These files contain the output files of a full hbench-1.0 run, on NetBSD 1.3.3, 1.4.3, 1.5 and 1.5Q on one machine. The OS versions were installed on a dual Pentium-133 machine, of which only one CPU was used obviously (I have run an i386 MP kernel seperately, but since that's not in -current yet, it's not included). Each OS version was installed on a seperate 20G disk, all of the same type, and bought in one batch. The partition layout was the same for all versions. The kernel configuration used was GENERIC, but with the DIAGNOSTIC option removed (it causes some slowdown and interference, and I plan to remove it from -release kernels on the i386 port anyway). Also I put sb0 at isa at irq7 instead of irq5, to match reality. No other changes were made to the config file. The compiler used was the compiler that came with the release. An up-to-date pkgsrc was used to compile the hbench-1.0 package. The files: dmesg dmesg output of -current on this machine, to show the configuration. hbench.133 results for NetBSD 1.3.3 hbench.143 results for NetBSD 1.4.3 hbench.15 results for NetBSD 1.5 hbench.15Q results for NetBSD 1.5Q Note that the filesystem benchmarks are not very comparable, because 1.4.3 saw the introduction of pciide, and for 1.5 performance softdep would have to be taken into account, but I did not do that. bw_file_rd *is* valid to compare, because it works on a cached file, as does lat_fslayer. The memory bandwith tests also aren't interesting, of course, as the results are obviously very much the same between releases.