%01:I [`9n]bX 6@ ! ! +!&!A!h !o!{ !! ! !.!"#i(.&|4+9^97::FA:`^:%;;';-);4";^; ;; ;;;;     %s [options] dbname -a dump only the data, not the schema -b include large objects in dump -c clean (drop) schema prior to create -C include commands to create database in dump -d dump data as INSERT, rather than COPY, commands -D dump data as INSERT commands with column names -f FILENAME output file name -F {c|t|p} output file format (custom, tar, plain text) -h HOSTNAME database server host name -i proceed even when server version mismatches pg_dump version -n suppress most quotes around identifiers -N enable most quotes around identifiers -o include oids in dump -O do not output \connect commands in plain text format -p PORT database server port number -R disable ALL reconnections to the database in plain text format -s dump only the schema, no data -S NAME specify the superuser user name to use in plain text format -t TABLE dump this table only (* for all) -U NAME connect as specified database user -v verbose mode -W force password prompt (should happen automatically) -x do not dump privileges (grant/revoke) -X use-set-session-authorization output SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands rather than \connect commands -Z {0-9} compression level for compressed formats -a restore only the data, no schema -c clean (drop) schema prior to create -C issue commands to create the database -d NAME output database name -f FILENAME output file name -F {c|t} specify backup file format -h HOSTNAME server host name -i NAME restore named index -l print summarized TOC of the archive -L FILENAME use specified table of contents for ordering output from this file -N restore in original dump order -o restore in OID order -O do not reconnect to database to match object owner -p PORT server port number -P NAME restore named function -r rearrange output to put indexes etc. at end -R disallow ALL reconnections to the database -s restore only the schema, no data -S NAME specify the superuser user name to use for disabling triggers -t NAME restore named table -T NAME restore named trigger -U NAME connect as specified database user -v verbose mode -W force password prompt (should happen automatically) -x skip restoration of access privileges (grant/revoke) -X use-set-session-authorization use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands instead of reconnecting, if possible -a, --data-only dump only the data, not the schema -b, --blobs include large objects in dump -c, --clean clean (drop) schema prior to create -C, --create include commands to create database in dump -d, --inserts dump data as INSERT, rather than COPY, commands -D, --column-inserts dump data as INSERT commands with column names -f, --file=FILENAME output file name -F, --format {c|t|p} output file format (custom, tar, plain text) -h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host name -i, --ignore-version proceed even when server version mismatches pg_dump version -n, --no-quotes suppress most quotes around identifiers -N, --quotes enable most quotes around identifiers -o, --oids include oids in dump -O, --no-owner do not output \connect commands in plain text format -p, --port=PORT database server port number -R, --no-reconnect disable ALL reconnections to the database in plain text format -s, --schema-only dump only the schema, no data -S, --superuser=NAME specify the superuser user name to use in plain text format -t, --table=TABLE dump this table only (* for all) -U, --username=NAME connect as specified database user -v, --verbose verbose mode -W, --password force password prompt (should happen automatically) -x, --no-privileges do not dump privileges (grant/revoke) -X use-set-session-authorization, --use-set-session-authorization output SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands rather than \connect commands -Z, --compress {0-9} compression level for compressed formats -a, --data-only restore only the data, no schema -c, --clean clean (drop) schema prior to create -C, --create issue commands to create the database -d, --dbname=NAME output database name -f, --file=FILENAME output file name -F, --format={c|t} specify backup file format -h, --host=HOSTNAME server host name -i, --index=NAME restore named index -l, --list print summarized TOC of the archive -L, --use-list=FILENAME use specified table of contents for ordering output from this file -N, --orig-order restore in original dump order -o, --oid-order restore in OID order -O, --no-owner do not reconnect to database to match object owner -p, --port=PORT server port number -P, --function=NAME restore named function -r, --rearrange rearrange output to put indexes etc. at end -R, --no-reconnect disallow ALL reconnections to the database -s, --schema-only restore only the schema, no data -S, --superuser=NAME specify the superuser user name to use for disabling triggers -t, --table=NAME restore named table -T, --trigger=NAME restore named trigger -U, --username=NAME connect as specified database user -v, --verbose verbose mode -W, --password force password prompt (should happen automatically) -x, --no-privileges skip restoration of access privileges (grant/revoke) -X use-set-session-authorization, --use-set-session-authorization use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands instead of reconnecting, if possible %s dumps a database as a text file or to other formats. %s restores a PostgreSQL database from an archive created by pg_dump. Usage: %s [options] [file] Options: %s was compiled without support for long options. Use --help for help on invocation options. %s: invalid -X option -- %s %s: too many command line options (first is '%s') Try '%s --help' for more information. If no database name is not supplied, then the PGDATABASE environment variable value is used. Report bugs to .If no input file name is supplied, then standard input is used. Options:Password: Report bugs to .Try '%s --help' for more information. Usage:User name: archiverarchiver (db)custom archiverfile archivertar archiverProject-Id-Version: PostgreSQL 7.2 POT-Creation-Date: 2001-11-29 01:07+1100 PO-Revision-Date: 2001-10-24 01:00:00+0800 Last-Translator: Zhenbang Wei Language-Team: Zhenbang Wei MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Big5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit %s [ﶵ] ƮwW -a uXơA]Aj -b bX]tO BLOB -c bإߤeMz(R)j -C bX]Aإ߸ƮwO -d NƥH INSERT ΦXAӫD COPY O -D NƥHaW٪ INSERT OΦX -f ɮצW XɮצW -F {c|t|p} Xɮ׮榡(۩wBtarB¤r) -h DW ƮwADW -i YϦAM pg_dump ŦX]~ -n bХܲŸPϥΤ޸ -N iHbХܲŸPϥΤ޸ -o bX]A oid -O b¤r榡X \connect O -p ƮwA -R b¤r榡ҦPƮwss -s uXjA]A -S W wb¤r榡ϥΪWŨϥΪ -t ƪ uXoӸƪ (* ܥƪ) -U W HwƮwϥΪ̳s -v ԲӼҦ -W jKX߰ (Ӧ۰ʸ߰) -x Xv (grant/revoke) -X use-set-session-authorization X SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION O, ӤO \connect O -Z {0-9} Y榡Y -a u٭ơA٭j -c إߤeMz(R)j -C oXإ߸ƮwO -d W wƮwW -f ɮצW TOC XɮצW (Ѩ -l) -F {c|t} wƥɮ׮榡 -h DW ADW -i Wr _w -l ɮ׿Xn TOC (ؿ) -L ɮצW ϥɮפؿ@XɪƧǤk -N HlX٭ -o H oid ٭ -O nFŦXҦ̦ӭssƮw -p A -P W ٭w禡 -r sƦCXA޵쥽 -R TҦPƮwss -s u٭jA٭ -S W wiHTIJoWŨϥΪ -t W ٭wƪ -T W ٭wIJo -U W HwƮwϥΪ̳s -v ԲӼҦ -W jKX߰ (Ӧ۰ʸ߰) -x sv (grant/reovke) ٭ -X use-set-session-authorization iϥ SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION OAӤO ss -a, --data-only uXơA]Aj -b, --blobs bX]tO BLOB -c, --clean bإߤeMz(R)j -C, --create Xإ߸ƮwO -d, --inserts NƥH INSERT ΦXAӫD COPY OΦ -D, --column-inserts NƥHaW٪ INSERT ΦX -f, --file=ɮצW XɮצW -F, --format {c|t|p} Xɮ׮榡(۩wBtarB¤r) -h, --host=DW ƮwADW -i, --ignore-version YϦAM pg_dump ŦX]~ -n, --no-quotes bХܲŸPϥΤ޸ -N, --quotes iHbХܲŸPϥΤ޸ -o, --oids bX]A oid -O, --no-owner b¤r榡n]A \connect O -p, --port= ƮwA -R, --no-reconnect b¤r榡ҦPƮwss -s, --schema-only uXƪjAX -S, --superuser=W wb¤rҦϥΪWŨϥΪ -t, --table=ƪW uXoӸƪ (* ܿXҦƪ) -U, --username=W HwƮwϥΪ̳s -v, --verbose ԲӼҦ -W, --password jKX߰ (Ӧ۰ʸ߰) -x, --no-privileges Xv (grant/revoke) -X use-set-session-authorization, --use-set-session-authorization X SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION OӤO \connect O -Z, --compress {0-9} Y榡Y -a, --data-only u٭ơA]Aj -c, --clean bإߤeMz(R)j -C, --create oXإ߸ƮwO -d, --dbname=W wƮwW -f, --file=ɮצW TOC XɮצW(Ѩ -l) -F, --format={c|t} wƥɮ׮榡 -h, --host=HOSTNAME AȾDW -i, --index=W ٭w -l, --list kɿXn TOC -L, --use-list=ɮצW ϥɮפؿ@XɪƧǤk -N, --orig-order ӭlX٭ -o, --oid-order oid ٭ -O, --no-owner nFŦXҦ̦ӭssƮw -p, --port= Aݰ -P, --function=W ٭w禡 -r, --rearrange ƿXAN޵m󥽺 -R, --no-reconnect TҦPƮwss -s, --schema-only u٭jA٭ -S, --superuser=W wiHTIJoWŨϥΪ -t, --table=W ٭wƪ -T, --trigger=W ٭wIJo -U, --username=W HwƮwϥΪ̳s -v, --verbose ԲӼҦ -W, --password jKX߰ (Ӧ۰ʸ߰) -x, --no-privileges sv(grant/revoke)٭ -X use-set-session-authorization, --use-set-session-authorization i SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION OӤO ss %s NƮwX¤rɮשάO䥦榡C %s q@kɤ٭@ӥ pg_dump إߪ PostgreSQL ƮwC Ϊk: %s [ﶵ] [ɮ] ﶵ: %s sĶɥ[Jﶵ䴩C --help ܿﶵC %s: LĪ -X ﶵ -- %s %s: OѼƹLh (Ĥ@ӬO '%s') J '%s --help' ܧhTC pGSѸƮwW١Ahϥ PGDATABASE ܼơC V i.pGSɮצW٫hϥμзǿJC ﶵ:KX: V ^~CJ '%s --help' HܧhTC ϥΪk:ϥΪ̦W: kk (db)۩wkɮktar k