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J>Uf%>|{<tˆFc]4Ēoɵ[%ʁʔ.ʛ026'+^̊0̝= .BKT͎1/1E.w3Φ--8E~χϡ Ϻ &$")=&g ЎИ'D`~ҏҫ  tw֔ $,;D U6c ךצ׷ؙ ء دغ9Oavً٠*ٲ f$iڎک 24(Py ۓ$۞3<:Q ?`7b0    8@P&l;84HYs5|r X(c  8F$Z@-:2)C\17 ++ W x " > K"i-!$ 1;"m$0## $.,S*&'$%53[43,-%5S!;!$7\$e$!();*Z"'#Cg&" 4>s$,%7 Ubh% )E(_##>S!j2OnA/)*TY3a4U' -Hv~+  !39R\8t{2,_Yd% h ^<{uZX0egUb_!z+/# +7)3:zk |lik4?bIr`S2'oj;N:]Jl|OxDWoCMam>yBAB )n4p [(\F "U5t]K(csm6GQy9`w"v h*Le^AYH*M;I1H C69q.PPQ73rOsX/vL&G'En5fp%W>?-qu}~  VVSw1KNRD#c@8ix~=TFf$@[ Z,TE.!g=$0d-&}jJ<a Connection options: For more information, type "\?" (for internal commands) or "\help" (for SQL commands) from within psql, or consult the psql section in the PostgreSQL documentation. Report bugs to . Input and output options: Output format options: "%s" "%s" %s --help show this help, then exit --version output version information, then exit -A unaligned table output mode (-P format=unaligned) -E display queries that internal commands generate -F STRING set field separator (default: "%s") (-P fieldsep=) -H HTML table output mode (-P format=html) -P VAR[=ARG] set printing option VAR to ARG (see \pset command) -R STRING set record separator (default: newline) (-P recordsep=) -S single-line mode (end of line terminates SQL command) -T TEXT set HTML table tag attributes (width, border) (-P tableattr=) -U NAME database user name (default: "%s") -W prompt for password (should happen automatically) -X do not read startup file (~/.psqlrc) -a echo all input from script -c COMMAND run only single command (SQL or internal) and exit -d DBNAME specify database name to connect to (default: "%s") -e echo commands sent to server -f FILENAME execute commands from file, then exit -h HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory (default: "%s") -l list available databases, then exit -n disable enhanced command line editing (readline) -o FILENAME send query results to file (or |pipe) -p PORT database server port (default: "%s") -q run quietly (no messages, only query output) -s single-step mode (confirm each query) -t print rows only (-P tuples_only) -v NAME=VALUE set psql variable NAME to VALUE -x turn on expanded table output (-P expanded) \! [COMMAND] execute command in shell or start interactive shell \C [STRING] set table title, or unset if none \H toggle HTML output mode (currently %s) \T [STRING] set HTML tag attributes, or unset if none \a toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode \c[onnect] [DBNAME|- [USER]] connect to new database (currently "%s") \cd [DIR] change the current working directory \copy ... perform SQL COPY with data stream to the client host \copyright show PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms \d [NAME] describe table, index, sequence, or view \dC list casts \dD [PATTERN] list domains \dT [PATTERN] list data types (add "+" for more detail) \da [PATTERN] list aggregate functions \dc [PATTERN] list conversions \dd [PATTERN] show comment for object \df [PATTERN] list functions (add "+" for more detail) \dl list large objects, same as \lo_list \dn [PATTERN] list schemas \do [NAME] list operators \dp [PATTERN] list table access privileges \du [PATTERN] list users \d{t|i|s|v|S} [PATTERN] (add "+" for more detail) list tables/indexes/sequences/views/system tables \e [FILE] edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor \echo [STRING] write string to standard output \encoding [ENCODING] show or set client encoding \f [STRING] show or set field separator for unaligned query output \g [FILE] send query buffer to server (and results to file or |pipe) \h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands \i FILE execute commands from file \l list all databases (add "+" for more detail) \lo_export \lo_import \lo_list \lo_unlink large object operations \o [FILE] send all query results to file or |pipe \p show the contents of the query buffer \pset NAME [VALUE] set table output option (NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|footer|null| recordsep|tuples_only|title|tableattr|pager}) \q quit psql \qecho [STRING] write string to query output stream (see \o) \r reset (clear) the query buffer \s [FILE] display history or save it to file \set [NAME [VALUE]] set internal variable, or list all if no parameters \t show only rows (currently %s) \timing toggle timing of commands (currently %s) \unset NAME unset (delete) internal variable \w [FILE] write query buffer to file \x toggle expanded output (currently %s) \z [PATTERN] list table access privileges (same as \dp) psql [OPTIONS]... [DBNAME [USERNAME]] primary key, unique,%s%s: %s %s: Warning: The -u option is deprecated. Use -U. %s: cannot copy from/to a directory %s: could not delete variable "%s" %s: could not set variable "%s" %s: couldn't set printing parameter "%s" %s: current transaction is aborted %s: invalid encoding name or conversion procedure not found %s: not connected to a database %s: out of memory %s: unknown transaction status %s: warning: extra command-line argument "%s" ignored %s: xstrdup: cannot duplicate null pointer (internal error) (%d rows)(1 row)(No rows) (all types)(binary compatible)***(Single step mode: verify command)******************************************* %s ***(press return to proceed or enter x and return to cancel)******************** ?%c? "%s.%s"ABORT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]ALTER AGGREGATE name ( type ) RENAME TO newnameALTER CONVERSION name RENAME TO newnameALTER DATABASE name SET parameter { TO | = } { value | DEFAULT } ALTER DATABASE name RESET parameter ALTER DATABASE name RENAME TO newnameALTER DOMAIN name { SET DEFAULT expression | DROP DEFAULT } ALTER DOMAIN name { SET | DROP } NOT NULL ALTER DOMAIN name ADD domain_constraint ALTER DOMAIN name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ALTER DOMAIN name OWNER TO new_ownerALTER FUNCTION name ( [ type [, ...] ] ) RENAME TO newnameALTER GROUP groupname ADD USER username [, ... ] ALTER GROUP groupname DROP USER username [, ... ] ALTER GROUP groupname RENAME TO newnameALTER LANGUAGE name RENAME TO newnameALTER OPERATOR CLASS name USING index_method RENAME TO newnameALTER SCHEMA name RENAME TO newnameALTER SEQUENCE name [ INCREMENT [ BY ] increment ] [ MINVALUE minvalue | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE maxvalue | NO MAXVALUE ] [ RESTART [ WITH ] start ] [ CACHE cache ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ]ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ADD [ COLUMN ] column type [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] DROP [ COLUMN ] column [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] column { SET DEFAULT expression | DROP DEFAULT } ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] column { SET | DROP } NOT NULL ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] column SET STATISTICS integer ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] column SET STORAGE { PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN } ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] SET WITHOUT OIDS ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] RENAME [ COLUMN ] column TO new_column ALTER TABLE name RENAME TO new_name ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ADD table_constraint ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ALTER TABLE name OWNER TO new_owner ALTER TABLE name CLUSTER ON index_nameALTER TRIGGER name ON table RENAME TO newnameALTER USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] where option can be: [ ENCRYPTED | UNENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD 'password' | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB | CREATEUSER | NOCREATEUSER | VALID UNTIL 'abstime' ALTER USER name RENAME TO newname ALTER USER name SET parameter { TO | = } { value | DEFAULT } ALTER USER name RESET parameterANALYZE [ VERBOSE ] [ table [ (column [, ...] ) ] ]Access privilegesAccess privileges for database "%s"Argument data typesAsynchronous notification "%s" received from server process with PID %d. AttributesAvailable help: BEGIN [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]Border style is %d. CHECKPOINTCLOSE nameCLUSTER indexname ON tablename CLUSTER tablename CLUSTERCOMMENT ON { TABLE object_name | COLUMN table_name.column_name | AGGREGATE agg_name (agg_type) | CONSTRAINT constraint_name ON table_name | DATABASE object_name | DOMAIN object_name | FUNCTION func_name (arg1_type, arg2_type, ...) | INDEX object_name | OPERATOR op (leftoperand_type, rightoperand_type) | RULE rule_name ON table_name | SCHEMA object_name | SEQUENCE object_name | TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name | TYPE object_name | VIEW object_name } IS 'text'COMMIT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]COPY tablename [ ( column [, ...] ) ] FROM { 'filename' | STDIN } [ [ WITH ] [ BINARY ] [ OIDS ] [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter' ] [ NULL [ AS ] 'null string' ] ] COPY tablename [ ( column [, ...] ) ] TO { 'filename' | STDOUT } [ [ WITH ] [ BINARY ] [ OIDS ] [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter' ] [ NULL [ AS ] 'null string' ] ]CREATE AGGREGATE name ( BASETYPE = input_data_type, SFUNC = sfunc, STYPE = state_data_type [ , FINALFUNC = ffunc ] [ , INITCOND = initial_condition ] )CREATE CAST (sourcetype AS targettype) WITH FUNCTION funcname (argtype) [ AS ASSIGNMENT | AS IMPLICIT ] CREATE CAST (sourcetype AS targettype) WITHOUT FUNCTION [ AS ASSIGNMENT | AS IMPLICIT ]CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER name AFTER events ON tablename constraint attributes FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE funcname ( args )CREATE DATABASE name [ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] dbowner ] [ LOCATION [=] 'dbpath' ] [ TEMPLATE [=] template ] [ ENCODING [=] encoding ] ]CREATE DOMAIN name [AS] data_type [ DEFAULT expression ] [ constraint [ ... ] ] where constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { NOT NULL | NULL | CHECK (expression) }CREATE GROUP name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] where option can be: SYSID gid | USER username [, ...]CREATE OPERATOR CLASS name [ DEFAULT ] FOR TYPE data_type USING index_method AS { OPERATOR strategy_number operator_name [ ( op_type, op_type ) ] [ RECHECK ] | FUNCTION support_number funcname ( argument_type [, ...] ) | STORAGE storage_type } [, ... ]CREATE OPERATOR name ( PROCEDURE = funcname [, LEFTARG = lefttype ] [, RIGHTARG = righttype ] [, COMMUTATOR = com_op ] [, NEGATOR = neg_op ] [, RESTRICT = res_proc ] [, JOIN = join_proc ] [, HASHES ] [, MERGES ] [, SORT1 = left_sort_op ] [, SORT2 = right_sort_op ] [, LTCMP = less_than_op ] [, GTCMP = greater_than_op ] )CREATE SCHEMA schemaname [ AUTHORIZATION username ] [ schema_element [ ... ] ] CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION username [ schema_element [ ... ] ]CREATE TRIGGER name { BEFORE | AFTER } { event [ OR ... ] } ON table [ FOR [ EACH ] { ROW | STATEMENT } ] EXECUTE PROCEDURE funcname ( arguments )CREATE TYPE name AS ( attribute_name data_type [, ... ] ) CREATE TYPE name ( INPUT = input_function, OUTPUT = output_function [ , RECEIVE = receive_function ] [ , SEND = send_function ] [ , INTERNALLENGTH = { internallength | VARIABLE } ] [ , PASSEDBYVALUE ] [ , ALIGNMENT = alignment ] [ , STORAGE = storage ] [ , DEFAULT = default ] [ , ELEMENT = element ] [ , DELIMITER = delimiter ] )CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] where option can be: SYSID uid | [ ENCRYPTED | UNENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD 'password' | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB | CREATEUSER | NOCREATEUSER | IN GROUP groupname [, ...] | VALID UNTIL 'abstime'CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] FUNCTION name ( [ argtype [, ...] ] ) RETURNS rettype { LANGUAGE langname | IMMUTABLE | STABLE | VOLATILE | CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT | STRICT | [EXTERNAL] SECURITY INVOKER | [EXTERNAL] SECURITY DEFINER | AS 'definition' | AS 'obj_file', 'link_symbol' } ... [ WITH ( attribute [, ...] ) ]CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] RULE name AS ON event TO table [ WHERE condition ] DO [ INSTEAD ] { NOTHING | command | ( command ; command ... ) }CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] VIEW name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] AS queryCREATE [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] SEQUENCE name [ INCREMENT [ BY ] increment ] [ MINVALUE minvalue | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE maxvalue | NO MAXVALUE ] [ START [ WITH ] start ] [ CACHE cache ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ]CREATE [ TRUSTED ] [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE name HANDLER call_handler [ VALIDATOR valfunction ]CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX name ON table [ USING method ] ( { column | ( expression ) } [ opclass ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE predicate ]CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE table_name ( { column_name data_type [ DEFAULT default_expr ] [ column_constraint [ ... ] ] | table_constraint | LIKE parent_table [ { INCLUDING | EXCLUDING } DEFAULTS ] } [, ... ] ) [ INHERITS ( parent_table [, ... ] ) ] [ WITH OIDS | WITHOUT OIDS ] [ ON COMMIT { PRESERVE ROWS | DELETE ROWS | DROP } ] where column_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { NOT NULL | NULL | UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY | CHECK (expression) | REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] and table_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { UNIQUE ( column_name [, ... ] ) | PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) | CHECK ( expression ) | FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE table_name [ (column_name [, ...] ) ] AS queryCREATE [DEFAULT] CONVERSION name FOR source_encoding TO dest_encoding FROM funcnameCheck constraints:ColumnCommand: %s Description: %s Syntax: %s Composite type "%s.%s"Copy, Large Object DEALLOCATE [ PREPARE ] plan_nameDECLARE name [ BINARY ] [ INSENSITIVE ] [ [ NO ] SCROLL ] CURSOR [ { WITH | WITHOUT } HOLD ] FOR query [ FOR { READ ONLY | UPDATE [ OF column [, ...] ] } ]DELETE FROM [ ONLY ] table [ WHERE condition ]DROP AGGREGATE name ( type ) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP CAST (sourcetype AS targettype) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP CONVERSION name [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP DATABASE nameDROP DOMAIN name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP FUNCTION name ( [ type [, ...] ] ) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP GROUP nameDROP INDEX name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP OPERATOR CLASS name USING index_method [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP OPERATOR name ( lefttype | NONE , righttype | NONE ) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP RULE name ON relation [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP SCHEMA name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP SEQUENCE name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP TABLE name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP TRIGGER name ON table [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP TYPE name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP USER nameDROP VIEW name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE name [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]Data typeDefault footer is off.Default footer is on.Default?DescriptionDestinationDid not find any relation named "%s". Did not find any relation with OID %s. END [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]EXECUTE plan_name [ (parameter [, ...] ) ]EXPLAIN [ ANALYZE ] [ VERBOSE ] statementEncodingEnter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.Expanded display is off. Expanded display is on. FETCH [ direction { FROM | IN } ] cursorname where direction can be empty or one of: NEXT PRIOR FIRST LAST ABSOLUTE count RELATIVE count count ALL FORWARD FORWARD count FORWARD ALL BACKWARD BACKWARD count BACKWARD ALLFailed. Field separator is "%s". Foreign-key constraints:Formatting FunctionGRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | RULE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON [ TABLE ] tablename [, ...] TO { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { { CREATE | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON DATABASE dbname [, ...] TO { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON FUNCTION funcname ([type, ...]) [, ...] TO { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON LANGUAGE langname [, ...] TO { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { { CREATE | USAGE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON SCHEMA schemaname [, ...] TO { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]General General options:INSERT INTO table [ ( column [, ...] ) ] { DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) | query }Implicit?Index "%s.%s"Indexes:Informational InheritsInput/Output Internal nameInvalid command \%s. Try \? for help. LISTEN nameLOAD 'filename'LOCK [ TABLE ] name [, ...] [ IN lockmode MODE ] where lockmode is one of: ACCESS SHARE | ROW SHARE | ROW EXCLUSIVE | SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE | SHARE | SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE | ACCESS EXCLUSIVELanguageLarge objectsLeft arg typeList of aggregate functionsList of castsList of conversionsList of data typesList of database usersList of databasesList of domainsList of functionsList of operatorsList of relationsList of schemasMOVE [ direction { FROM | IN } ] cursornameModifierModifiersNOTIFY nameNameNo help available for "%-.*s". Try \h with no arguments to see available help. No matching relations found. No relations found. Null display is "%s". ObjectObject descriptionsOutput format is %s. OwnerPREPARE plan_name [ (datatype [, ...] ) ] AS statementPager is always used.Pager is used for long output.Pager usage is off.Password: Previous connection kept Query Buffer Query buffer is empty.Query buffer reset (cleared).REINDEX { DATABASE | TABLE | INDEX } name [ FORCE ]RESET name RESET ALLREVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | RULE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON [ TABLE ] tablename [, ...] FROM { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { CREATE | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON DATABASE dbname [, ...] FROM { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON FUNCTION funcname ([type, ...]) [, ...] FROM { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON LANGUAGE langname [, ...] FROM { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { CREATE | USAGE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON SCHEMA schemaname [, ...] FROM { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]ROLLBACK [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]Record separator is "%s". Record separator is .Result data typeResult typeRight arg typeRulesRules:SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( expression [, ...] ) ] ] * | expression [ AS output_name ] [, ...] INTO [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] [ TABLE ] new_table [ FROM from_item [, ...] ] [ WHERE condition ] [ GROUP BY expression [, ...] ] [ HAVING condition [, ...] ] [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL ] select ] [ ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC | USING operator ] [, ...] ] [ LIMIT { count | ALL } ] [ OFFSET start ] [ FOR UPDATE [ OF tablename [, ...] ] ]SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( expression [, ...] ) ] ] * | expression [ AS output_name ] [, ...] [ FROM from_item [, ...] ] [ WHERE condition ] [ GROUP BY expression [, ...] ] [ HAVING condition [, ...] ] [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL ] select ] [ ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC | USING operator ] [, ...] ] [ LIMIT { count | ALL } ] [ OFFSET start ] [ FOR UPDATE [ OF table_name [, ...] ] ] where from_item can be one of: [ ONLY ] table_name [ * ] [ [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] ] ( select ) [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] function_name ( [ argument [, ...] ] ) [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] | column_definition [, ...] ) ] function_name ( [ argument [, ...] ] ) AS ( column_definition [, ...] ) from_item [ NATURAL ] join_type from_item [ ON join_condition | USING ( join_column [, ...] ) ]SET CONSTRAINTS { ALL | name [, ...] } { DEFERRED | IMMEDIATE }SET TRANSACTION [ ISOLATION LEVEL { READ COMMITTED | SERIALIZABLE } ] [ READ WRITE | READ ONLY ] SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION [ ISOLATION LEVEL { READ COMMITTED | SERIALIZABLE } ] [ READ WRITE | READ ONLY ]SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] SESSION AUTHORIZATION username SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] SESSION AUTHORIZATION DEFAULT RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATIONSET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] name { TO | = } { value | 'value' | DEFAULT } SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] TIME ZONE { timezone | LOCAL | DEFAULT }SHOW name SHOW ALLSSL connection (cipher: %s, bits: %i) START TRANSACTION [ ISOLATION LEVEL { READ COMMITTED | SERIALIZABLE } ] [ READ WRITE | READ ONLY ]SchemaSequence "%s.%s"Showing only tuples.SizeSourceSource codeSource typeSpecial relation "%s.%s"Succeeded. TOAST table "%s.%s"TRUNCATE [ TABLE ] nameTableTable "%s.%s"Table attribute is "%s". Table attributes unset. Target typeThe connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: This is psql %s, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Time: %.3f ms Timing is off.Timing is on.Title is "%s". Title is unset. Triggers:Try "%s --help" for more information. Tuples only is off.TypeUNLISTEN { name | * }UPDATE [ ONLY ] table SET column = { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] [ FROM fromlist ] [ WHERE condition ]Usage:Use "\q" to leave %s. User IDUser nameUser name: VACUUM [ FULL ] [ FREEZE ] [ VERBOSE ] [ table ] VACUUM [ FULL ] [ FREEZE ] [ VERBOSE ] ANALYZE [ table [ (column [, ...] ) ] ]View "%s.%s"View definition: %sWarning: This syntax is deprecated. Welcome to %s %s, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit Wrote history to file "%s". You are currently not connected to a database. You are now connected as new user "%s". You are now connected to database "%s" as user "%s". You are now connected to database "%s". \!: failed \%s: could not change directory to "%s": %s \%s: error \%s: extra argument "%s" ignored \%s: missing required argument \connect: %s\copy: %s\copy: arguments required \copy: parse error at "%s" \copy: parse error at end of line \copy: unexpected response (%d) \pset: allowed formats are unaligned, aligned, html, latex \pset: unknown option: %s abort the current transactionaggregatealter the definition of a sequence generatorchange a databasechange a database user accountchange a run-time parameterchange a user groupchange the definition of a conversionchange the definition of a domainchange the definition of a functionchange the definition of a procedural languagechange the definition of a schemachange the definition of a tablechange the definition of a triggerchange the definition of an aggregate functionchange the definition of an operator classclose a cursorcluster a table according to an indexcollect statistics about a databasecommit the current transactionconnection to server was lost contains support for command-line editingcopy data between a file and a tablecould not get current user name: %s could not get home directory: %s could not open temporary file "%s": %s could not save history to file "%s": %s could not start /bin/sh could not start editor "%s" create a new databasecreate a new table from the results of a querycreate databasecreate new rows in a tabledata typedeallocate a prepared statementdefine a cursordefine a new aggregate functiondefine a new castdefine a new constraint triggerdefine a new conversiondefine a new data typedefine a new database user accountdefine a new domaindefine a new functiondefine a new indexdefine a new operatordefine a new operator classdefine a new procedural languagedefine a new rewrite ruledefine a new schemadefine a new sequence generatordefine a new tabledefine a new triggerdefine a new user groupdefine a new viewdefine access privilegesdefine or change the comment of an objectdelete rows of a tableempty a tableexecute a prepared statementfor table "%s.%s"force a transaction log checkpointfunctiongarbage-collect and optionally analyze a databasegenerate a notificationin assignmentindexinvalid command \%s listen for a notificationload or reload a shared library filelocal socketlock a tablenono query buffer offonoperatorout of memory parse error at the end of line position a cursorprepare a statement for executionprimary key, rebuild indexesremove a castremove a conversionremove a data typeremove a databaseremove a database user accountremove a domainremove a functionremove a procedural languageremove a rewrite ruleremove a schemaremove a sequenceremove a tableremove a triggerremove a user groupremove a viewremove access privilegesremove an aggregate functionremove an indexremove an operatorremove an operator classrestore the value of a run-time parameter to the default valueretrieve rows from a query using a cursorretrieve rows from a table or viewrulesequenceset the characteristics of the current transactionset the constraint mode of the current transactionset the session user identifier and the current user identifier of the current sessionshow the execution plan of a statementshow the value of a run-time parameterspecialstart a transaction blockstop listening for a notificationsuperusersuperuser, create databasetabletriggerunique, update rows of a tableviewyesProject-Id-Version: PostgreSQL 7.4 POT-Creation-Date: 2003-11-15 21:21+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-15 21:30+0100 Last-Translator: Peter Eisentraut Language-Team: German MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Verbindungsoptionen: Fr mehr Informationen, geben Sie \? (fr interne Anweisungen) oder \help (fr SQL-Anweisungen) in psql ein oder schauen Sie in den psql- Abschnitt der PostgreSQL-Dokumentation. Berichten Sie Fehler an . Eingabe- und Ausgabeoptionen: Ausgabeformatoptionen: %s %s %s --help diese Hilfe anzeigen, dann beenden -V zeige Versionsinformationen und beende -A unausgerichteter Tabellenausgabemodus (-P format=unaligned) -E zeige Anfragen, die von internen Anweisungen erzeugt werden -F ZEICHEN setze Feldtrennzeichen (Standard: %s) (-P fieldsep=) -H HTML-Tabellenausgabemodus (-P format=html) -P VAR[=ARG] setze Ausgabeoption VAR auf ARG (siehe \pset-Anweisung) -R ZEICHEN setze Satztrennzeichen (Standard: newline) (-P recordsep=) -S Einzelzeilenmodus (Zeilenende beendet SQL-Anweisung) -T TEXT setze HTML table-Tag-Attribute (z.B. width) (-P tableattr=) -U NAME Datenbank-Benutzername (Standard: %s) -W frage nach Passwort (sollte automatisch passieren) -X lese die Startdatei nicht (~/.psqlrc) -a gib Skript-Inhalt wieder -c ANWEISUNG fhre einzelne Anweisung aus und beende -d DBNAME Datenbank, zu der verbunden werden soll (Standard: %s) -e zeige Anweisungen, die an den Server geschickt werden -f DATEINAME fhre Anweisungen aus Datei aus und beende danach -h HOSTNAME Hostname des Datenbankservers oder Socket-Verzeichnis (Standard: %s) -l zeige verfgbare Datenbanken und beende -n schalte erweiterte Zeilenbearbeitung (Readline) aus -o DATEINAME sende Anfrageergebnisse in Datei (oder |Pipe) -p PORT Port des Datenbankservers (Standard: %s) -q stille Ausfhrung (keine Mitteilungen, nur Anfrageergebnisse) -s Einzelschrittmodus (besttige jede Anfrage) -t gebe nur Datenzeilen aus (-P tuples_only) -v NAME=WERT setze psql-Variable NAME auf WERT -x schalte erweiterte Tabellenausgabe ein (-P expanded) \! [BEFEHL] fhre Befehl in Shell aus oder starte interaktive Shell \C [TITEL] Tabellentitel setzen bzw. lschen \H schalte HTML-Ausgabemodus um (gegenwrtig %s) \T [TEXT] setze oder lsche HTML
-Tag-Attribute \a schalte zwischen unausgerichtetem und ausgerichtetem Ausgabemodus um \c[onnect] [DBNAME|- [BENUTZER]] verbinde mit neuer Datenbank (aktuell %s) \cd [VERZ] wechsele Arbeitsverzeichnis \copy ... fhre SQL COPY mit Datenstrom auf Clienthost aus \copyright zeige PostgreSQL-Urheberrechtsinformationen \d [NAME] beschreibe Tabelle, Index, Sequenz oder Sicht \l liste alle Datenbanken \dD [MUSTER] liste Domnen \dT [MUSTER] liste Datentypen (+ fr mehr Detail hinzufgen) \da [MUSTER] liste Aggregatfunktionen \dc [MUSTER] liste Konversionen \dd [MUSTER] zeige Kommentar fr Objekt \df [MUSTER] liste Funktionen (+ hinzufgen fr mehr Detail) \dl liste Large Objects, wie \lo_list \dn [MUSTER] liste Schemas \do [NAME] liste Operatoren \dp [MUSTER] zeige Tabellenzugriffsrechte \du [MUSTER] liste Benutzer \d{t|i|s|v|S} [MUSTER] (+ fr mehr Detail hinzufgen) liste Tabellen/Indexe/Sequenzen/Sichten \e [DATEI] bearbeite Anfragepuffer (oder Datei) mit externem Editor \echo [TEXT] schreibe Text auf Standardausgabe \encoding [KODIERUNG] zeige oder setze Client-Kodierung \f [ZEICHEN] zeige oder setze Feldtrennzeichen \g [DATEI] fhre SQL-Anweisung aus (und schreibe Ergebnis in Datei oder |Pipe) \h [NAME] Syntaxhilfe ber SQL-Anweisung, * fr alle Anweisungen \i DATEI fhre Anweisungen aus Datei aus \l liste alle Datenbanken (+ fr mehr Detail hinzufgen) \lo_export \lo_import \lo_list \lo_unlink Large-Object-Operationen \o DATEI schreibe alle Anfrageergebnisse in Datei oder |Pipe \p zeige aktuellen Inhalt der Anfragepuffers \pset NAME [WERT] setze Tabellenausgabeoption (NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|footer|null| recordsep|tuples_only|title|tableattr|pager}) \q beende psql \qecho [TEXT] schreibe Text auf Ausgabestrom fr Anfrageergebnisse (siehe \o) \r lsche Anfragepuffer \s [DATEI] gib Befehlsgeschichte aus oder schreibe sie in Datei \set [NAME [WERT]] setze interne Variable \t zeige nur Datenzeilen (gegenwrtig %s) \timing schalte Zeitmessung um (gegenwrtig %s) \unset NAME lsche interne Variable \w [DATEI] schreibe aktuellen Anfragepuffer in eine Datei \x schalte erweiterte Ausgabe um (gegenwrtig %s) \z [MUSTER] zeige Tabellenzugriffsrechte (wie \dp) psql [OPTION]... [DBNAME [BENUTZERNAME]] Primrschlssel, eindeutig,%s%s: %s %s: Warnung: The Option -u is veraltet. Verwenden Sie -U. %s: ein Verzeichnis kann nicht kopiert werden %s: konnte Variable %s nicht lschen %s: konnte Variable %s nicht setzen %s: konnte Ausgabeparameter %s nicht setzen %s: aktuelle Transaktion is abgebrochen %s: ungltiger Kodierungsname oder Umwandlungsprozedur nicht gefunden %s: nicht mit einer Datenbank verbunden %s: Speicher aufgebraucht %s: unbekannter Transaktionsstatus %s: Warnung: berflssiges Kommandozeilenargument %s ignoriert %s: xstrdup: Versuch NULL-Zeiger zu kopieren (interner Fehler) (%d Zeilen)(1 Zeile)(Keine Zeilen) (alle Typen)(binrkompatibel)***(Einzelschrittmodus: Anfrage besttigen)************************************* %s ***(Drcken Sie die Eingabetaste um fortzufahren oder x um abzubrechen)******* ?%c? %s.%sABORT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]ALTER AGGREGATE name ( typ ) RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER CONVERSION name RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER DATABASE name SET parameter { TO | = } { wert | DEFAULT } ALTER DATABASE name RESET parameter ALTER DATABASE name RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER DOMAIN name { SET DEFAULT ausdruck | DROP DEFAULT } ALTER DOMAIN name { SET | DROP } NOT NULL ALTER DOMAIN name ADD domnen_constraint ALTER DOMAIN name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ALTER DOMAIN name OWNER TO neuer_eigentmerALTER FUNCTION name ( [ typ [, ...] ] ) RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER GROUP gruppenname ADD USER benutzername [, ... ] ALTER GROUP gruppenname DROP USER benutzername [, ... ] ALTER GROUP gruppenname RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER LANGUAGE name RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER OPERATOR CLASS name USING indexmethode RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER SCHEMA name RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER SEQUENCE name [ INCREMENT [ BY ] inkrement ] [ MINVALUE minwert | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE maxwert | NO MAXVALUE ] [ RESTART [ WITH ] start ] [ CACHE cache ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ]ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ADD [ COLUMN ] spalte typ [ spalten_constraint [ ... ] ] ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] DROP [ COLUMN ] spalte [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] spalte { SET DEFAULT ausdruck | DROP DEFAULT } ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] spalte { SET | DROP } NOT NULL ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] spalte SET STATISTICS integer ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] spalte SET STORAGE { PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN } ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] SET WITHOUT OIDS ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] RENAME [ COLUMN ] spalte TO neue_spalte ALTER TABLE name RENAME TO neuer_name ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] ADD tabellen_constraint ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ] DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ALTER TABLE name OWNER TO neuer_eigentmer ALTER TABLE name CLUSTER ON indexnameALTER TRIGGER name ON tabelle RENAME TO neuer_nameALTER USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] wobei option Folgendes sein kann: [ ENCRYPTED | UNENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD 'passwort' | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB | CREATEUSER | NOCREATEUSER | VALID UNTIL 'abstime' ALTER USER name RENAME TO neuer_name ALTER USER name SET parameter { TO | = } { wert | DEFAULT } ALTER USER name RESET parameterANALYZE [ VERBOSE ] [ tabelle [ (spalte [, ...] ) ] ]ZugangsrechteZugriffsrechte fr Datenbank %sArgumentdatentypenAsynchrone Benachrichtigung %s vom Serverprozess mit PID %d empfangen. AttributeVerfgbare Hilfe: BEGIN [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]Rahmenstil ist %d. CHECKPOINTCLOSE nameCLUSTER indexname ON tabellenname CLUSTER tabellenname CLUSTERCOMMENT ON { TABLE objektname | COLUMN tabellenname.spaltenname | AGGREGATE aggname (aggtyp) | CONSTRAINT constraint_name ON tabellenname | DATABASE objektname | DOMAIN objektname | FUNCTION funktionsname (arg1_typ, arg2_typ, ...) | INDEX objektname | OPERATOR op (linker_operandentyp, rechter_operandentyp) | RULE regelname ON tabellenname | SCHEMA objektname | SEQUENCE objektname | TRIGGER triggername ON tabellenname | TYPE objektname | VIEW objektname } IS 'text'COMMIT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]COPY tabellenname [ ( spalte [, ...] ) ] FROM { 'dateiname' | STDIN } [ [ WITH ] [ BINARY ] [ OIDS ] [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'trennzeichen' ] [ NULL [ AS ] 'null-zeichenkette' ] ] COPY tabellenname [ ( spalte [, ...] ) ] TO { 'dateiname' | STDOUT } [ [ WITH ] [ BINARY ] [ OIDS ] [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'trennzeichen' ] [ NULL [ AS ] 'null-zeichenkette' ] ]CREATE AGGREGATE name ( BASETYPE = eingabedatentyp, SFUNC = bergangsfunktion, STYPE = zustandsdatentyp [ , FINALFUNC = abschlussfunktion ] [ , INITCOND = anfangswert ] )CREATE CAST (quelltyp AS zieltyp) WITH FUNCTION funktionsname (argumenttyp) [ AS ASSIGNMENT | AS IMPLICIT ] CREATE CAST (quelltyp AS zieltyp) WITHOUT FUNCTION [ AS ASSIGNMENT | AS IMPLICIT ]CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER name AFTER ereignisse ON tabellenname constraint attribute FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE funktionsname ( argumente )CREATE DATABASE name [ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] eigentmer ] [ LOCATION [=] 'pfad' ] [ TEMPLATE [=] template ] [ ENCODING [=] kodierung ] ]CREATE DOMAIN name [AS] datentyp [ DEFAULT ausdruck ] [ constraint [ ... ] ] wobei constraint Folgendes ist: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { NOT NULL | NULL | CHECK (ausdruck) }CREATE GROUP name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] wobei option Folgendes sein kann: SYSID gid | USER benutzername [, ...]CREATE OPERATOR CLASS name [ DEFAULT ] FOR TYPE datentyp USING indexmethode AS { OPERATOR strategienummer operatorname [ ( optyp, optyp ) ] [ RECHECK ] | FUNCTION unterst_nummer funcname ( argumenttyp [, ...] ) | STORAGE storage_typ } [, ... ]CREATE OPERATOR name ( PROCEDURE = funktionsname [, LEFTARG = linker_typ ] [, RIGHTARG = rechter_typ ] [, COMMUTATOR = kommutator_op ] [, NEGATOR = umkehrungs_op ] [, RESTRICT = res_funktion ] [, JOIN = join_funktion ] [, HASHES ] [, MERGES ] [, SORT1 = linker_sortier_op ] [, SORT2 = rechter_sortier_op ] [, LTCMP = kleiner_als_op ] [, GTCMP = grer_als_op ] )CREATE SCHEMA schemaname [ AUTHORIZATION benutzername ] [ schemaelement [ ... ] ] CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION benutzername [ schemaelement [ ... ] ]CREATE TRIGGER name { BEFORE | AFTER } { ereignis [ OR ... ] } ON tabelle [ FOR [ EACH ] { ROW | STATEMENT } ] EXECUTE PROCEDURE funktionsname ( argumente )CREATE TYPE name AS ( attributname datentyp [, ... ] ) CREATE TYPE name ( INPUT = eingabefunktion, OUTPUT = ausgabefunktion [ , RECEIVE = empfangsfunktion ] [ , SEND = sendefunktion ] [ , INTERNALLENGTH = { interne_lnge | VARIABLE } ] [ , PASSEDBYVALUE ] [ , ALIGNMENT = ausrichtung ] [ , STORAGE = speicherung ] [ , DEFAULT = vorgabewert ] [ , ELEMENT = element ] [ , DELIMITER = trennzeichen ] )CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] wobei option Folgendes sein kann: SYSID uid | [ ENCRYPTED | UNENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD 'passwort' | CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB | CREATEUSER | NOCREATEUSER | IN GROUP gruppenname [, ...] | VALID UNTIL 'abstime'CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] FUNCTION name ( [ argtyp [, ...] ] ) RETURNS rckgabetyp { LANGUAGE sprachname | IMMUTABLE | STABLE | VOLATILE | CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT | STRICT | [EXTERNAL] SECURITY INVOKER | [EXTERNAL] SECURITY DEFINER | AS 'definition' | AS 'objektdatei', 'linksymbol' } ... [ WITH ( attribut [, ...] ) ]CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] RULE name AS ON ereignis TO tabelle [ WHERE bedingung ] DO [ INSTEAD ] { NOTHING | befehl | ( befehl ; befehl ... ) }CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] VIEW name [ ( spaltenname [, ...] ) ] AS anfrageCREATE [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] SEQUENCE name [ INCREMENT [ BY ] inkrement ] [ MINVALUE minwert | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE maxwert | NO MAXVALUE ] [ START [ WITH ] start ] [ CACHE cache ] [ [ NO ] CYCLE ]CREATE [ TRUSTED ] [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE name HANDLER handler [ VALIDATOR valfunktion ]CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX name ON tabelle [ USING methode ] ( { spalte | ( ausdruck ) } [ opklasse ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE prdikat ]CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE tabellenname ( { spaltenname datentyp [ DEFAULT vorgabeausdruck ] [ spalten_constraint [ ... ] ] | tabellen_constraint | LIKE eltern_tabelle [ { INCLUDING | EXCLUDING } DEFAULTS ] } [, ... ] ) [ INHERITS ( eltern_tabelle [, ... ] ) ] [ WITH OIDS | WITHOUT OIDS ] [ ON COMMIT { PRESERVE ROWS | DELETE ROWS | DROP } ] wobei spalten_constraint Folgendes sein kann: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { NOT NULL | NULL | UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY | CHECK (ausdruck) | REFERENCES reftabelle [ ( refspalte ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE aktion ] [ ON UPDATE aktion ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] und tabellen_constraint Folgendes sein kann: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { UNIQUE ( spaltenname [, ... ] ) | PRIMARY KEY ( spaltenname [, ... ] ) | CHECK ( ausdruck ) | FOREIGN KEY ( spaltenname [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftabelle [ ( refspalte [, ... ] ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE aktion ] [ ON UPDATE aktion ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE tabellenname [ (spaltenname [, ...] ) ] AS anfrageCREATE [DEFAULT] CONVERSION name FOR quellkodierung TO zielkodierung FROM funktionsnameCheck-Constraints:SpalteAnweisung: %s Beschreibung: %s Syntax: %s Zusammengesetzter Typ %s.%sCOPY, Large Objects DEALLOCATE [ PREPARE ] plannameDECLARE name [ BINARY ] [ INSENSITIVE ] [ [ NO ] SCROLL ] CURSOR [ { WITH | WITHOUT } HOLD ] FOR anfrage [ FOR { READ ONLY | UPDATE [ OF spalte [, ...] ] } ]DELETE FROM [ ONLY ] tabelle [ WHERE bedingung ]DROP AGGREGATE name ( typ ) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP CAST (quelltyp AS zieltyp) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP CONVERSION name [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP DATABASE nameDROP DOMAIN name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP FUNCTION name ( [ typ [, ...] ] ) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP GROUP nameDROP INDEX name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP OPERATOR CLASS name USING indexmethode [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP OPERATOR name ( linker_typ | NONE , rechter_typ | NONE ) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP RULE name ON relation [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP SCHEMA name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP SEQUENCE name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP TABLE name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP TRIGGER name ON tabelle [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP TYPE name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP USER nameDROP VIEW name [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DROP [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE name [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]DatentypStandardfuzeile ist aus.Standardfuzeile ist an.Standard?BeschreibungZielKeine Relationen namens %s gefunden Keine Relation mit OID %s gefunden. END [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]EXECUTE planname [ (parameter [, ...] ) ]EXPLAIN [ ANALYZE ] [ VERBOSE ] befehlKodierungGeben Sie die zu kopierenden Daten ein, gefolgt von einem Zeilenende. Beenden Sie mit einem Backslash und einem Punkt alleine auf einer Zeile.Erweiterte Anzeige ist aus. Erweiterte Anzeige ist an. FETCH [ richtung { FROM | IN } ] cursorname wobei richtung leer sein kann oder Folgendes: NEXT PRIOR FIRST LAST ABSOLUTE anzahl RELATIVE anzahl anzahl ALL FORWARD FORWARD anzahl FORWARD ALL BACKWARD BACKWARD anzahl BACKWARD ALLFehlgeschlagen. Feldtrennzeichen ist %s. Fremdschlssel-Constraints:Formatierung FunktionGRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | RULE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON [ TABLE ] tabellenname [, ...] TO { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { { CREATE | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON DATABASE dbname [, ...] TO { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON FUNCTION funktionsname ([typ, ...]) [, ...] TO { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON LANGUAGE sprachname [, ...] TO { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { { CREATE | USAGE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON SCHEMA schemaname [, ...] TO { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]Allgemein Allgemeine Optionen:INSERT INTO tabelle [ ( spalte [, ...] ) ] { DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES ( { ausdruck | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) | anfrage }Implizit?Index %s.%sIndexe:Informationen Erbt vonEingabe/Ausgabe Interner NameUngltige Anweisung \%s. Versuchen Sie \? fr Hilfe. LISTEN nameLOAD 'dateiname'LOCK [ TABLE ] name [, ...] [ IN sperrmodus MODE ] wobei sperrmodus Folgendes sein kann: ACCESS SHARE | ROW SHARE | ROW EXCLUSIVE | SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE | SHARE | SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE | ACCESS EXCLUSIVESpracheLarge ObjectsLinker TypListe der AggregatfunktionenListe der TypumwandlungenListe der KonversionenListe der DatentypenListe der DatenbankbenutzerListe der DatenbankenListe der DomnenListe der FunktionenListe der OperatorenListe der RelationenListe der SchemasMOVE [ richtung { FROM | IN } ] cursornameAttributeAttributeNOTIFY nameNameKeine Hilfe verfgbar fr %-.*s. Versuchen Sie \h ohne Argumente, um die verfgbare Hilfe zu sehen. Keine passenden Relationen gefunden Keine Relationen gefunden Null-Anzeige ist %s. ObjektObjektbeschreibungenAusgabeformat ist %s. EigentmerPREPARE planname [ (datentyp [, ...] ) ] AS befehlPager wird immer verwendet.Pager wird fr lange Ausgaben verwendet.Pager-Verwendung ist aus.Passwort: Vorherige Verbindung wurde behalten Anfragepuffer Anfragepuffer ist leer.Anfragepuffer wurde gelscht.REINDEX { DATABASE | TABLE | INDEX } name [ FORCE ]RESET name RESET ALLREVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | RULE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON [ TABLE ] tabellenname [, ...] FROM { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { CREATE | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON DATABASE dbname [, ...] FROM { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON FUNCTION funktionsname ([typ, ...]) [, ...] FROM { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { USAGE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON LANGUAGE sprachname [, ...] FROM { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { CREATE | USAGE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON SCHEMA schemaname [, ...] FROM { benutzername | GROUP gruppenname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]ROLLBACK [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]Satztrennzeichen ist %s. Satztrennzeichen ist .ErgebnisdatentypErgebnistypRechter TypRulesRegeln:SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( ausdruck [, ...] ) ] ] * | ausdruck [ AS ausgabename ] [, ...] INTO [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] [ TABLE ] neue_tabelle [ FROM from_element [, ...] ] [ WHERE bedingung ] [ GROUP BY ausdruck [, ...] ] [ HAVING bedingung [, ...] ] [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL ] select ] [ ORDER BY ausdruck [ ASC | DESC | USING operator ] [, ...] ] [ LIMIT { anzahl | ALL } ] [ OFFSET start ] [ FOR UPDATE [ OF tabellenname [, ...] ] ]SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( ausdruck [, ...] ) ] ] * | ausdruck [ AS ausgabename ] [, ...] [ FROM from_element [, ...] ] [ WHERE bedingung ] [ GROUP BY ausdruck [, ...] ] [ HAVING bedingung [, ...] ] [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL ] select ] [ ORDER BY ausdruck [ ASC | DESC | USING operator ] [, ...] ] [ LIMIT { anzahl | ALL } ] [ OFFSET start ] [ FOR UPDATE [ OF tabellenname [, ...] ] ] wobei from_element eins der Folgenden sein kann: [ ONLY ] tabellenname [ * ] [ [ AS ] alias [ ( spaltenalias [, ...] ) ] ] ( select ) [ AS ] alias [ ( spaltenalias [, ...] ) ] funktionsname ( [ argument [, ...] ] ) [ AS ] alias [ ( spaltenalias [, ...] | spaltendefinition [, ...] ) ] funktionsname ( [ argument [, ...] ] ) AS ( spaltendefinition [, ...] ) from_element [ NATURAL ] verbundtyp from_element [ ON verbundbedingung | USING ( verbundspalte [, ...] ) ]SET CONSTRAINTS { ALL | name [, ...] } { DEFERRED | IMMEDIATE }SET TRANSACTION [ ISOLATION LEVEL { READ COMMITTED | SERIALIZABLE } ] [ READ WRITE | READ ONLY ] SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION [ ISOLATION LEVEL { READ COMMITTED | SERIALIZABLE } ] [ READ WRITE | READ ONLY ]SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] SESSION AUTHORIZATION benutzername SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] SESSION AUTHORIZATION DEFAULT RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATIONSET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] name { TO | = } { wert | 'wert' | DEFAULT } SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] TIME ZONE { zeitzone | LOCAL | DEFAULT }SHOW name SHOW ALLSSL-Verbindung (Verschlsslungsmethode: %s, Bits: %i) START TRANSACTION [ ISOLATION LEVEL { READ COMMITTED | SERIALIZABLE } ] [ READ WRITE | READ ONLY ]SchemaSequenz %s.%sZeige nur Datenzeilen.GreQuelleQuelltextQuelltypSpezielle Relation %s.%sErfolgreich. TOAST-Tabelle %s.%sTRUNCATE [ TABLE ] nameTabelleTabelle %s.%sTabellenattribut ist %s. Tabellenattribute sind nicht gesetzt. ZieltypDie Verbindung zum Server wurde verloren. Versuche Reset: Dies ist psql %s, das interaktive PostgreSQL-Terminal. Zeit: %.3f ms Zeitmessung ist aus.Zeitmessung ist an.Titel ist %s. Titel ist nicht gesetzt. Trigger:Versuchen Sie %s --help fr weitere Informationen. Nur Datenzeilen ist aus.TypUNLISTEN { name | * }UPDATE [ ONLY ] tabelle SET spalte = { ausdruck | DEFAULT } [, ...] [ FROM fromliste ] [ WHERE bedingung ]Benutzung:Verwenden Sie \q, um %s zu verlassen. Benutzer-IDBenutzernameBenutzername: VACUUM [ FULL ] [ FREEZE ] [ VERBOSE ] [ tabelle ] VACUUM [ FULL ] [ FREEZE ] [ VERBOSE ] ANALYZE [ tabelle [ (spalte [, ...] ) ] ]Sicht %s.%sSichtdefinition: %sWarnung: Dieser Syntax is veraltet. Willkommen bei %s %s, dem interaktiven PostgreSQL-Terminal. Geben Sie ein: \copyright fr Urheberrechtsinformationen \h fr Hilfe ber SQL-Anweisungen \? fr Hilfe ber interne Anweisungen \g oder Semikolon, um eine Anfrage auszufhren \q um zu beenden Befehlsgeschichte in Datei %s geschrieben. Sie sind gegenwrtig nicht mit einer Datenbank verbunden. Sie sind jetzt als neuer Benutzer %s verbunden. Sie sind jetzt mit der Datenbank %s als Benutzer %s verbunden. Sie sind jetzt mit der Datenbank %s verbunden. \!: fehlgeschlagen \%s: konnte nicht in das Verzeichnis %s wechseln: %s \%s: Fehler \%s: berflssiges Argument %s ignoriert \%s: notwendiges Argument fehlt \connect: %s\copy: %s\copy: bentigt Argumente \copy: Parse-Fehler bei %s \copy: Parse-Fehler am Zeilenende \copy: unerwartete Antwort (%d) \pset: zulssige Formate sind unaligned, aligned, html, latex \pset: unbekannte Option: %s bricht die aktuelle Transaktion abAggregatndert die Definition eines Sequenzgeneratorsndert eine Datenbankndert ein Datenbankbenutzerkontondert einen Konfigurationsparameterndert eine Benutzergruppendert die Definition einer Zeichensatzkonversionndert die Definition einer Domnendert die Definition einer Funktionndert die Definition einer prozeduralen Sprachendert die Definition eines Schemasndert die Definition einer Tabellendert die Definition eines Triggersndert die Definition einer Aggregatfunktionndert die Definition einer Operatorklasseschliet einen Cursorclustert eine Tabelle nach einem Indexsammelt Statistiken ber eine Datenbankschliet die aktuelle Transaktion abVerbindung zum Server wurde verloren enthlt Untersttzung fr Kommandozeilenbearbeitungkopiert Daten zwischen einer Datei und einer Tabellekonnte aktuellen Benutzernamen nicht ermitteln: %s konnte Home-Verzeichnis nicht ermitteln: %s konnte temporre Datei %s nicht ffnen: %s konnte Befehlsgeschichte nicht in %s speichern: %s konnte /bin/sh nicht starten konnte Editor %s nicht starten erzeugt eine neue Datenbankerzeugt eine neue Tabelle aus den Ergebnissen einer AnfrageDatenbanken erstellenerzeugt neue Zeilen in einer TabelleDatentypgibt einen vorbereiteten Befehl freidefiniert einen Cursordefiniert eine neue Aggregatfunktiondefiniert eine neue Typumwandlungdefiniert einen neuen Constraint-Triggerdefiniert eine neue Zeichensatzkonversiondefiniert einen neuen Datentypdefiniert ein neues Datenbankbenutzerkontodefiniert eine neue Domnedefiniert eine neue Funktiondefiniert einen neuen Indexdefiniert einen neuen Operatordefiniert eine neue Operatorklassedefiniert eine neue prozedurale Sprachedefiniert eine neue Umschreiberegeldefiniert ein neues Schemadefiniert einen neuen Sequenzgeneratordefiniert eine neue Tabelledefiniert einen neuen Triggerdefiniert eine neue Benutzergruppedefiniert eine neue Sichtdefiniert Zugriffsprivilegiendefiniert oder ndert den Kommentar von einem Objektlscht Zeilen einer Tabelleleert eine Tabellefhrt einen vorbereiteten Befehl ausfr Tabelle %s.%serzwingt einen Checkpoint im TransaktionslogFunktionsubert und analysiert eine Datenbankerzeugt eine Benachrichtigungin ZuweisungIndexungltige Anweisung \%s hrt auf eine Benachrichtigungldt eine dynamische Bibliotheksdateilokales Socketsperrt eine Tabelleneinkein Anfragepuffer ausanOperatorSpeicher aufgebraucht Parse-Fehler am Zeilenende positioniert einen Cursorbereitet einen Befehl zur Ausfhrung vorPrimrschlssel, baut Indexe neuentfernt eine Typumwandlungentfernt eine Zeichensatzkonversionentfernt einen Datentypentfernt eine Datenbankentfernt ein Datenbankbenutzerkontoentfernt eine Domneentfernt eine Funktionentfernt eine prozedurale Spracheentfernt eine Umschreiberegelentfernt ein Schemaentfernt eine Sequenzentfernt eine Tabelleentfernt einen Triggerentfernt eine Benutzergruppeentfernt eine Sichtentfernt Zugriffsprivilegienentfernt eine Aggregatfunktionentfernt einen Indexentfernt einen Operatorentfernt eine Operatorklassesetzt einen Konfigurationsparameter auf die Voreinstellung zurckliest Zeilen aus einer Anfrage mit einem Cursorliest Zeilen aus einer Tabelle oder SichtRuleSequenzsetzt die Charakteristika der aktuellen Transaktionsetzt den Constraint-Modus der aktuellen Transaktionsetzt den Sitzungsbenutzernamen und den aktuellen Benutzernamen der aktuellen Sitzungzeigt den Ausfhrungsplan eines Befehlszeigt den Wert eines Konfigurationsparametersspezialstartet einen Transaktionsblockbeendet das Hren auf eine BenachrichtigungSuperuserSuperuser, Datenbanken erstellenTabelleTriggereindeutig, aktualisiert Zeilen einer TabelleSichtja