; `=c@sdZdfdYZdS(sZODB undo support for Zope. This package is used to support the Prefix object that Zope uses for undo. It is a separate package only to aid configuration management. This package is included in Zope and ZODB3, so that ZODB3 is suitable for running a ZEO server that handles Zope undo. sPrefixcBs&tZdZdZdZdZRS(s A Prefix() is equal to any string it as a prefix of. This class can be compared to a string (or arbitrary sequence). The comparison will return True if the prefix value is a prefix of the string being compared. Two prefixes can not be compared. icCst||f|_dS(N(slenspathsselfsvalue(sselfspath((s7/usr/pkg/lib/python2.3/site-packages/ZopeUndo/Prefix.pys__init__"scCs*|i\}}t|| |}|SdS(N(sselfsvalueslsvscmpsosrval(sselfsosrvalslsv((s7/usr/pkg/lib/python2.3/site-packages/ZopeUndo/Prefix.pys__cmp__%s(s__name__s __module__s__doc__s__no_side_effects__s__init__s__cmp__(((s7/usr/pkg/lib/python2.3/site-packages/ZopeUndo/Prefix.pysPrefixs  N(s__doc__sPrefix(sPrefix((s7/usr/pkg/lib/python2.3/site-packages/ZopeUndo/Prefix.pys?s