# defines if select() shall be used, normally 1, put to 0, if you are # using old kernels (select() produces there a higher CPU-load). use_select 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0 for real TNC at serial port, 1 for TFKISS on a UNIX-socket, # 2 for TFKISS on other socket soft_tnc 0 # serial port to which TNC is connected, UNIX-socket of TFKISS or # other socket for TFKISS device /dev/ttyS0 # lockfile for serial port or TFKISS tnt_lockfile /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0 # baudrate used, only used if TNC at serial port speed 19200 # timinig parameters for interface to tfkiss (soft_tnc is 1) # 1: fixed wait (10ms) after each hostmode-packet sent to tfkiss fixed_wait 1 # if fixed_wait == 0, number of sent characters to tfkiss after which # tnt will wait 10ms amount_wait 20 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # number of channels of TNC tnc_channels 10 # first channel with reduced backscroll buffer r_channels 4 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # enable static huffman compression (//COMP) tnt_comp 1 # try to uncompress frames in the monitor window moni_decomp 1 # disable binary packets moni_chkbin 1 # packet length for transmission of files file_paclen 255 # set to 1 to disconnect all channels on startup disc_on_start 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UNIX-user for remote permissions remote_user guest ### Only available if compiled with GEN_NEW_USER support! # If set to 1, new users will be created, if set to 0, all new users will # be logged in as user defined by 'remote_user'. #unix_new_user 1 # lowest user-id for creation of new users #unix_first_uid 410 # highest user-id for creation of new users #unix_user_max 4095 # group-id for new users #unix_user_gid 101 ### # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # timeout packet assembly (in seconds) for SHELL/REDIR and interface pty_timeout 2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set to 1 for request of R:-headers in boxlist read command blist_add_plus 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SSID of DPBox (A channel with this SSID must exist in TNC!) tnt_box_ssid 7 # Call and SSID of DPBox (A channel with this Call and SSID # must exist in TNC!) # (If this parameter is used, 'tnt_box_ssid' will be ignored) #tnt_box_call # SSID of a node connect (not yet ready) tnt_node_ssid 9 # Call and SSID of a node connect (not yet ready) #tnt_node_call # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # work/spool directory tnt_work_dir /usr/pkg/tnt/work # configuration directory tnt_conf_dir /usr/pkg/tnt # doc dir directory tnt_doc_dir /usr/pkg/tnt/doc # log file directory tnt_log_dir /usr/pkg/tnt/work # pid/socket directory tnt_proc_dir /usr/pkg/tnt # remote directory remote_dir remote/ # ctext directory ctext_dir ctext/ # directory for corrupt autobin-files abin_dir abin/ # directory for uploads upload_dir up/ # directory for downloads download_dir down/ # directory for 7plus tnt_7plus_dir 7plus/ # directory for YAPP yapp_dir yapp/ # directory for executable programs tnt_bin_dir /usr/pkg/libexec/tnt # home-dir for new users (only if compiled with GEN_NEW_USER support) #unix_user_dir tntusers/ # dir for macro-texts macrotext_dir macro/ # dir for box-broadcastfiles tnt_bcnewmaildir bcast/newmail/ # dir for broadcastfiles tnt_bcsavedir bcast/save/ # dir for temporary broadcastfiles tnt_bctempdir /tmp/ # dir for tnt soundfiles (only if compiled with TNT_SOUND!) tnt_sound_dir /usr/pkg/tnt/work/sounds # upfile tnt_upfile tnt.up # downfile tnt_downfile tnt.dwn # file containing process id proc_file tnt.pid # remote infofile rem_info_file tntrem.inf # remote helpfile rem_help_file tntrem.hlp.en # tnthelpfile tnt_help_file tnt.hlp.en # cookiefile tnt_cookiefile /usr/games/fortunes/startrek # namesfile name_file_name names.tnt # routesfile route_file_name routes.tnt # newsfile news_file_name news.tnt # connect text tnt_ctextfile ctext.tnt # quit text tnt_qtextfile qtext.tnt # logbook file tnt_logbookfile tnt.log # password file tnt_pwfile pw.tnt # sysop access files tnt_sysfile sys.tnt # calls with remote disabled tnt_noremfile norem.tnt # calls which do flexnet-linkquality-check tnt_flchkfile flchk.tnt # own call/SSID not allowed for xconnect tnt_notownfile notown.tnt # resync logfile resy_log_file resy.log # broadcast logfile bcast_log_file bcast.log # socket passwordfile sock_passfile netpass.tnt # file for keyboard macros func_key_file fkeys.tnt # file for extended remote commands tnt_extremotefile extrem.tnt # file for autostart on connect tnt_autostartfile autostrt.tnt # file for telltexts tnt_tellfile telltexte.tnt # Logfile for saving tnt-session status tnt_sessionlog /var/log/tntsession_status # file for sound effects (only if compiled with TNT_SOUND!) # tnt_soundfile sounds.tnt # socket for digipoint box # use "0", if you don't want to use dpbox box_socket /work/box/stat/socket # directory for newmail newmaildir newmail/ # file holding monitored folders autobox_dir autobox.dir # file for boxfile endings tnt_boxender boxender.tnt # file for f6fbb-definitions f6fbb_box /work/box/system/f6fbb.box # socket for tntnode (not yet ready) node_socket /work/tntnode/socket # socket for frontend frontend_socket unix:tntsock # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # maximum length of input line input_linelen 80 # set to 1 if insertmode shall be active after startup insertmode 0 # maximum number of entries in heardlist num_heardentries 100 # number of lines for backscroll # command-screen lines_command 50 # monitor-screen lines_monitor 400 # input area of connect-screens lines_input 20 # output area of connect-screens lines_output 100 # input area of connect-screens (reduced backscroll) lines_r_input 5 # output area of connect-screens (reduced backscroll) lines_r_output 20 # input/output-lines ratio on real screen (connect) scr_divide 5 # monitor lines on connect-screens lines_moncon 0 # input area of mailbox-screen lines_mbinput 10 # output area of mailbox-screen lines_mboutput 200 # input/output-lines ratio on real screen (mailbox) mbscr_divide 8 # input area of extended monitor screens lines_xmon_pre 10 # output area of extended monitor screens lines_xmon 100 # input/output-lines ratio on real screen (extended monitor) xmon_scr_divide 5 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 0: monochrom, 1: use color attributes if TERM = 'linux' or 'conXXX', # otherwise use monochrom attributes and termcap, 2: use color attributes, # 3: use color attributes and termcap if TERM = 'xterm' color 1 # 0: don't use termcap, 1: use termcap termcap 0 # 1: alternative channel status line altstat 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # attributes for color # normal characters attc_normal 0x47 # characters in bottom statusline attc_statline 0x3A # characters in monitor-headers attc_monitor 0x4A # characters in channel statusline attc_cstatline 0x74 # control-characters attc_controlchar 0x07 # remote-answers attc_remote 0x4F # special features attc_special 0x0F # color for port 1 attc_monport1 0x4B # color for port 2 attc_monport2 0x43 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # attributes for monochrom # normal characters attm_normal 0x00 # characters in bottom statusline attm_statline 0x08 # characters in monitor-headers attm_monitor 0x10 # characters in channel statusline attm_cstatline 0x10 # control-characters attm_controlchar 0x10 # remote-answers and own transmitted text attm_remote 0x10 # special features attm_special 0x10 # color for port 1 attm_monport1 0x10 # color for port 2 attm_monport2 0x08 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # these values must remain unchanged using LINUX # 1: terminal puts cursor to a new line after character in last column auto_newline 0 # 1: don't display characters 128-160 supp_hicntl 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AX25 Port (only if compiled with USE_AX25K) # ax25k_port P3 # Fullmoniflag (0: display only received frames, 1: display all frames) # NOTE: a value of '1' means that TNT have to analysis all frames of the # network which will cause a high load if you are using a busy ethernet # fullmoni_flag 0