TRUNCATEDFDT_ERR_BADMAGICFDT_ERR_BADVERSIONFDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTUREFDT_ERR_BADLAYOUTFDT_ERR_INTERNALFDT_ERR_BADNCELLSFDT_ERR_BADVALUEFDT_ERR_BADOVERLAYFDT_ERR_NOPHANDLESnvlandmDriver model low level accesstree Dump driver model tree ('*' = activated) dm uclass Dump list of instances for each uclass dm devres Dump list of device resources for each deviceuclassdevresport(%d) reset error Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint ## error: substitution buffer overflow syntax error FATFAT32blksize TFTP error: First block is not block 1 (%ld) Starting again TFTP error: '%s' (%d) Not retrying... octetblksize%c%d%cFile too largeFile has bad magictftpblocksizetftptimeoutTFTP timeout (%ld ms) too low, set min = 1000 ms tftptimeoutcountmaxTFTP timeout count max (%d ms) negative, set to 0 *** Warning: no boot file name; using '%s' fromTFTP %s server %pI4; our IP address is %pI4; sending through gateway %pI4Filename '%s'. Size is 0x%x Bytes = Load address: 0x%lx Loading: *Retry count exceeded %s; starting again Could not write vsel to reg %02x (%d) Could not write grp_sel to reg %02x (%d) TWL4030:USB:Read[0x%x] Error %d Error:TWL4030:USB Timeout setting PHY DPLL clock TWL4030:USB:Write[0x%x] Error %d HUSH_VERSION0.01Device '%s': seq %d is in use by '%s' ( w ERROR, too many USB Devices, max=%d compositeHuman Interface, Subclass: NoneBoot KeyboardMousereservedMass Storage, RBC SFF-8020i (ATAPI)QIC-157 (Tape)UFISFF-8070Transp. SCSICommand/BulkCommand/Bulk/IntBulk onlySelf Powered Bus Powered Remote Wakeup InOut Configuration: %d - Interfaces: %d %s%s%dmA Interface: %d - Alternate Setting %d, Endpoints: %d - Class - - Endpoint %d %s ControlIsochronousInterrupt MaxPacket %d Interval %dms%d: %s, USB Revision %x.%x - %s %s %s - Class: - Class: (from Interface) %s - PacketSize: %d Configurations: %d - Vendor: 0x%04x Product 0x%04x Version %d.%d String: "%s"usbnet_devaddrusbnet_hostaddrERROR: Need valid 'usbnet_devaddr' to be set at %s:%d/%s() ERROR: Need valid 'usbnet_hostaddr' to be set at %s:%d/%s() cdc_connect_timeoutERROR: The remote end did not respond in time. at %s:%d/%s() usb_etherERROR: dev->rx_req invalid at %s:%d/%s() timeout sending packets to usb ethernet Error: Cannot find high speed parent of usb-1 device bad parameter. Controller uninitialized gadget_start failed with %d bind failed with %d See InterfaceAudioCommunicationHuman InterfacePrinterMass StorageHubCDC DataVendor specificunable to get descriptor, error %lX config descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) scanning usb for ethernet devices... usbethWarning: failed to set MAC address max USB Ethernet Device reached: %d stopping %d Ethernet Device(s) found ERROR: USB_MAX_HUB (%d) reached usb_pgood_delayCan't allocate memory for USB device! Port %d over-current occurred %d times cannot reset port %i!? cannot create new device: ret=%dPort not available. lowlevel init failed USB error: all controllers failed lowlevel init scanning bus %d for devices... No USB Device found %d USB Device(s) found USB%d: EHCI fail to reset USB EHCI %x.%02x usb_new_device: Cannot read configuration, skipping device %04x:%04x ERROR: NOT USB_CONFIG_DESC %x ERROR: Invalid USB CFG length (%d) ERROR: Invalid USB IF length (%d) USB IF descriptor overflowed buffer! Too many USB interfaces! ERROR: Invalid USB EP length (%d) USB EP descriptor overflowed buffer! Endpoint descriptor out of order! Interface %d has too many endpoints! ERROR: Invalid USB EPC length (%d) USB EPC descriptor overflowed buffer! EPC descriptor out of order! failed to set default configuration len %d, status %lX selecting invalid interface %dCannot allocate device context to get SLOT_ID usb_new_device: invalid max packet size USB device not accepting new address (error=%lX) 12 Mb/s+- %s (%s, %dmA) %s %s %s %s failed to stop USB controller %d Did not get interrupt on CBI cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X (NOT READY) cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X error in inquiry Device NOT ready Request Sense returned %02X %02X %02X READ_CAP ERROR No storage devices, perhaps not 'usb start'ed..? scanning usb for storage devices... max USB Storage Device reached: %d stopping %d Storage Device(s) found USB Storage Transport unknown / not yet implemented Sorry, protocol %d not yet supported. ## No elf image at address 0x%08lx ## Not a 32-bit elf image at address 0x%08lx GUID Partition Table Entry Array CRC is wrong%s: 0x%x != 0x%x GUID Partition Table Header%s signature is wrong: 0x%llX != 0x%llX %s CRC is wrong: 0x%x != 0x%x GPT: my_lba incorrect: %llX != %lx GPT: first_usable_lba incorrect: %llX > %lx GPT: last_usable_lba incorrect: %llX > %lx drivers/mtd/nand/nand_bbt.cBUG: failure at %s:%d/%s()! BUG!U-Boot 2017.07 (Jul 29 2017 - 09:07:35 -0300)Timed out in wait_for_bb: status=%04x Timed out in wait_for_event: status=%04x Check if pads/pull-ups of bus are properly configured _SM__DMI_ERROR : memory not allocated Unknown errorCksumxyzModem - %s mode, %d(SOH)/%d(STX)/%d(CAN) packets, %d retries 1.2.3Error: inflateInit2() returned %d Error: inflate() returned %d  @n dtL[addr [arg ...]] - boot application image stored in memory passing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel, 'arg' can be the address of an initrd image When booting a Linux kernel which requires a flat device-tree a third argument is required which is the address of the device-tree blob. To boot that kernel without an initrd image, use a '-' for the second argument. If you do not pass a third a bd_info struct will be passed instead For the new multi component uImage format (FIT) addresses must be extended to include component or configuration unit name: addr: - direct component image specification addr# - configuration specification Use iminfo command to get the list of existing component images and configurations. Sub-commands to do part of the bootm sequence. The sub-commands must be issued in the order below (it's ok to not issue all sub-commands): start [addr [arg ...]] loados - load OS image ramdisk - relocate initrd, set env initrd_start/initrd_end fdt - relocate flat device tree cmdline - OS specific command line processing/setup bdt - OS specific bd_t processing prep - OS specific prep before relocation or go go - start OS9[[۾[[[[ [[@[[[[[[[[8w[[[addr] - run script starting at addr - A valid image header must be present For FIT format uImage addr must include subimage unit name in the form of addr:eEM`DbootefiD [fdt address] - boot EFI payload stored at address . If specified, the device tree located at gets exposed as EFI configuration table. DbootefiD`eE eEM0[addr [initrd[:size]] [fdt]] - boot Linux zImage stored in memory The argument 'initrd' is optional and specifies the address of the initrd in memory. The optional argument ':size' allows specifying the size of RAW initrd. When booting a Linux kernel which requires a flat device-tree a third argument is required which is the address of the device-tree blob. To boot that kernel without an initrd image, use a '-' for the second argument. If you do not pass a third a bd_info struct will be passed instead addr [-c] [] - Set the [control] fdt location to fdt move - Copy the fdt to and make it active fdt resize [] - Resize fdt to size + padding to 4k addr + some optional if needed fdt print [] - Recursive print starting at fdt list [] - Print one level starting at fdt get value - Get and store in fdt get name - Get name of node and store in fdt get addr - Get start address of and store in fdt get size [] - Get size of [] or num nodes and store in fdt set [] - Set [to ] fdt mknode - Create a new node after fdt rm [] - Delete the node or fdt header - Display header info fdt bootcpu - Set boot cpuid fdt memory - Add/Update memory node fdt rsvmem print - Show current mem reserves fdt rsvmem add - Add a mem reserve fdt rsvmem delete - Delete a mem reserves fdt chosen [ ] - Add/update the /chosen branch in the tree / - initrd start/end addr NOTE: Dereference aliases by omitting the leading '/', e.g. fdt print ethernet0./ h[[i[[?eh[[n[[Ȇk[[k[[Qm[[k[[g[[Zl[[m[[0g[[ig[[bus [muxtype:muxaddr:muxchannel] - show I2C bus info crc32 chip address[.0, .1, .2] count - compute CRC32 checksum i2c dev [dev] - show or set current I2C bus i2c loop chip address[.0, .1, .2] [# of objects] - looping read of device i2c md chip address[.0, .1, .2] [# of objects] - read from I2C device i2c mm chip address[.0, .1, .2] - write to I2C device (auto-incrementing) i2c mw chip address[.0, .1, .2] value [count] - write to I2C device (fill) i2c nm chip address[.0, .1, .2] - write to I2C device (constant address) i2c probe [address] - test for and show device(s) on the I2C bus i2c read chip address[.0, .1, .2] length memaddress - read to memory i2c write memaddress chip address[.0, .1, .2] length [-s] - write memory to I2C; the -s option selects bulk write in a single transaction i2c reset - re-init the I2C Controller i2c speed [speed] - show or set I2C bus speed@[[ZA[[[[e[[;W[[Z[[?-[[k![[p[[|q[[ - list partition table mtdparts delall - delete all partitions mtdparts del part-id - delete partition (e.g. part-id = nand0,1) mtdparts add [@] [] [ro] - add partition mtdparts default - reset partition table to defaults ----- this command uses three environment variables: 'partition' - keeps current partition identifier partition := := ,part_num 'mtdids' - linux kernel mtd device id <-> u-boot device id mapping mtdids=[,,...] := = := 'nand'|'nor'|'onenand' := mtd device number, 0... := unique device tag used by linux kernel to find mtd device (mtd->name) 'mtdparts' - partition list mtdparts=mtdparts=[;...] := :[,...] := unique device tag used by linux kernel to find mtd device (mtd->name) := [@][][] := standard linux memsize OR '-' to denote all remaining space := partition start offset within the device := '(' NAME ')' := when set to 'ro' makes partition read-only (not used, passed to kernel)info - show available NAND devices nand device [dev] - show or set current device nand read - addr off|partition size nand write - addr off|partition size read/write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. nand read.raw - addr off|partition [count] nand write.raw[.noverify] - addr off|partition [count] Use read.raw/write.raw to avoid ECC and access the flash as-is. nand erase[.spread] [clean] off size - erase 'size' bytes from offset 'off' With '.spread', erase enough for given file size, otherwise, 'size' includes skipped bad blocks. nand erase.part [clean] partition - erase entire mtd partition' nand erase.chip [clean] - erase entire chip' nand bad - show bad blocks nand dump[.oob] off - dump page nand scrub [-y] off size | scrub.part partition | scrub.chip really clean NAND erasing bad blocks (UNSAFE) nand markbad off [...] - mark bad block(s) at offset (UNSAFE) nand biterr off - make a bit error at offset (UNSAFE)[[1[[0addr part [dest] - extract from legacy image at and copy to addr uname [dest] - extract subimage from FIT image at and copy to 9۾9۾[[ [[[[=@@[[[[@[[)[[[[[[@[[@[[=[[@}[[[[ask name [message] [size] - ask for environment variable env default [-f] -a - [forcibly] reset default environment env default [-f] var [...] - [forcibly] reset variable(s) to their default values env delete [-f] var [...] - [forcibly] delete variable(s) env edit name - edit environment variable env exists name - tests for existence of variable env export [-t | -b | -c] [-s size] addr [var ...] - export environment env import [-d] [-t [-r] | -b | -c] addr [size] - import environment env print [-a | name ...] - print environment env run var [...] - run commands in an environment variable env save - save environment env set [-f] name [arg ...] #k ( Ŗ}iM8      +/i2]~'3uU9q~IP25?1x=x=============================>> > >>>>>$>$>,>,>4>4><><>D>D>L>L>T>T>\>\>d>d>l>l>t>t>|>|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?? 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