MAIN: Path where TNT with its files and subdirectorys will be installed in LOCK: Lockfile for TNT This is splitted into two parts: 1) The path with the default-filename (.../LCK..) 2) The devicestring appended to this path under 1) Normally you only type the path with "LCK.." on the end, the device string will appended automaticly. If you are using a software TNC, there will be an extra window, where you will asked for the string which should be appended. TNTC: Adress of frontend-socket, if TNT will be started as daemon process, and console will be connected later. This may be an unix-socket or network (TCP/IP) socket. A unix-socket is defined with complete filename, eg "/usr/local/tnt/tntc-socket". A TCP/IP-socket consists of this format: ":", where host is either your own (localhost) or a remote-computer (valid URL/ hostname). Port is normally a value upwards 5000. BOX: Filename of box-socket. If you don't use dpbox, use "0" for filename. COOKIE: Filename of a valid cookie-file. If you have installed "fortunes" you can use the startrek fortunes for example.