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(for internal commands) or "\help" (for SQL commands) from within psql, or consult the psql section in the PostgreSQL documentation. Report bugs to . -A Unaligned table output mode (-P format=unaligned) -E Display queries that internal commands generate -F STRING Set field separator (default: "%s") (-P fieldsep=) -H HTML table output mode (-P format=html) -P VAR[=ARG] Set printing option 'VAR' to 'ARG' (see \pset command) -R STRING Set record separator (default: newline) (-P recordsep=) -S Single line mode (end of line terminates SQL command) -T TEXT Set HTML table tag attributes (width, border) (-P tableattr=) -U NAME Specify database user name (default: %s) -V Show version information and exit -W Prompt for password (should happen automatically) -X Do not read startup file (~/.psqlrc) -a Echo all input from script -c COMMAND Run only single command (SQL or internal) and exit -d DBNAME Specify database name to connect to (default: %s) -e Echo commands sent to server -f FILENAME Execute commands from file, then exit -h HOSTNAME Specify database server host (default: %s) -l List available databases, then exit -n Disable enhanced command line editing (readline) -o FILENAME Send query results to file (or |pipe) -p PORT Specify database server port (default: %s) -q Run quietly (no messages, only query output) -s Single step mode (confirm each query) -t Print rows only (-P tuples_only) -v NAME=VALUE Set psql variable 'NAME' to 'VALUE' -x Turn on expanded table output (-P expanded) psql [options] [dbname [username]] (primary key) \! [COMMAND] execute command in shell or start interactive shell \C TITLE set table title \H toggle HTML output mode (currently %s) \T TEXT set HTML table tag attributes \a toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode \c[onnect] [DBNAME|- [USER]] connect to new database (currently "%s") \cd [DIRNAME] change the current working directory \copy ... perform SQL COPY with data stream to the client host \copyright show PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms \d TABLE describe table (or view, index, sequence) \dT list data types \da list aggregate functions \dd NAME show comment for table, type, function, or operator \df list functions \do list operators \d{p|S|l} list access privileges, system tables, or large objects \d{t|i|s|v}... list tables/indexes/sequences/views \e FILENAME edit the current query buffer or file with external editor \echo TEXT write text to standard output \encoding ENCODING set client encoding \f STRING set field separator \g FILENAME send SQL command to server (and write results to file or |pipe) \h NAME help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands \i FILENAME execute commands from file \l list all databases \lo_export, \lo_import, \lo_list, \lo_unlink large object operations \o FILENAME send all query results to file or |pipe \p show the content of the current query buffer \pset VAR set table output option (VAR := {format|border|expanded| fieldsep|null|recordsep|tuples_only|title|tableattr|pager}) \q quit psql \qecho TEXT write text to query output stream (see \o) \r reset (clear) the query buffer \s FILENAME print history or save it to file \set NAME VALUE set internal variable \t show only rows (currently %s) \unset NAME unset (delete) internal variable \w FILENAME write current query buffer to file \x toggle expanded output (currently %s) \z list table access privileges %*s "%s" %s%s%s was compiled without support for long options. Use --help for help on invocation options. %s: "%s" %s%s: %s %s: Warning: The -u option is deprecated. Use -U. %s: could not delete variable %s %s: could not set variable %s %s: couldn't set printing parameter %s %s: invalid encoding name %s: out of memory %s: warning: extra option %s ignored %s: xstrdup: cannot duplicate null pointer (internal error) (%d rows)(1 row)(No rows) (all types)***(Single step mode: Verify query)********************************************* %s ***(press return to proceed or enter x and return to cancel)******************** ?%c? "%s"Access privilegesAccess privileges for database "%s"Argument data typesAsynchronous NOTIFY '%s' from backend with pid %d received. AttributesAvailable help:Border style is %d. Check constraintsColumnCommand: %s Description: %s Syntax: %s Data typeDefault footer is off.Default footer is on.DescriptionDid not find any relation named "%s". EncodingEnter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.Expanded display is off. Expanded display is on. Failed. Field separator is '%s'. Index "%s"Index predicate: %sIndexesInternal nameInvalid command \%s. Try \? for help. LanguageLarge objectsLeft arg typeList of aggregate functionsList of data typesList of database usersList of databasesList of functionsList of operatorsList of relationsModifiersNameNo help available for '%-.*s'. Try \h with no arguments to see available help. No matching relations found. No relations found. Null display is '%s'. ObjectObject descriptionsOptions:Output format is %s. OwnerPassword: Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group Portions Copyright (c) 1996, Regents of the University of California Read the file COPYRIGHT or use the command \copyright to see the usage and distribution terms.Previous connection kept Primary keyQuery buffer is empty.Query buffer reset (cleared).Record separator is '%s'. Record separator is .Result data typeResult typeRight arg typeRulesSSL connection (cipher: %s, bits: %i) Sequence "%s"Showing only tuples.SizeSource codeSpecial relation "%s"Succeeded. TOAST table "%s"TableTable "%s"Table attribute is "%s". Table attributes unset. The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: This is psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Title is "%s". Title is unset. TriggersTry '%s --help' for more information. Tuples only is off.TypeUnique keysUsage:Use "\q" to leave %s. User IDUser nameUser name: Using pager is off.Using pager is on.View "%s"View definition: %sWarning: This syntax is deprecated. Warning: Your transaction in progress has been committed.Warning: Your transaction in progress has been rolled back.Welcome to %s, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit Wrote history to %s. You are currently not connected to a database. You are now connected as new user %s. You are now connected to database %s as user %s. You are now connected to database %s. \!: failed \%s: could not change directory to '%s': %s \%s: error \%s: extra argument '%s' ignored \%s: missing required argument \%s: multibyte support is not enabled \connect: %s\copy: %s\copy: arguments required \copy: parse error at '%s' \copy: parse error at end of line \copy: unexpected response (%d) \lo_export: not connected to a database \lo_import: not connected to a database \lo_unlink: not connected to a database \pset: allowed formats are unaligned, aligned, html, latex \pset: unknown option: %s aggregateconnection to server was lost contains support for: could not get current user name: %s could not get home directory: %s could not open temporary file %s: %s could not save history to %s: %s could not start /bin/sh could not start editor %s create databasedata typefunctionhistoryindexinvalid command \%s local socketmultibyteno query buffer operatorout of memory parse error at the end of line readlinerulesequencespecialsuperusersuperuser, create databasetabletriggerunique viewProject-Id-Version: PostgreSQL 7.2 POT-Creation-Date: 2001-11-29 01:18+1100 PO-Revision-Date: 2001-10-24 01:00:00+0800 Last-Translator: Zhenbang Wei Language-Team: Zhenbang Wei MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Big5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit b psql J "\?" (Ω󤺳O) Ϊ "\help" (Ω SQL O)AΪ̰Ѧ PostgreSQL ̪ psql `AHohTC V ^~C -A DXҦ(-P format=unaligned) -E ܤOͪd -F r ]wjŸ (w]: "%s") (-P fieldsep=) -H HTML XҦ (-P format=html) -P VAR[=ARG] ⥴Lﶵ 'VAR' ]m 'ARG' ( \pset O) -R r ]wOjŸ (w]: s) (-P recordsep=) -S Ҧ (@浲Pɤ]ܵ SQL O) -T 奻 ]w HTML аOݩ (width, border) (-P tableattr=) -U ϥΪ̦W wƮwϥΪ (w]: %s) -V ܪTMᵲ -W ܿJKX (Ӧ۰ʸ߰) -X nŪҰɮ (~/.psqlrc) -a ܩҦӦ۸}J -c O u@O(SQLΤO)Mᵲ -d ƮwW wnsƮwW(w]: %s) -e ܶǰeAO -f ɮצW ɮפOMᵲ -h DW wƮwAD (w]: %s) -l CXҦiθƮwAMhX -n ROCWjҦ (readline) -o ɮצW NdߵGǰeɮ(Ϊ | ޹D) -p PORT wƮwA (w]: %s) -q wR (STAud߿X) -s BҦ (T{CӬd) -t uCL (-P tuples_onle) -v W=ƭ ]w psql ܼ 'W' 'ƭ' -x }XiX (-P expended) psql [ﶵ] [ƮwW [ϥΪ̦W]] (D) \! [O] b shell ̰Oζ}Ҥ@ shell \C D ]wD \H b HTML XҦ (ثeO %s) \T 奻 ]w HTML ݩ \a bDMXҦ \c[onnect] [ƮwW|- [ϥΪ̦W]] ssƮw (ثeO "%s") \cd [ؿW] ܥثeu@ؿ \copy ... SQL COPYAƬyVȤݥD \copyright PostgreSQL ϥΩMo \d ƪ yzƪ (η[BޡBǦC) \dT CXƫO \da CXE \dd Wr ܸƪBOB禡ιBl` \df CX禡 \do CXBl \d{p|S|l} CXsvBtθƪΤj \d{t|i|s|v}... 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"%s"svƮw "%s" svѼƸƫODPB NOTIFY '%s'AoOѦ{s %d ݩҶǰeC ݩiλ:ɭO %dC ˬdCO: %s yz: %s yk: %s ƫOw]СC}w]СCyzSW٬ "%s" pC sXJnƻsƨåBC bWߪ@WJ@Ӥϱ׽uM@ӥyICXiܤwC Xiܤw}C ѡC jŸO '%s'C "%s"ޭz: %sWLĪO \%s. \? oC yjѼƫOE禡CƫOCƮwϥΪ̦CƮwC禡CBlCpC׹WS '%-.*s' C ΤaѼƪ \h ܥثe֦C SǰtpC 䤣pC Null ܬ '%s'C yzﶵ:X榡O %sC ֦KX: Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group Portions Copyright (c) 1996, Regents of the University of California Ѩ COPYRIGHT ɮשΨϥ \copyright Od ϥΩMoڡCOdW@s Dd߽wİϬšCm(M)d߽wİϡCOjŸO '%s'C OjŸO CGƫOGOkѼƫOWhSSL s ([K: %s, 줸: %i) ǦC "%s"uܤաCjpl{Sp "%s"C TOAST ƪ "%s"ƪƪ "%s"ƪݩʬO "%s"C ]mƪݩʡC PAsw_Aխm: oO psqlAPostgreSQL rҦC DO "%s"C LDC IJo '%s --help' ohTC uܤաCOߤ@ϥΪk:ϥ "\q" } %s. ϥΪ IDϥΪ̦WϥΪ̦W:ϥΤCϥΤC[ "%s"[wq: %sĵi: oػykwgoC ĵi: zwgT{Cĵi: zwgCwϥ %s, PostgreSQL rާ@C J: \copyright ܵo \h SQL O \? ܤϱ׽uO \g Ϊ̥Hd \q hX NvOgJ %s C zثeSPƮwsC z{bOHsϥΪ %s sC z{bOHϥΪ %s sƮw %sC z{bwgsƮw %sC \!: \%s: '%s' ؿ: %s \%s: ~ \%s: hlѼ '%s' \%s: ʤ֩һݰѼ \%s: Ұʦh줸զr䴩 \connect: %s\copy: %s\copy: ݭnѼ \copy: b '%s' R~ \copy: bR~ \copy: N~^(%d) \lo_export: PƮws \lo_import: PƮws \lo_unlink: PƮws \pset: iHϥΪ榡O unalignedBalignedBhtmlBlatex \pset: ﶵ: %s EPƮws_ ثe䴩:LkoثeϥΪ̦W: %s Lko home ؿ: %s Lk}{ɮ %s: %s LkNvOxs %s: %s Lk /bin/sh Lks边 %s إ߸ƮwƫO禡vOLĪO \%s local socketh줸զrSd߽wİ BlOκ boͤR~ readlineWhǦCSWŨϥΪWŨϥΪ̡Aإ߸ƮwƪIJoߤ@ [