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File: %s To/From: %s Size: %u Port: %d IP Number: %s Start Time: %s Max CPS: %d %-20s offline %-20s online Ignore list is empty.$ Number$1$t$2%C08,02 %O%C08,02 %B-- Notify List --------------- %O%C08,02 Hostmask PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG %O%C12*%C13$1%C12*$t%O$2%O%C12-%C13$1%C12-%O$t$2%O%C12-%C13$1/$2%C12-%O$t$3%O%C12-%C13$1/Wallops%C12-%O$t$2%O%C13*%O$t$1%O $2%O%C13*%O$t%C8%B$1%B%O $2%O%C2<%C8%B$1%B%C2>%O$t$2%O%C2<%O$1%C2>%O$t$2%O%C3>%O$1%C3<%O$t$2%O%C3>%O$1%C3<%O$tCTCP $2%O%C6<%O$1%C6>%O$t$2%O%C8,2 Type To/From Status Size Pos File %O%010%B%C9----------------------------------------------------%O%O%C11$1%O added to ignore list.%O%C11$1%O removed from ignore list.%UChannel Users Topic%O%d bytes%d ops, %d total(%s=Server %c=Channel %n=Network).(Can be a text file relative to config dir).(Can be a text file relative to ~/.xchat2/).(Disabled)(Leave at zero for full speed file transfers).(Leave ports at zero for full range).(Only useful for computers with multiple addresses).(See strftime manpage for details).(Separate multiple words with commas).* Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the permissions on %s/xchatlogs* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should create a User Account and use that to login. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT %s **** ENDING LOGGING AT %s *NEW**WARNING* Auto accepting DCC to your home directory can be dangerous and is exploitable. Eg: Someone could send you a .bash_profile-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 Banlist: %C3$4 %C4$2 %C5$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 added to notify list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 already in use. Retrying with $2..-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 deleted from notify list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 has changed the topic to: $2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 is now known as $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes ban on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes channel keyword-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes exempt on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes invite on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes user limit-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets ban on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets channel keyword to $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets channel limit to $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets exempt on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets invite on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets mode $2$3 $4-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets modes%B %C14[%O$2%B%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 users in notify list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1 %Chas offered %C11$2 %C(%C11$3 %Cbytes)-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1 %Chas requested to resume %C11$2 %Cfrom %C11$3%C.-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O gives channel half-operator status to %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O gives channel operator status to %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O gives voice to %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O removes channel half-operator status from %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O removes channel operator status from %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O removes voice from %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11Users on $1:%C $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %C14(%O$2@$3%C14) %O: $4%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %CEnd of WHOIS list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %Cis away %C14(%O$2%O%C14)-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %O$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %O$2 %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %Oreal user@host %C11$2%O, real IP %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%C $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%O $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%O idle %C11$2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%O idle %C11$2%O, signon: %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tA process is already running-%C10-%C11-%O$tAlready offering CHAT to $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(Channel is invite only).-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(Requires keyword).-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(User limit reached).-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(You are banned).-%C10-%C11-%O$tChannel $1 created on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tChannel $1 modes: $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnected.-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnected. Now logging in..-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnecting to %C11$1 %C14(%C11$2%C14)%C port %C11$3%C..-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnection failed. Error: $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC $1 %C11$2 %Cto %C11$3 %Cstalled - aborting.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC $1 %C11$2 %Cto %C11$3 %Ctimed out - aborting.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC $1 connect attempt to %C11$2%O failed (err=$3).-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC CHAT connection established to %C11$1 %C14[%O$2%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC CHAT to %C11$1%O aborted.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC CHAT to %C11$1%O lost. $4.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV %C11$1%O from %C11$3%O complete %C14[%C11$4%O cps%C14]%O.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV %C11$1%O from %C11$3%O failed. $4.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV %C11$2%O to %C11$1%O aborted.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV connection established to %C11$1 %C14[%O$2%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV: Cannot open $1 for writing ($2).-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND %C11$1%O to %C11$2%O complete %C14[%C11$3%O cps%C14]%O.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND %C11$1%O to %C11$2%O failed. $3-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND %C11$2%O to %C11$1%O aborted.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND connection established to %C11$1 %C14[%O$2%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tDisconnected ($1).-%C10-%C11-%O$tFound your IP: [$1]-%C10-%C11-%O$tLooking up %C11$1%C..-%C10-%C11-%O$tLooking up IP number for%C11 $1%O..-%C10-%C11-%O$tMOTD Skipped.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNickname already in use. Use /NICK to try another.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo ping reply for $1 seconds, disconnecting.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo process is currently running-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo such DCC offer.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo such DCC.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNotify list is empty.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNotify: $1 is offline ($2).-%C10-%C11-%O$tNotify: $1 is online ($2).-%C10-%C11-%O$tOffering %C11$1 %Cto %C11$2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tOffering DCC CHAT to $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tPing reply from $1 : $2 second(s)-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived '$1%O' from $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2 (to $3)-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a DCC CHAT offer from $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a malformed DCC request from %C11$1%O.%010-%C10-%C11-%O$tContents of packet: $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tStopped previous connection attempt (pid=$1)-%C10-%C11-%O$tThe file %C11$1%C already exists, saving it as %C11$2%O instead.-%C10-%C11-%O$tTopic for %C11$1%C is %C11$2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tTopic for %C11$1%C set by %C11$2%C at %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tUnknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou are now known as $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have been invited to %C11$1%C by %C11$2%C (%C11$3%C)-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have been kicked from $2 by $3 ($4%O)-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have been killed by $1 ($2%O)-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have left channel $3-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have left channel $3 %C14(%O$4%C14)%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou're inviting %C11$1%C to %C11$2%C (%C11$3%C)-%C10-%C11>%O$t%B$1%B %C14(%C10$3%C14)%C has joined $2-%C10-%C11>%O$t%BYou%B are now talking on %C11$2%O/WHOIS yourself to find your real address. Use this if you have a 192.168.*.* address!<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 %C14(%O$2%C14)%C has left $3<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 %C14(%O$2%C14)%C has left $3 %C14(%O$4%C14)%O<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 has kicked $2 from $3 ($4%O)<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 has quit %C14(%O$2%O%C14)%OA multiplatform IRC ClientA-ZA-Z, Ops firstADDBUTTON , adds a button under the user-listALLCHAN , sends a command to all channels you're inALLSERV , sends a command to all servers you're inAWAY [], sets you awayAbortAbort ChatAbortedAbout X-ChatAcceptAccept invalid cert.AccountAckActionActiveAddAdd NewAdd newAddress to bind to:AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAltAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAnnounce away messagesAnnounce your away messages to all channelsAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaApplyApply Match to:ArgentinaArmeniaArubaAttach TabAustraliaAustriaAuthenticate to the proxy server (only HTTP)Auto Accept Direct ChatAuto Accept FilesAuto Open Dialog WindowsAuto Reconnect to ServerAuto Rejoin when KickedAuto Replace...Auto connect at startupAuto open DCC chat listAuto open DCC receive listAuto open DCC send listAuto reconnect delay:Automatic nick completionAutomatically unmark awayAway User:Away reasonAzerbaijanBAN [], bans everyone matching the mask from the current channel. If they are already on the channel this doesn't kick them (needs chanop)Background image:Background:Bad arguments for user command. BahamasBahrainBanBan ListBan List...Ban timeBangladeshBanmaskBarbadosBeep on channel messagesBeep on highlighted messagesBeep on messageBeep on private messagesBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBothBotswanaBottomBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Channel IslesBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Virgin IslandsBrowse...Brunei DarussalamBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiBusinessesCLEAR, Clears the current text windowCLOSE, Closes the current window/tabCOUNTRY , finds a country code, eg: au = australiaCPSCTCPCTCP , send the CTCP message to nick, common messages are VERSION and USERINFOCTCP Replies - Special codes: %d = data (the whole ctcp) %m = machine info %s = nick who sent the ctcp %t = time/date %2 = word 2 %3 = word 3 &2 = word 2 to the end of line &3 = word 3 to the end of line CTCP Replies...CTCP:CYCLE, parts current channel and immediately rejoinsC_lear TextC_onnectCambodiaCameroonCanadaCancelCannot access %s Cannot access file: %s %s. Resuming not possible.Cannot assign that addressCannot create ~/.xchat2Cannot read sound file: %sCannot read that file.Cannot resolve hostname %s Check your IP Settings! Cannot resume the same file from two people.Cannot write to that file.Cape VerdeCategoriesCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChannelChannel List...Channel Membership/"is an IRC operator"Channel NameChannel Tab...Channel Window...Channel nameChannel:Channels to join, separated by commas, but not spaces!Character ChartCharacter Chart...Character Set:ChatChattingChileChinaChristmas IslandClaim you are at this address when offering files.ClearClear listClear rawlogClientinfoCloseClose TabClose this tab/windowCocos IslandsColombiaColor pasteColored nicksColorsCommandCommand to execute after connecting. Can be used to authenticate to NickServComorosCongoConnectConnect Command:Connect in a _new tabConnection refusedConnection reset by peerConnection timed outConvert spaces to underscoreCook IslandsCopyCopy selected URLCosta RicaCote D'ivoireCountry: %sCroatiaCropCtrlCubaCycle ChannelCycle until connectedCycling to next server in %s... CyprusCzech RepublicDCCDCC IP address:DCC StringDCC TypeDEHOP , removes chanhalf-op status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)DELBUTTON , deletes a button from under the user-listDEOP , removes chanop status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)DEVOICE , removes voice status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)DIRECTORYDISCON, Disconnects from serverDNS , Finds a users IP numberDNS LookupData 1Data 2DateDeOpDefault away message:Default part message:Default quit message:DeleteDelete AllDenmarkDescriptionDestination filenameDetach TabDialogDialog Buttons - Special codes: %a = all selected nicks %c = current channel %h = selected nick's hostname %m = machine info %n = your nick %s = selected nick %t = time/date Dialog Buttons...Direct Chat...Direct client-to-clientDisconnectDisplay MODEs in raw formDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicDoneDouble-click command:Download files to:ECHO , Prints text locallyEDIT MEETAEXEC [-o] , runs the command. If -o flag is used then output is sent to current channel, else is printed to current text boxEXECCONT, sends the process SIGCONTEXECKILL [-9], kills a running exec in the current session. If -9 is given the process is SIGKILL'edEXECSTOP, sends the process SIGSTOPEXECWRITE, sends data to the processes stdinEast TimorEcuadorEdit EventsEdit This Menu...Edit modeEducational InstitutionEgyptEl SalvadorEnable logging of conversationsEnter Channel to Join:Enter mask to ignore:Enter new nickname:Enter nickname to add:Enter reason to kick %s:Equatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError opening keys config file Error parsing event %s. Loading defaultEstoniaEthiopiaEventExpecting Data line (beginning Dx{:|!}) but got: %s Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings ExternalExtra words to highlight on:FLUSHQ, flushes the current server's send queueFailedFailed to open font: %sFalkland IslandsFaroe IslandsFijiFileFile Receive...File Send...File in download directory is larger than file offered. Resuming not possible.File transfersFilenameFindFind:FingerFinlandFirst DCC send port:Font:Foreground:Former CzechoslovakiaFormer USSRFranceFrance, MetropolitanFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFromFull nameGATE [], proxies through a host, port defaults to 23GabonGambiaGeneralGeorgiaGermanyGet my IP from IRC serverGhanaGibraltarGive OpsGive VoiceGlobal User InfoGo toGovernmentGraphGreat BritainGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHOP , gives chanhalf-op status to the nick (needs chanop)HTTPHaitiHeard and McDonald IslandsHelpHiddenHide VersionHide channel join/part messages by defaultHide join/part messagesHighlight:HondurasHong KongHostHost unknownHostmaskHostnameHostname:HungaryI can't save an empty list!I need /bin/sh to run! I'm busyIGNORE mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*.aol.com types - types of data to ignore, one or all of: PRIV, CHAN, NOTI, CTCP, DCC, INVI, ALL options - NOSAVE, QUIETINVITE [], invites someone to a channel, by default the current channel (needs chanop)IPIP addressIcelandIdle timeIgnoreIgnore List...Ignore Stats:Ignore UserIgnore on %C11$1%O changed.In filenames, before sendingIndent nicksIndiaIndonesiaInfoInfo textInformationalInput boxInsert color codeInsert timestamps in logsInterfaceInternationalInternic CommercialInternic NetworkInternic Non-Profit OrganizationInterpret %C, %B as Color, Bold etcInterpret %nnn as an ASCII valueInvisibleInviteInvite OnlyInvite:IranIraqIrelandIsraelItalyJOIN , joins the channelJamaicaJapanJoin ChannelJoin Channel...Join Channels:JordanKICK , kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)KICKBAN , bans then kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)KazakhstanKenyaKeyKey Bindings...Key bindings config file is corrupt, load aborted Please fix %s/keybindings.conf KeywordKickKick/BanKickBanKill this userKiribatiKuwaitKyrgyzstanLAGCHECK, forces a new lag checkLASTLOG , searches for a string in the bufferLOAD , loads a plugin or scriptLag meter:LaosLast DCC send port:Last Msg: %sLast SeenLatviaLeave ChannelLeavingLebanonLeftLeft messageLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinList display options:ListsLithuaniaLoad FromLoad Plugin or Script...Log filename mask:Log timestamp format:LoggingLuxembourgMDEHOP, Mass deop's all chanhalf-ops in the current channel (needs chanop)MDEOP, Mass deop's all chanops in the current channel (needs chanop)ME , sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in the 3rd person, like /me jumps)MIME TypeMKICK, Mass kicks everyone except you in the current channel (needs chanop)MOP, Mass op's all users in the current channel (needs chanop)MSG , sends a private messageMacauMacedoniaMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMark back:Mark fore:Marked AwayMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMaskMauritaniaMauritiusMax. global receive CPS:Max. global send CPS:Max. receive CPS:Max. send CPS:Max. speed for all trafficMax. speed for one transferMaximum Users:MayotteMenu BarMessageMexicoMicronesiaMilitaryMinimum Users:ModModeMode ButtonsMode charModeratedModes stringMoldovaMonacoMongoliaMontserratMoroccoMove "%s" _downMove "%s" _upMove DnMove UpMove completed files to:MozambiqueMyanmarNAMES, Lists the nicks on the current channelNCTCP , Sends a CTCP noticeNEWSERVER []NICK , sets your nickNO NOTICE , sends a notice. Notices are a type of message that should be auto reacted toNOTIFY [], lists your notify list or adds someone to itNameNamibiaNato FielNauruNepalNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNetworkNetwork setupNetworksNeutral ZoneNeverNever-give-up ReConnectNewNew CaledoniaNew Data:New FilenameNew Message:New NetworkNew Shell Tab...New ZealandNew nicknameNicaraguaNickNick Name:Nick Names:Nick being triedNick completion suffix:Nick of person who changed the topicNick of person who have been invitedNick of person who invited youNicknameNickname in useNigerNigeriaNiueNo active DCCs No channel joined. Try /join # No other tabs open, quit xchat?No outside messagesNo route to hostNo server list on startupNo such command. No such plugin found. No topic is setNo xchat_plugin_init symbol; is this really an xchat plugin?Norfolk IslandNorth KoreaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNot connected. Try /server [] NoticeNotice:Notify List...Number of notify itemsOP , gives chanop status to the nick (needs chanop)OffOffer ChatOfflineOld FilenameOld School ARPAnetOld nicknameOmanOnlineOpOpenOpen DCC, Ignore, Notify etc, in tabs or windows?Open Dialog WindowOpen channels in:Open dialogs in:Open tab for server messagesOpen tab for server noticesOpen utilities in:OperOptionsPART [] [], leaves the channel, by default the current onePIDPING , CTCP pings nick or channelPakistanPalauPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPart ChannelPassword:PathnamePeruPhilippinesPingPing ServerPitcairnPlugins and Scripts...PolandPop new tabs to frontPortPort:PortugalPositionPreferences...Print Texts FilePrivatePrivate:Proxy serverProxy traversal failed. Puerto RicoPush input line into history but doesn't send to serverQUERY , opens up a new privmsg window to someoneQUIT [], disconnects from the current serverQUOTE , sends the text in raw form to the serverQatarQuitRECONNECT [-ssl] [] [] [], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open serversRECONNECT [] [] [], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open serversRECV , send raw data to xchat, as if it was received from the irc serverRaw Log...Real IPReal Name:Real user@hostReally remove network "%s" and all its servers?Realname: %sReasonReceive Server NoticesReceive WallopsReceiverReconnectRecvRefreshRefresh the listRegex Match:Reload SettingsRemote host closed socketRemoveResizable userlistResumeReunionReverse DNSRightRight messageRomaniaRussian FederationRwandaS. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isles.SAY , sends the text to the object in the current windowSERVCHAN , connects and joins a channelSERVCHAN [-ssl] , connects and joins a channelSERVER [] [], connects to a server, the default port is 6667SERVER [-ssl] [] [], connects to a server, the default port is 6667 for normal connections, and 9999 for ssl connectionsSET []S_ettingsSaint LuciaSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSaveSave AsSave Settings nowSave Settings on exitSave Text...Save list to a fileSave nickname in filenamesSave rawlogSave rawlog...Save the listScrollback lines:Search Text...Search buffer is empty. SecondsSecretSee strftime manpage for details.Select a Plugin or Script to loadSelect a file to save toSelect an Image FileSelect an output filenameSelect colorSelect fontSendSend FileSend file to %sSendfileSends a /WHOIS when a user comes online in your notify listSenegalSentServerServer InformationServer LinksServer List...Server NameServer Password:Server Tab...Server Window...Server: %sServernameServersSettings for %sSettings for Selected NetworkSettings saved.SeychellesShiftShorten tabs to:Show away onceShow hostnames in userlistShow identical away messages only onceShow join/part messagesShow tabs at:Show/Hide userlistSierra LeoneSignon timeSingaporeSizeSlovak RepublicSloveniaSocks4Socks5Solomon IslandsSomaliaSome file transfers still active, quit xchat?Some settings were changed that require a restart to take full effect.SortSoundSound file: South AfricaSouth KoreaSpainSri LankaSt. HelenaSt. Kitts and NevisSt. Pierre and MiquelonSt. Vincent and the grenadinesStartTimeStatusStrip mIRC colorSudanSurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSwazilandSwedenSwitzerlandSyriaTOPIC [], sets the topic if one is given, else shows the current topicTab colorsTabsTaiwanTajikistanTake OpsTake VoiceTanzaniaTelnetTest AllTextText Events...Text boxThailandThat file is not resumable.That mask already exists.That plugin is refusing to unload. The Change Page command switches between pages in the notebook. Set Data 1 to the page you want to switch to. If Data 2 is set to anything then the switch will be relative to the current positionThe Insert in Buffer command will insert the contents of Data 1 into the entry where the key sequence was pressed at the current cursor positionThe Last Command command sets the entry to contain the last command entered - the same as pressing up in a shellThe Next Command command sets the entry to contain the next command entered - the same as pressing down in a shellThe Run Command action runs the data in Data 1 as if it has been typed into the entry box where you pressed the key sequence. Thus it can contain text (which will be sent to the channel/person), commands or user commands. When run all \n characters in Data 1 are used to deliminate seperate commands so it is possible to run more than one command. If you want a \ in the actual text run then enter \\The Scroll Page command scrolls the text widget up or down one page. If Data 1 is set to anything the page scrolls up, else it scrolls downThe Set Buffer command sets the entry where the key sequence was entered to the contents of Data 1The CTCP eventThe Channel it's going toThe PacketThe actionThe ban maskThe channelThe channel being joinedThe channel it's being set onThe creatorThe exempt maskThe host of the personThe invite maskThe keyThe limitThe messageThe mode letterThe mode's sign (+/-)The nick of the joining personThe nick of the personThe nick of the person leavingThe nick of the person of did the dehalfop'ingThe nick of the person of did the deop'ingThe nick of the person of did the devoice'ingThe nick of the person of did the unban'ingThe nick of the person removed the exemptThe nick of the person removed the inviteThe nick of the person setting the modeThe nick of the person who did the banningThe nick of the person who did the exemptThe nick of the person who did the halfop'ingThe nick of the person who did the inviteThe nick of the person who did the op'ingThe nick of the person who did the voice'ingThe nick of the person who has been dehalfop'edThe nick of the person who has been deop'edThe nick of the person who has been devoice'edThe nick of the person who has been halfop'edThe nick of the person who has been op'edThe nick of the person who has been voice'edThe nick of the person who set the keyThe nick of the person who set the limitThe nick who removed the keyThe nick who removed the limitThe nickname of the kickerThe person being kickedThe reasonThe soundThe textThe timeThe time in x.x format (see below)The window you opened this Search for doesn't exist anymore.There was an error loading key bindings configurationThere was an error parsing the stringThis command changes the text in the entry to finish an incomplete nickname or command. If Data 1 is set then double-tabbing in a string will select the last nick, not the nextThis command checks the last word entered in the entry against the replace list and replaces it if it finds a matchThis command moves the current tab family to the leftThis command moves the current tab family to the rightThis command moves the front tab left by oneThis command moves the front tab right by oneThis command scrolls up and down through the list of nicks. If Data 1 is set to anything it will scroll up, else it scrolls downThis signal is only passed %d args, $%d is invalidThrottle meter:TimeTime stamp format:Time stamp textTint blue:Tint green:Tint red:Tint transparencyToTo/FromTogoTokelauTongaToo many recursive usercommands, aborting.TopTopicTopic BarTopic ProtectionTopic for %s is: %sTraceTracerouteTrack away-status on channels smaller than:Transparent backgroundTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluType:UNBAN [...], unbans the specified masks.UNIGNORE [QUIET]UNLOAD , unloads a plugin or scriptURLURL Grabber...URL Handlers - Special codes: %s = the URL string Putting a ! infront of the command indicates it should be sent to a shell instead of X-ChatURL Handlers...US Minor Outlying IslandsUS Virgin IslandsUgandaUkraineUnIgnore UserUnable to set transparent background! You may be using a non-compliant window manager that is not currently supported. UnbanUnignoreUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited States MedicalUnited States of AmericaUnknownUnknown Command. Try /help Unknown action %s in key bindings config file Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings Unknown arg '%s' ignored.Unknown keyname %s in key bindings config file Load aborted, please fix %s/keybindings.conf Unmark yourself as away before sending messagesUnsortedUruguayUsage: %s Use a proxy serverUse global user infoUse secure SSLUse the Text box font and colorsUserUser Commands - Special codes: %c = current channel %m = machine info %n = your nick %t = time/date %v = xchat version %2 = word 2 %3 = word 3 &2 = word 2 to the end of line &3 = word 3 to the end of line eg: /cmd john hello %2 would be "john" &2 would be "john hello".User Commands...User LimitUser ListUser List ButtonsUser Name:User and Channel Statistics: %d/%d Users on %d/%d ChannelsUser defined commands: User limit must be a number! User listUser: %sUserHostUserinfoUserlist Buttons - Special codes: %a = all selected nicks %c = current channel %h = selected nick's hostname %m = machine info %n = your nick %s = selected nick %t = time/date Userlist Buttons...Userlist Popup...Userlist buttons enabledUserlist sorted by:UsernameUsername:UsersUzbekistanVOICE , gives voice status to someone (needs chanop)VanuatuVatican City StateVenezuelaVersionVietnamWALLCHAN , writes the message to all channelsWALLCHOP , sends the message to all chanops on the current channelWaitingWallis and Futuna IslandsWarning: "%s" character set is unknown. No conversion will be applied for network %s.Western SaharaWhoWho it's fromWho set the banWhoIsWhois on notifyWindowsWingateX-Chat: Ban List (%s)X-Chat: CTCP RepliesX-Chat: Channel List (%s)X-Chat: DCC Chat ListX-Chat: Dialog buttonsX-Chat: Edit Key BindingsX-Chat: File Receive ListX-Chat: File Send ListX-Chat: Ignore listX-Chat: Notify ListX-Chat: Plugins and ScriptsX-Chat: PreferencesX-Chat: Rawlog (%s)X-Chat: ReplaceX-Chat: SearchX-Chat: Server ListX-Chat: URL GrabberX-Chat: URL HandlersX-Chat: User Defined CommandsX-Chat: User menuX-Chat: Userlist Popup menuX-Chat: Userlist buttonsYES YemenYou are being CTCP flooded from %s, ignoring %s You are being MSG flooded from %s, setting autodialog OFF. You must select some bans.YugoslaviaZ-AZ-A, Ops lastZaireZambiaZimbabwe_About_Add new network_Add new server_Close_Contents_Help_IRC_Load..._Remove "%s"_Server_UnLoad_Window_X-Chatbyedon't auto connectdon't auto load any pluginsletters.mIRC colors:show version informationuse a different config dirProject-Id-Version: xchat 2.0.8pre1 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: www.xchat.org POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-04 19:20+1000 PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-20 12:14-0400 Last-Translator: Gareth Owen Language-Team: English (British) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Type /HELP for more information, or /HELP -l Commands Available: DCC GET - accept an offered file DCC SEND [-maxcps=#] [file] - send a file to someone DCC LIST - show DCC list DCC CHAT - offer DCC CHAT to someone DCC CLOSE example: /dcc close send johnsmith file.tar.gz No help available on that command. File: %s To/From: %s Size: %u Port: %d IP Number: %s Start Time: %s Max CPS: %d %-20s offline %-20s online Ignore list is empty.$ Number$1$t$2%C08,02 %O%C08,02 %B-- Notify List --------------- %O%C08,02 Hostmask PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG %O%C12*%C13$1%C12*$t%O$2%O%C12-%C13$1%C12-%O$t$2%O%C12-%C13$1/$2%C12-%O$t$3%O%C12-%C13$1/Wallops%C12-%O$t$2%O%C13*%O$t$1%O $2%O%C13*%O$t%C8%B$1%B%O $2%O%C2<%C8%B$1%B%C2>%O$t$2%O%C2<%O$1%C2>%O$t$2%O%C3>%O$1%C3<%O$t$2%O%C3>%O$1%C3<%O$tCTCP $2%O%C6<%O$1%C6>%O$t$2%O%C8,2 Type To/From Status Size Pos File %O%010%B%C9----------------------------------------------------%O%O%C11$1%O added to ignore list.%O%C11$1%O removed from ignore list.%UChannel Users Topic%O%d bytes%d ops, %d total(%s=Server %c=Channel %n=Network).(Can be a text file relative to config dir).(Can be a text file relative to ~/.xchat2/).(Disabled)(Leave at zero for full speed file transfers).(Leave ports at zero for full range).(Only useful for computers with multiple addresses).(See strftime manpage for details).(Separate multiple words with commas).* Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the permissions on %s/xchatlogs* Running IRC as root is stupid! You should create a User Account and use that to login. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT %s **** ENDING LOGGING AT %s *NEW**WARNING* Auto accepting DCC to your home directory can be dangerous and is exploitable. Eg: Someone could send you a .bash_profile-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 Banlist: %C3$4 %C4$2 %C5$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 added to notify list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 already in use. Retrying with $2..-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 deleted from notify list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 has changed the topic to: $2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 is now known as $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes ban on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes channel keyword-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes exempt on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes invite on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 removes user limit-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets ban on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets channel keyword to $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets channel limit to $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets exempt on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets invite on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets mode $2$3 $4-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 sets modes%B %C14[%O$2%B%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 users in notify list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t$1%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1 %Chas offered %C11$2 %C(%C11$3 %Cbytes)-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1 %Chas requested to resume %C11$2 %Cfrom %C11$3%C.-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O gives channel half-operator status to %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O gives channel operator status to %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O gives voice to %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O removes channel half-operator status from %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O removes channel operator status from %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11$1%O removes voice from %C11$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C11Users on $1:%C $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %C14(%O$2@$3%C14) %O: $4%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %CEnd of WHOIS list.-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %Cis away %C14(%O$2%O%C14)-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %O$2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %O$2 %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12] %Oreal user@host %C11$2%O, real IP %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%C $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%O $2-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%O idle %C11$2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$t%C12[%O$1%C12]%O idle %C11$2%O, signon: %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tA process is already running-%C10-%C11-%O$tAlready offering CHAT to $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(Channel is invite only).-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(Requires keyword).-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(User limit reached).-%C10-%C11-%O$tCannot join%C11 %B$1 %O(You are banned).-%C10-%C11-%O$tChannel $1 created on $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tChannel $1 modes: $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnected.-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnected. Now logging in..-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnecting to %C11$1 %C14(%C11$2%C14)%C port %C11$3%C..-%C10-%C11-%O$tConnection failed. Error: $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC $1 %C11$2 %Cto %C11$3 %Cstalled - aborting.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC $1 %C11$2 %Cto %C11$3 %Ctimed out - aborting.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC $1 connect attempt to %C11$2%O failed (err=$3).-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC CHAT connection established to %C11$1 %C14[%O$2%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC CHAT to %C11$1%O aborted.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC CHAT to %C11$1%O lost. $4.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV %C11$1%O from %C11$3%O complete %C14[%C11$4%O cps%C14]%O.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV %C11$1%O from %C11$3%O failed. $4.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV %C11$2%O to %C11$1%O aborted.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV connection established to %C11$1 %C14[%O$2%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC RECV: Cannot open $1 for writing ($2).-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND %C11$1%O to %C11$2%O complete %C14[%C11$3%O cps%C14]%O.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND %C11$1%O to %C11$2%O failed. $3-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND %C11$2%O to %C11$1%O aborted.-%C10-%C11-%O$tDCC SEND connection established to %C11$1 %C14[%O$2%C14]%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tDisconnected ($1).-%C10-%C11-%O$tFound your IP: [$1]-%C10-%C11-%O$tLooking up %C11$1%C..-%C10-%C11-%O$tLooking up IP number for%C11 $1%O..-%C10-%C11-%O$tMOTD Skipped.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNickname already in use. Use /NICK to try another.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo ping reply for $1 seconds, disconnecting.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo process is currently running-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo such DCC offer.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNo such DCC.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNotify list is empty.-%C10-%C11-%O$tNotify: $1 is offline ($2).-%C10-%C11-%O$tNotify: $1 is online ($2).-%C10-%C11-%O$tOffering %C11$1 %Cto %C11$2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tOffering DCC CHAT to $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tPing reply from $1 : $2 second(s)-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived '$1%O' from $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2 (to $3)-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a DCC CHAT offer from $1-%C10-%C11-%O$tReceived a malformed DCC request from %C11$1%O.%010-%C10-%C11-%O$tContents of packet: $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tStopped previous connection attempt (pid=$1)-%C10-%C11-%O$tThe file %C11$1%C already exists, saving it as %C11$2%O instead.-%C10-%C11-%O$tTopic for %C11$1%C is %C11$2%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tTopic for %C11$1%C set by %C11$2%C at %C11$3%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tUnknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou are now known as $2-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have been invited to %C11$1%C by %C11$2%C (%C11$3%C)-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have been kicked from $2 by $3 ($4%O)-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have been killed by $1 ($2%O)-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have left channel $3-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou have left channel $3 %C14(%O$4%C14)%O-%C10-%C11-%O$tYou're inviting %C11$1%C to %C11$2%C (%C11$3%C)-%C10-%C11>%O$t%B$1%B %C14(%C10$3%C14)%C has joined $2-%C10-%C11>%O$t%BYou%B are now talking on %C11$2%O/WHOIS yourself to find your real address. Use this if you have a 192.168.*.* address!<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 %C14(%O$2%C14)%C has left $3<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 %C14(%O$2%C14)%C has left $3 %C14(%O$4%C14)%O<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 has kicked $2 from $3 ($4%O)<%C10-%C11-%O$t$1 has quit %C14(%O$2%O%C14)%OA multiplatform IRC ClientA-ZA-Z, Ops firstADDBUTTON , adds a button under the user-listALLCHAN , sends a command to all channels you're inALLSERV , sends a command to all servers you're inAWAY [], sets you awayAbortAbort ChatAbortedAbout X-ChatAcceptAccept invalid cert.AccountAckActionActiveAddAdd NewAdd newAddress to bind to:AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAltAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAnnounce away messagesAnnounce your away messages to all channelsAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaApplyApply Match to:ArgentinaArmeniaArubaAttach TabAustraliaAustriaAuthenticate to the proxy server (only HTTP)Auto Accept Direct ChatAuto Accept FilesAuto Open Dialogue WindowsAuto Reconnect to ServerAuto Rejoin when KickedAuto Replace...Auto connect at startupAuto open DCC chat listAuto open DCC receive listAuto open DCC send listAuto reconnect delay:Automatic nick completionAutomatically unmark awayAway User:Away reasonAzerbaijanBAN [], bans everyone matching the mask from the current channel. If they are already on the channel this doesn't kick them (needs chanop)Background image:Background:Bad arguments for user command. BahamasBahrainBanBan ListBan List...Ban timeBangladeshBanmaskBarbadosBeep on channel messagesBeep on highlighted messagesBeep on messageBeep on private messagesBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBothBotswanaBottomBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Channel IslesBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Virgin IslandsBrowse...Brunei DarussalamBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiBusinessesCLEAR, Clears the current text windowCLOSE, Closes the current window/tabCOUNTRY , finds a country code, eg: au = australiaCPSCTCPCTCP , send the CTCP message to nick, common messages are VERSION and USERINFOCTCP Replies - Special codes: %d = data (the whole ctcp) %m = machine info %s = nick who sent the ctcp %t = time/date %2 = word 2 %3 = word 3 &2 = word 2 to the end of line &3 = word 3 to the end of line CTCP Replies...CTCP:CYCLE, parts current channel and immediately rejoinsC_lear TextC_onnectCambodiaCameroonCanadaCancelCannot access %s Cannot access file: %s %s. Resuming not possible.Cannot assign that addressCannot create ~/.xchat2Cannot read sound file: %sCannot read that file.Cannot resolve hostname %s Check your IP Settings! Cannot resume the same file from two people.Cannot write to that file.Cape VerdeCategoriesCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChannelChannel List...Channel Membership/"is an IRC operator"Channel NameChannel Tab...Channel Window...Channel nameChannel:Channels to join, separated by commas, but not spaces!Character ChartCharacter Chart...Character Set:ChatChattingChileChinaChristmas IslandClaim you are at this address when offering files.ClearClear listClear rawlogClientinfoCloseClose TabClose this tab/windowCocos IslandsColombiaColour pasteColoured nicksColoursCommandCommand to execute after connecting. Can be used to authenticate to NickServComorosCongoConnectConnect Command:Connect in a _new tabConnection refusedConnection reset by peerConnection timed outConvert spaces to underscoreCook IslandsCopyCopy selected URLCosta RicaCote D'ivoireCountry: %sCroatiaCropCtrlCubaCycle ChannelCycle until connectedCycling to next server in %s... CyprusCzech RepublicDCCDCC IP address:DCC StringDCC TypeDEHOP , removes chanhalf-op status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)DELBUTTON , deletes a button from under the user-listDEOP , removes chanop status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)DEVOICE , removes voice status from the nick on the current channel (needs chanop)DIRECTORYDISCON, Disconnects from serverDNS , Finds a users IP numberDNS LookupData 1Data 2DateDeOpDefault away message:Default part message:Default quit message:DeleteDelete AllDenmarkDescriptionDestination filenameDetach TabDialogueDialog Buttons - Special codes: %a = all selected nicks %c = current channel %h = selected nick's hostname %m = machine info %n = your nick %s = selected nick %t = time/date Dialogue Buttons...Direct Chat...Direct client-to-clientDisconnectDisplay MODEs in raw formDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicDoneDouble-click command:Download files to:ECHO , Prints text locallyEDIT MEETAEXEC [-o] , runs the command. If -o flag is used then output is sent to current channel, else is printed to current text boxEXECCONT, sends the process SIGCONTEXECKILL [-9], kills a running exec in the current session. If -9 is given the process is SIGKILL'edEXECSTOP, sends the process SIGSTOPEXECWRITE, sends data to the processes stdinEast TimorEcuadorEdit EventsEdit This Menu...Edit modeEducational InstitutionEgyptEl SalvadorEnable logging of conversationsEnter Channel to Join:Enter mask to ignore:Enter new nickname:Enter nickname to add:Enter reason to kick %s:Equatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError opening keys config file Error parsing event %s. Loading defaultEstoniaEthiopiaEventExpecting Data line (beginning Dx{:|!}) but got: %s Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings ExternalExtra words to highlight on:FLUSHQ, flushes the current server's send queueFailedFailed to open font: %sFalkland IslandsFaroe IslandsFijiFileFile Receive...File Send...File in download directory is larger than file offered. Resuming not possible.File transfersFilenameFindFind:FingerFinlandFirst DCC send port:Font:Foreground:Former CzechoslovakiaFormer USSRFranceFrance, MetropolitanFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFromFull nameGATE [], proxies through a host, port defaults to 23GabonGambiaGeneralGeorgiaGermanyGet my IP from IRC serverGhanaGibraltarGive OpsGive VoiceGlobal User InfoGo toGovernmentGraphGreat BritainGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHOP , gives chanhalf-op status to the nick (needs chanop)HTTPHaitiHeard and McDonald IslandsHelpHiddenHide VersionHide channel join/part messages by defaultHide join/part messagesHighlight:HondurasHong KongHostHost unknownHostmaskHostnameHostname:HungaryI can't save an empty list!I need /bin/sh to run! I'm busyIGNORE mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*.aol.com types - types of data to ignore, one or all of: PRIV, CHAN, NOTI, CTCP, DCC, INVI, ALL options - NOSAVE, QUIETINVITE [], invites someone to a channel, by default the current channel (needs chanop)IPIP addressIcelandIdle timeIgnoreIgnore List...Ignore Stats:Ignore UserIgnore on %C11$1%O changed.In filenames, before sendingIndent nicksIndiaIndonesiaInfoInfo textInformationalInput boxInsert colour codeInsert timestamps in logsInterfaceInternationalInternic CommercialInternic NetworkInternic Non-Profit OrganisationInterpret %C, %B as Colour, Bold etcInterpret %nnn as an ASCII valueInvisibleInviteInvite OnlyInvite:IranIraqIrelandIsraelItalyJOIN , joins the channelJamaicaJapanJoin ChannelJoin Channel...Join Channels:JordanKICK , kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)KICKBAN , bans then kicks the nick from the current channel (needs chanop)KazakhstanKenyaKeyKey Bindings...Key bindings config file is corrupt, load aborted Please fix %s/keybindings.conf KeywordKickKick/BanKickBanKill this userKiribatiKuwaitKyrgyzstanLAGCHECK, forces a new lag checkLASTLOG , searches for a string in the bufferLOAD , loads a plugin or scriptLag meter:LaosLast DCC send port:Last Msg: %sLast SeenLatviaLeave ChannelLeavingLebanonLeftLeft messageLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinList display options:ListsLithuaniaLoad FromLoad Plugin or Script...Log filename mask:Log timestamp format:LoggingLuxembourgMDEHOP, Mass deop's all chanhalf-ops in the current channel (needs chanop)MDEOP, Mass deop's all chanops in the current channel (needs chanop)ME , sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in the 3rd person, like /me jumps)MIME TypeMKICK, Mass kicks everyone except you in the current channel (needs chanop)MOP, Mass op's all users in the current channel (needs chanop)MSG , sends a private messageMacauMacedoniaMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMark back:Mark fore:Marked AwayMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMaskMauritaniaMauritiusMax. global receive CPS:Max. global send CPS:Max. receive CPS:Max. send CPS:Max. speed for all trafficMax. speed for one transferMaximum Users:MayotteMenu BarMessageMexicoMicronesiaMilitaryMinimum Users:ModModeMode ButtonsMode charModeratedModes stringMoldovaMonacoMongoliaMontserratMoroccoMove "%s" _downMove "%s" _upMove DnMove UpMove completed files to:MozambiqueMyanmarNAMES, Lists the nicks on the current channelNCTCP , Sends a CTCP noticeNEWSERVER []NICK , sets your nickNO NOTICE , sends a notice. Notices are a type of message that should be auto reacted toNOTIFY [], lists your notify list or adds someone to itNameNamibiaNato FielNauruNepalNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNetworkNetwork setupNetworksNeutral ZoneNeverNever-give-up ReConnectNewNew CaledoniaNew Data:New FilenameNew Message:New NetworkNew Shell Tab...New ZealandNew nicknameNicaraguaNickNick Name:Nick Names:Nick being triedNick completion suffix:Nick of person who changed the topicNick of person who have been invitedNick of person who invited youNicknameNickname in useNigerNigeriaNiueNo active DCCs No channel joined. Try /join # No other tabs open, quit xchat?No outside messagesNo route to hostNo server list on startupNo such command. No such plugin found. No topic is setNo xchat_plugin_init symbol; is this really an xchat plugin?Norfolk IslandNorth KoreaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNot connected. Try /server [] NoticeNotice:Notify List...Number of notify itemsOP , gives chanop status to the nick (needs chanop)OffOffer ChatOfflineOld FilenameOld School ARPAnetOld nicknameOmanOnlineOpOpenOpen DCC, Ignore, Notify etc, in tabs or windows?Open Dialogue WindowOpen channels in:Open dialogues in:Open tab for server messagesOpen tab for server noticesOpen utilities in:OperOptionsPART [] [], leaves the channel, by default the current onePIDPING , CTCP pings nick or channelPakistanPalauPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPart ChannelPassword:PathnamePeruPhilippinesPingPing ServerPitcairnPlugins and Scripts...PolandPop new tabs to frontPortPort:PortugalPositionPreferences...Print Texts FilePrivatePrivate:Proxy serverProxy traversal failed. Puerto RicoPush input line into history but doesn't send to serverQUERY , opens up a new privmsg window to someoneQUIT [], disconnects from the current serverQUOTE , sends the text in raw form to the serverQatarQuitRECONNECT [-ssl] [] [] [], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open serversRECONNECT [] [] [], Can be called just as /RECONNECT to reconnect to the current server or with /RECONNECT ALL to reconnect to all the open serversRECV , send raw data to xchat, as if it was received from the irc serverRaw Log...Real IPReal Name:Real user@hostReally remove network "%s" and all its servers?Realname: %sReasonReceive Server NoticesReceive WallopsReceiverReconnectRecvRefreshRefresh the listRegex Match:Reload SettingsRemote host closed socketRemoveResizable userlistResumeReunionReverse DNSRightRight messageRomaniaRussian FederationRwandaS. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isles.SAY , sends the text to the object in the current windowSERVCHAN , connects and joins a channelSERVCHAN [-ssl] , connects and joins a channelSERVER [] [], connects to a server, the default port is 6667SERVER [-ssl] [] [], connects to a server, the default port is 6667 for normal connections, and 9999 for ssl connectionsSET []S_ettingsSaint LuciaSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSaveSave AsSave Settings nowSave Settings on exitSave Text...Save list to a fileSave nickname in filenamesSave rawlogSave rawlog...Save the listScrollback lines:Search Text...Search buffer is empty. SecondsSecretSee strftime manpage for details.Select a Plugin or Script to loadSelect a file to save toSelect an Image FileSelect an output filenameSelect colourSelect fontSendSend FileSend file to %sSendfileSends a /WHOIS when a user comes online in your notify listSenegalSentServerServer InformationServer LinksServer List...Server NameServer Password:Server Tab...Server Window...Server: %sServernameServersSettings for %sSettings for Selected NetworkSettings saved.SeychellesShiftShorten tabs to:Show away onceShow hostnames in userlistShow identical away messages only onceShow join/part messagesShow tabs at:Show/Hide userlistSierra LeoneSignon timeSingaporeSizeSlovak RepublicSloveniaSocks4Socks5Solomon IslandsSomaliaSome file transfers still active, quit xchat?Some settings were changed that require a restart to take full effect.SortSoundSound file: South AfricaSouth KoreaSpainSri LankaSt. HelenaSt. Kitts and NevisSt. Pierre and MiquelonSt. Vincent and the grenadinesStartTimeStatusStrip mIRC colourSudanSurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSwazilandSwedenSwitzerlandSyriaTOPIC [], sets the topic if one is given, else shows the current topicTab coloursTabsTaiwanTajikistanTake OpsTake VoiceTanzaniaTelnetTest AllTextText Events...Text boxThailandThat file is not resumable.That mask already exists.That plugin is refusing to unload. The Change Page command switches between pages in the notebook. Set Data 1 to the page you want to switch to. If Data 2 is set to anything then the switch will be relative to the current positionThe Insert in Buffer command will insert the contents of Data 1 into the entry where the key sequence was pressed at the current cursor positionThe Last Command command sets the entry to contain the last command entered - the same as pressing up in a shellThe Next Command command sets the entry to contain the next command entered - the same as pressing down in a shellThe Run Command action runs the data in Data 1 as if it has been typed into the entry box where you pressed the key sequence. Thus it can contain text (which will be sent to the channel/person), commands or user commands. When run all \n characters in Data 1 are used to deliminate separate commands so it is possible to run more than one command. If you want a \ in the actual text run then enter \\The Scroll Page command scrolls the text widget up or down one page. If Data 1 is set to anything the page scrolls up, else it scrolls downThe Set Buffer command sets the entry where the key sequence was entered to the contents of Data 1The CTCP eventThe Channel it's going toThe PacketThe actionThe ban maskThe channelThe channel being joinedThe channel it's being set onThe creatorThe exempt maskThe host of the personThe invite maskThe keyThe limitThe messageThe mode letterThe mode's sign (+/-)The nick of the joining personThe nick of the personThe nick of the person leavingThe nick of the person of did the dehalfop'ingThe nick of the person of did the deop'ingThe nick of the person of did the devoice'ingThe nick of the person of did the unban'ingThe nick of the person removed the exemptThe nick of the person removed the inviteThe nick of the person setting the modeThe nick of the person who did the banningThe nick of the person who did the exemptThe nick of the person who did the halfop'ingThe nick of the person who did the inviteThe nick of the person who did the op'ingThe nick of the person who did the voice'ingThe nick of the person who has been dehalfop'edThe nick of the person who has been deop'edThe nick of the person who has been devoice'edThe nick of the person who has been halfop'edThe nick of the person who has been op'edThe nick of the person who has been voice'edThe nick of the person who set the keyThe nick of the person who set the limitThe nick who removed the keyThe nick who removed the limitThe nickname of the kickerThe person being kickedThe reasonThe soundThe textThe timeThe time in x.x format (see below)The window you opened this Search for doesn't exist anymore.There was an error loading key bindings configurationThere was an error parsing the stringThis command changes the text in the entry to finish an incomplete nickname or command. If Data 1 is set then double-tabbing in a string will select the last nick, not the nextThis command checks the last word entered in the entry against the replace list and replaces it if it finds a matchThis command moves the current tab family to the leftThis command moves the current tab family to the rightThis command moves the front tab left by oneThis command moves the front tab right by oneThis command scrolls up and down through the list of nicks. If Data 1 is set to anything it will scroll up, else it scrolls downThis signal is only passed %d args, $%d is invalidThrottle meter:TimeTime stamp format:Time stamp textTint blue:Tint green:Tint red:Tint transparencyToTo/FromTogoTokelauTongaToo many recursive user commands, aborting.TopTopicTopic BarTopic ProtectionTopic for %s is: %sTraceTracerouteTrack away-status on channels smaller than:Transparent backgroundTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluType:UNBAN [...], unbans the specified masks.UNIGNORE [QUIET]UNLOAD , unloads a plugin or scriptURLURL Grabber...URL Handlers - Special codes: %s = the URL string Putting a ! infront of the command indicates it should be sent to a shell instead of X-ChatURL Handlers...US Minor Outlying IslandsUS Virgin IslandsUgandaUkraineUnIgnore UserUnable to set transparent background! You may be using a non-compliant window manager that is not currently supported. UnbanUnignoreUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited States MedicalUnited States of AmericaUnknownUnknown Command. Try /help Unknown action %s in key bindings config file Load aborted, Please fix %s/keybindings Unknown arg '%s' ignored.Unknown keyname %s in key bindings config file Load aborted, please fix %s/keybindings.conf Unmark yourself as away before sending messagesUnsortedUruguayUsage: %s Use a proxy serverUse global user infoUse secure SSLUse the Text box font and coloursUserUser Commands - Special codes: %c = current channel %m = machine info %n = your nick %t = time/date %v = xchat version %2 = word 2 %3 = word 3 &2 = word 2 to the end of line &3 = word 3 to the end of line eg: /cmd john hello %2 would be "john" &2 would be "john hello".User Commands...User LimitUser ListUser List ButtonsUser Name:User and Channel Statistics: %d/%d Users on %d/%d ChannelsUser defined commands: User limit must be a number! User listUser: %sUserHostUserinfoUserlist Buttons - Special codes: %a = all selected nicks %c = current channel %h = selected nick's hostname %m = machine info %n = your nick %s = selected nick %t = time/date Userlist Buttons...Userlist Popup...Userlist buttons enabledUserlist sorted by:UsernameUsername:UsersUzbekistanVOICE , gives voice status to someone (needs chanop)VanuatuVatican City StateVenezuelaVersionVietnamWALLCHAN , writes the message to all channelsWALLCHOP , sends the message to all chanops on the current channelWaitingWallis and Futuna IslandsWarning: "%s" character set is unknown. No conversion will be applied for network %s.Western SaharaWhoWho it's fromWho set the banWhoIsWhois on notifyWindowsWingateX-Chat: Ban List (%s)X-Chat: CTCP RepliesX-Chat: Channel List (%s)X-Chat: DCC Chat ListX-Chat: Dialogue buttonsX-Chat: Edit Key BindingsX-Chat: File Receive ListX-Chat: File Send ListX-Chat: Ignore listX-Chat: Notify ListX-Chat: Plugins and ScriptsX-Chat: PreferencesX-Chat: Rawlog (%s)X-Chat: ReplaceX-Chat: SearchX-Chat: Server ListX-Chat: URL GrabberX-Chat: URL HandlersX-Chat: User Defined CommandsX-Chat: User menuX-Chat: Userlist Popup menuX-Chat: Userlist buttonsYES YemenYou are being CTCP flooded from %s, ignoring %s You are being MSG flooded from %s, setting autodialogue OFF. You must select some bans.YugoslaviaZ-AZ-A, Ops lastZaireZambiaZimbabwe_About_Add new network_Add new server_Close_Contents_Help_IRC_Load..._Remove "%s"_Server_UnLoad_Window_X-Chatbyedon't auto connectdon't auto load any pluginsletters.mIRC colours:show version informationuse a different config dir