`1;^5Cf1Oj~ "V Af 7~ Q6]5c 7o;%^!#$."(F.'`Hl&)*.A0PLn,.m/-32 % U14D 5d  0; % C79 a:  8> ; = Y  C<? }@ ( 6L K 6 h _BD E CI H   7 ;GJ S fK FQ & \MO 1P f )NT gS  RU @V `& Y+  XZ [)Y_^X]`0aQx\g)ceVf:djii,hkOl$bx@|Inpqou6tA}hsvw ir})[y{|z.O0~r.m9H U]$r4Sw &1=Dd#T~A&^3U~ '@WM%_6l Q M   !7!F!U!_!w!!)!5!8!N!b!e!i!q!!"""&"3"i\##!#c$ $G$Q$d$$$$[%Bg%P~%\%j%z%%%%% & ;&# M&> T&G Z&N!' !'(!('/!8'A!E'Q!J'W!c'n!n't!z'!'!'!'!'!(!(%"(G"+(W">(m"V("n("("("),#)L#)_#*#*[$%*$c*$+8%,%,I&-&-3&-7&-R &-d &-|&- ' -'-'&- '?-'_-'. '.1'.\'.(.(7.(S/ (r/1(/2(/:(/U(/Z((/k)F/ )L/!)Y/)e/%)l/$)v0)0#&)0@')0T)0g"-)0z)0)+)0,*0*0*0*-0/*>0*S0.1*b1 2*15*1II*1W*146*17+1+=2&5;+h2V:+2+29<+2=, 3",73`8C,W3,3?A,3B,4W-4y@F-4E-I4-p5DG-5CH-5|-5>T-5.6 JL.=6CM.Q6X.l6vKQ.y6P.6.6OR.6S/+7[/7NZ/8$V/8l08UX0K8Y0{809W]09d\1 91<9[^1\9_1x: 1:Dyour machine is misconfigured. HOSTNAME is set to %syour machine is misconfigured. HOST is set to %swrong option value for key "%s". Should be one of %swas expecting a string, dictionary, data or array. If it's a string, try enclosing it with ".using default menu file "%s" as the menu referenced in WMRootMenu could not be found using default "%s" insteadunterminated stringunterminated dictionaryunterminated arrayunknown builtin cursor name "%s"unable to get dropped data from DND droptrying to start alternate window manager...trying to restart Window Maker...too many parameters in OPEN_MENU: %stoo few arguments in multicolor gradient specificationtoo few arguments for %sthere are too many icons stored in dock. Ignoring what doesn't fitthe NumLock, ScrollLock or similar key seems to be turned on. Turn it off or some mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts will not work.selection timed-outselection not availableout of memory while saving session stateout of memory while getting data from DND dropout of memory while constructing directory menu %sout of memory reading bitmap file "%s"out of memory during expansion of "%w"out of memory during expansion of "%s"out of memory during expansion of "%d"out of memory during expansion of "%a"out of memory during expansion of "%W"missing dictionary keymissing dictionary entry key or unterminated dictionarymissing = in dictionary entrymissing ; in dictionary entrymissing , in array or unterminated arraylibrary "%s" cound not be opened.it seems that there is already a window manager runninginvalid texture type %sinvalid data in selectioninvalid OPEN_MENU specification: %sinternal X error: %s image file "%s" used as texture could not be found.icon size is configured to %i, but it's too small. Using 16, instead got signal %i - restarting got signal %i - exiting... got signal %i (%s) - restarting got signal %i (%s) - exiting... got signal %i (%s) got signal %i function textures not supported on this system, sorry.function "%s" not found in library "%s"failed to start alternate window manager. Aborting.failed to restart Window Maker.failed to open bitmap file "%s"extra data after end of fileerror rendering image:%serror rendering image: %serror reading preprocessed menu dataerror parsing dictionary keyerror making logo image for panel:%serror loading image file "%s"error getting dropped data from DND dropend of memory while saving session statecrashed while trying to do some post-crash cleanup. Aborting immediatelly.could not send message to background image helpercould not save session state in %scould not render texture: %scould not render texture for icon backgroundcould not read domain "%s" from defaults databasecould not parse color "%s"could not open domain file %scould not open display "%s"could not manage screen %icould not manage any screencould not make arguments for menu file preprocessorcould not load texture pixmap "%s":%scould not load mask bitmap file "%s". Won't use maskcould not load logo image for panels: %scould not load image in option %s: %scould not load domain %s from user defaults databasecould not load domain %s from global defaults database (%s)could not load domain %s from global defaults databasecould not load default icon "%s":%scould not load any usable font!!!could not launch application %s could not initialize library %scould not initialize graphics library context: %scould not get window list!!could not get password entry for UID %icould not get color for key "%s"could not get array elementcould not find user GNUstep directory (%s). Make sure you have installed Window Maker correctly and run wmaker.instcould not find menu file "%s" referenced in WMRootMenucould not find icon file "%s"could not find icon %s, used in a docked applicationcould not find function %s::%scould not find default icon "%s"could not find cursor bitmap file "%s"could not exec %scould not do initialization of WINGs widget setcould not define value for %s for cppcould not create workspace submenu for Clip menucould not create submenu for window menucould not create options submenu for Clip menucould not create directory %scould not create Workspace menucould not allocate color "%s"could not access menu "%s" referenced in WMRootMenuconnection to the session manager was lostcannot set locale modifierscannot open connection for crashing dialog panel. Aborting.can't convert array to integers for "%s".can't convert "%s" to integer for key "%s"can't convert "%s" to boolean for key "%s"can't convert "%s" to booleanbad window name value in %s state infobad value in docked icon state info %sbad value in docked icon position %i,%ibad value for visualid: "%s"bad opacity value for tgradient texture "%s". Should be [0..255]bad number of arguments in textured gradient specificationbad number of arguments in gradient specificationbad number of arguments in cursor specificationa fatal error has occured, probably due to a bug. Please fill the included BUGFORM and report it.YesXKB is not supported. KbdModeLock is automatically disabled.X server does not support localeWrong value for key "%s". Should be Coordinate.Wrong type for workspace background. Should be a texture type.Wrong type for background of workspace %i. Should be a texture.Wrong option format for key "%s". Should be %s.WorkspacesWorkspace ClipWorkspace %iWindowsWindow SpecificationWindow Maker received signal %i.Window Maker received signal %i (%s).Window AttributesWhat do you want to do now?WarningUsage: %s [options] UpdateUnshadeUnselect All IconsUnmaximizeUnhide HereUnhideType the name for workspace %i:Type the command used to launch the applicationTry '%s --help' for more information Toggle OmnipresentThis will kill the application. Any unsaved changes will be lost. Please confirm.There are more than one WORKSPACE_MENU commands in the applications menu. Only one is allowed.The workspace to place the window when it'sfirst shown.The applications menu could not be loaded. Look at the console output for a detailed description of the errors.The Window Maker window manager for the X window systemStart when WindowMaker is startedStart alternate window managerStart MiniaturizedStart MaximizedStart HiddenSome icons cannot be made omnipresent. Please make sure that no other icon is docked in the same positions on the other workspaces and the Clip is not full in some workspace.Skip Window ListShadeSettings...Set ShortcutSet Icon...SelectedSelect actionSelect WindowSelect All IconsSelectSaveRestart Window MakerRestartResize/MoveRename WorkspaceRemove the titlebar of this window. To access the window commands menu of a window without it's titlebar, press Control+Esc (or the equivalent shortcut, if you changed the default settings).Remove the resizebar of this window.Remove the `toggle language' button of the window.Remove the `miniaturize window' button of the window.Remove the `close window' button of this window.Remove the 1 pixel black border around the window.Remove IconsRemove IconReloadProgram ArgumentsPreviewOptionsOmnipresentOKNowhere in particularNo Application IconNoNewMove ToMove Icons ToMove Icon ToMiniwindow ImageMiniaturizeMaximizeMake window occupy all workspaces.Make this window act as an application that provides enough information to Window Maker for a dockable application icon to be created.Make the window use the whole screen space when it's maximized. The titlebar and resizebar will be moved to outside the screen.Make the window be automatically miniaturized when it's first shown.Make the window be automatically maximized when it's first shown.Lock (prevent accidental removal)LaunchKill X sessionKill Window System session? (all applications will be closed)Kill ApplicationKillKeep the window under all other windows.Keep the window over other windows, not allowing them to cover it.Keep on topKeep on Top / FloatingKeep on TopKeep at bottomKeep at Bottom / SunkenKeep Inside ScreenKeep IconsKeep IconInitial WorkspaceIncorrect number of elements in array for key "%s".Ignore client supplied iconIgnore HideOthersIgnoreIconsIcon cannot be made omnipresent. Please make sure that no other icon is docked in the same position on the other workspaces and the Clip is not full in some workspace.Icon and Initial WorkspaceIcon ImageIcon File Name:Icon ChooserHideFull Screen MaximizationFile Name:Fatal errorExit...Exit window manager?ExitError in texture specification for key "%s"Error in cursor specification for key "%s"ErrorEnter command arguments:Emulate Application IconDon't Save SessionDon't Let It Take FocusDon't Bind Mouse ClicksDon't Bind Keyboard ShortcutsDomain %s (%s) of global defaults database is corrupted!Domain %s (%s) of defaults database is corrupted!Docked Application SettingsDock IconDo not save the associated application in the session's state, so that it won't be restarted together with other applications when Window Maker starts.Do not list the window in the window list menu.Do not let the window take keyboard focus when you click on it.Do not hide the window when issuing the `HideOthers' command.Do not bind mouse actions, such as `Alt'+drag in the window (when alt is the modifier you haveconfigured).Do not bind keyboard shortcuts from Window Maker when this window is focused. This will allow the window to receive all key combinations regardless of your shortcut configuration.Do not allow the window to move itself completely outside the screen. For bug compatibility. Disable the application icon for the application. Note that you won't be able to dock it anymore, and any icons that are already docked will stop working correctly.Disable TitlebarDisable ResizebarDisable Miniaturize ButtonDisable Language ButtonDisable Close ButtonDisable BorderDirectoriesDestroy LastDeminiaturizeDefaults for all windowsDND support was not compiled inCould not open specified icon file: %sCould not open specified icon fileCould not open specified icon "%s":%sCould not open directory Could not load image file Could not find icon "%s" specified for this windowCould not execute command: Could not execute command "%s"Comments are not allowed inside WindowMaker owned domain files.CommandsCommand for files dropped with DNDCollapsedClose X sessionClose Window System session? Kill might close applications with unsaved data.CloseClip OptionsChoose FileCancelBrowse...Bring HereAutomatically hide application when it's started.AutoRaiseLowerAutoCollapseAutoAttract IconsAttributes...AttributesAttract IconsApplyApplication path and argumentsApplication WideApplication SpecificAllow LoweringAll selected icons will be removed!Advanced OptionsAdvancedAbort and leave a core file%s:unknown command "%s" in menu config.%s:syntax error in menu file:END declaration missing%s:no title given for the root menu%s:missing parameter for menu command "%s"%s:missing command in menu config: %s%s:maximal line size exceeded in menu config: %s%s:invalid menu file. MENU command is missing%s:invalid key modifier "%s"%s:invalid key in shortcut "%s" for entry %s%s:invalid key in shortcut "%s"%s:invalid kbd shortcut specification "%s" for entry %s%s:invalid kbd shortcut specification "%s"%s:format error in root menu configuration "%s"%s:could not stat menu:%s%s:could not stat menu%s:could not stat file "%s" in menu directory%s:could not open/preprocess menu file%s:could not open menu file%s:could not execute initialization script%s:could not execute exit script%s:can't add shortcut for entry "%s"%s: unmatched '"' in menu file%s: modifier key %s is not valid%s: missing command%s: invalid argument '%s' %s aborted. %d will be replaced with the file name"%s" is not a valid color name"%s" is not a valid bitmap file will be forcibly closed. Any unsaved changes will be lost. Please confirm. This fatal error occured probably due to a bug. Please fill the included BUGFORM and report it to bugs@windowmaker.org. -display host:dpy display to use --visual-id visualid visual id of visual to use --version print version and exit --synchronous turn on synchronous display mode --static do not update or save configurations --no-dock do not open the application Dock --no-cpp disable preprocessing of configuration files --no-clip do not open the workspace Clip --no-autolaunch do not autolaunch applications --locale locale locale to use --help show this message --dont-restore do not restore saved session . HOSTNAME %s . HOST %s "%s". : %s , , . ("). "%s", , WMRootMenu, "%s" "%s" DND ... Window Maker... OPEN_MENU: %s %s , NumLock, ScrollLock . ; . DND %s "%s" "%w" "%s" "%d" "%a" "%W" "=" ";" "%s" . (%s) OPEN_MENU: %s X : %s "%s" . %i, . 16 %i - %i - ... %i (%s) - %i (%s) - ... %i (%s) %i . "%s" "%s" . . Window Maker . "%s" %s %s : %s "%s" DND - . . %s %s "%s" : "%s" "%s" %i "%s": %s "%s". : %s %s: %s %s . %s %s %s ("%s"): %s !!! %s %s : %s !! /etc/passwd (UID) %i "%s" GNUstep (%s). , Window Maker wmaker.inst "%s", WMRootMenu, "%s" %s, , %s::%s "%s" "%s" %s WING %s cpp %s "%s" "%s", WMRootMenu, . . "%s". "%s" "%s" "%s" a "%s" "%s" -- %s %s %i,%i visualid: "%s" "%s" . 0 255 , . BUGFORM X- XKB, KbdModeLock .X "%s". Coordinate. . . %i. . "%s". %s. %i Window Maker %i.Window Maker %i (%s). ?!: %s [] %i: "%s --help" . , , . . WORKSPACE_MENU. . , . . Window Maker -- X Window . , , . ... ... Window MakerO/ . , Control+Esc ( , ). . / . . . 1 . OK - ... . , Window Maker, , . . . . . ( ) ? ( .) . , . - a "%s". " " . , . : : ... ? "%s" "%s" : o %s (%s) ! %s (%s) ! , Window Maker. . , . " ". (. Alt+) .Window Maker , . , . . . , , , , . / DND "%s" "%s" : %s "%s", , "%s" ? . ... . ... ! core-%s: "%s" .%s: : END%s: %s: "%s"%s: : %s%s: %s %s: : MENU%s: "%s"%s: "%s" "%s"%s: "%s"%s: "%s" %s%s: "%s"%s:[ | ] | "%s"%s: : %s%s: %s: "%s" %s: / %s: %s: %s: %s: "%s"%s: %s: %s %s: %s: "%s" %s . %d "%s" "%s" . , . . . BUGFORM bugs@windowmaker.org. -display : --visual-id visualid --version --synchronous --static --no-dock --no-cpp --no-clip --no-autolaunch --locale < --help --dont-restore Project-Id-Version: WindowMaker 0.61.1 POT-Creation-Date: 2000-08-28 20:37+0300 PO-Revision-Date: 2000-08-28 21:00+03:00 Last-Translator: Language-Team: Bulgarian MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1251 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit