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Please confirm."%s" is not a valid color name%d will be replaced with the file name%s aborted. %s: missing command%s:could not execute exit script%s:no title given for the root menuAdvancedAdvanced OptionsAll selected icons will be removed!Application SpecificApplication WideApplication path and argumentsApplyAttract IconsAttributesAttributes...AutoAttract IconsAutoCollapseAutoRaiseLowerAutomatically hide application when it's started.Browse...CancelChoose FileClip OptionsCloseClose Window System session? Kill might close applications with unsaved data.Close X sessionCollapsedCommand for files dropped with DNDCommandsCould not execute command "%s"Could not find icon "%s" specified for this windowCould not load image file Could not open directory Could not open specified icon "%s":%sCould not open specified icon fileCould not open specified icon file: %sDND support was not compiled inDefaults for all windowsDeminiaturizeDestroy LastDirectoriesDisable Close ButtonDisable Language ButtonDisable Miniaturize ButtonDisable ResizebarDisable TitlebarDisable the application icon for the application. Note that you won't be able to dock it anymore, and any icons that are already docked will stop working correctly.Do not allow the window to move itself completely outside the screen. For bug compatibility. Do not bind keyboard shortcuts from Window Maker when this window is focused. This will allow the window to receive all key combinations regardless of your shortcut configuration.Do not bind mouse actions, such as `Alt'+drag in the window (when alt is the modifier you haveconfigured).Do not hide the window when issuing the `HideOthers' command.Do not let the window take keyboard focus when you click on it.Do not list the window in the window list menu.Do not save the associated application in the session's state, so that it won't be restarted together with other applications when Window Maker starts.Dock IconDocked Application SettingsDon't Bind Keyboard ShortcutsDon't Bind Mouse ClicksDon't Let It Take FocusDon't Save SessionEmulate Application IconEnter command arguments:ErrorExitExit window manager?Exit...Fatal errorFile Name:Full Screen MaximizationHideIcon ChooserIcon File Name:Icon ImageIcon and Initial WorkspaceIcon cannot be made omnipresent. Please make sure that no other icon is docked in the same position on the other workspaces and the Clip is not full in some workspace.IconsIgnoreIgnore HideOthersIgnore client supplied iconInitial WorkspaceKeep Attracted IconsKeep IconKeep IconsKeep Inside ScreenKeep at Bottom / SunkenKeep at bottomKeep on TopKeep on Top / FloatingKeep on topKeep the window over other windows, not allowing them to cover it.Keep the window under all other windows.KillKill ApplicationKill Window System session? (all applications will be closed)Kill X sessionLaunchMake the window be automatically maximized when it's first shown.Make the window be automatically miniaturized when it's first shown.Make the window use the whole screen space when it's maximized. The titlebar and resizebar will be moved to outside the screen.Make this window act as an application that provides enough information to Window Maker for a dockable application icon to be created.Make window occupy all workspaces.MaximizeMiniaturizeMiniwindow ImageMove Icon ToMove Icons ToMove ToNewNoNo Application IconNowhere in particularOKOmnipresentOptionsProgram ArgumentsReloadRemove IconRemove IconsRemove the `close window' button of this window.Remove the `miniaturize window' button of the window.Remove the `toggle language' button of the window.Remove the resizebar of this window.Remove the titlebar of this window. To access the window commands menu of a window without it's titlebar, press Control+Esc (or the equivalent shortcut, if you changed the default settings).Rename WorkspaceResize/MoveRestartRestart Window MakerSaveSelectSelect All IconsSelect actionSelectedSet Icon...Set ShortcutSettings...ShadeSkip Window ListSome icons cannot be made omnipresent. Please make sure that no other icon is docked in the same positions on the other workspaces and the Clip is not full in some workspace.Sorry, icon cannot be made omnipresent. Please make sure that no other icon is docked in the same position on the other workspaces, and the Clip is not full in some workspace, then try again.Start HiddenStart MaximizedStart MiniaturizedStart alternate window managerStart when WindowMaker is startedThe Window Maker window manager for the X window systemThe applications menu could not be loaded. Look at the console output for a detailed description of the errors.The configuration will apply to all windows that have their WM_CLASS property set to the above selected name, when saved.The workspace to place the window when it'sfirst shown.This will kill the application. Any unsaved changes will be lost. Please confirm.Toggle OmnipresentTry '%s --help' for more information Type the command used to launch the applicationType the name for workspace %i:UnhideUnhide HereUnmaximizeUnselect All IconsUnshadeUpdateUsage: %s [options] WarningWhat do you want to do now?Window AttributesWindow SpecificationWindowsWorkspace %iWorkspace ClipWorkspacesYesbad number of arguments in gradient specificationcould not create Workspace menucould not create directory %scould not create options submenu for Clip menucould not create submenu for window menucould not create workspace submenu for Clip menucould not exec %scould not find default icon "%s"could not find icon %s, used in a docked applicationcould not find icon file "%s"could not find user GNUstep directory (%s). Make sure you have installed Window Maker correctly and run wmaker.instcould not launch application %s could not load default icon "%s":%serror loading image file "%s"failed to restart Window Maker.failed to start alternate window manager. Aborting.icon size is configured to %i, but it's too small. Using 16, instead it seems that there is already a window manager runningselection not availablethere are too many icons stored in dock. Ignoring what doesn't fittoo few arguments for %stoo few arguments in multicolor gradient specificationtrying to restart Window Maker...trying to start alternate window manager...Project-Id-Version: 0.3 POT-Creation-Date: 1998-08-20 01:33+0300 PO-Revision-Date: 1999-09-04 01:39+0300 Last-Translator: Nikolaos Papagrigoriou Language-Team: Greek MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=el Content-Transfer-Encoding: iso8859-7 ************************** Words from the maintainer in Greek: . . , , . . Window Maker, (Dock=, Clip=). Window Maker 0.60. ************************** Contact the maintainer for suggestions and corrections . . . "%s" %d %s . %s: %s: script %s: ! ... / .... session ; ( ) X session (DND) "%s" "%s" "%s":%s :%s DND' . , . . Window Maker . , . , 'Alt'+drag, . ' ' . (Session State), Window Maker. '' Session : Window Maker;... : : . . ' , . . session ; ( ) X session . . . . Window Maker , . . / OK . . ' ' . . . , Control+Esc ( ). / Window Maker ...... . ., . . Window MakerWindow Maker, X . . WM_CLASS , . . . . .<=> '%s --help' %i: : %s [-] ; %i %s %s "%s" %s, . "%s" GNUstep (%s). Window Maker wmaker.inst %s "%s":%s "%s" Window Maker. . . %i, . , 16 . . %s Window Maker... ...