# Soundfile for TNT # # This file is an example for configuring the soundeffects in TNT # Each line consists of two parameters: a number and a filename # # After the number 0, a file for playing an effect must follow. This # file must handle to play a sound (the name for this sound is found in # the argv-variable 1, or $1 for a shell-script). # # For an universal soundplayer you can use the rplay-daemon for example # Of course you can write your own player to handle specified sound-types. # A very minimalistic shell-script can be found in this package, named "play" # # If the filename of a sound is "0", playing will be skipped from TNT. # your soundplayer. some example handling with my "play" # should be in $PATH when complete path is not explicitly given 0 /usr/pkg/tnt/work/sounds/play # Each soundfile will be expanded to tnt_sound_dir, if path isn't explicitly # given! # # packet receive. you really should use "0" here, otherwise your computer # will make one sound after another ;-) # disabled since tnt 1.7-pre3 !!! 1 0 # Connected to 2 connect.au # Disconnected 3 disc.au # Link Reset 4 reset.au # Busy 5 busy.au # Link Failure 6 failure.au # Ring (//ring) 7 ring.au