The settings about unix-user is needed for the execution of run-programs. TNT will run every program which accepts input about "stdin" and outputs on "stdout". Each program will run as seperate process, so there must be an user-ID. There are two possibilities: 1) You have an extra user, eg. "guest" or "prrun". Then every station can call the runprogramms (which will run under the settings of the user "guest" or "prrun"). If you are using "root", each program will have full rights! (of course only if TNT was started as root). 2) You create an extra group (eg. "packet") and let TNT create a new user for each station (automaticly). Runprograms will have the rights of this group. For 1): Define an user (option "USER") and set "CREATE" to "NO". (user "USER" must exists to start runprograms). For 2): Set "CREATE" to "YES" and create a group for packet. Input ID of this group in setting "GID". Then you must define which will be the lowest user-ID of a new user created by TNT. Normally (under linux) a value about "410" should make no problems. You must also define which will be the highest user-ID TNT would create. Defaultly a value of 4095 is used. Note: Possibility 2 is very unsecure, so it is deactivated by default. If you want to use this, you must compile TNT with GEN_NEW_USER support.