.\" $NetBSD: bounce.5,v 1.2 2017/02/14 01:16:44 christos Exp $ .\" .TH BOUNCE 5 .ad .fi .SH NAME bounce \- Postfix bounce message template format .SH "SYNOPSIS" .na .nf \fBbounce_template_file = /etc/postfix/bounce.cf\fR \fBpostconf \-b\fR [\fItemplate_file\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .ad .fi The Postfix \fBbounce\fR(8) server produces delivery status notification (DSN) messages for undeliverable mail, delayed mail, successful delivery or address verification requests. By default, these notifications are generated from built\-in templates with message headers and message text. Sites can override the built\-in information by specifying a bounce template file with the \fBbounce_template_file\fR configuration parameter. This document describes the general procedure to create a bounce template file, followed by the specific details of bounce template formats. .SH "GENERAL PROCEDURE" .na .nf .ad .fi To create a customized bounce template file, create a temporary copy of the file \fB/etc/postfix/bounce.cf.default\fR and edit the temporary file. To preview the results of $\fIname\fR expansions in the template text, use the command .nf \fBpostconf \-b\fR \fItemporary_file\fR .fi Errors in the template will be reported to the standard error stream and to the syslog daemon. While previewing the text, be sure to pay particular attention to the expansion of time value parameters that appear in the delayed mail notification text. Once the result is satisfactory, copy the template to the Postfix configuration directory and specify in main.cf something like: .nf /etc/postfix/main.cf: bounce_template_file = /etc/postfix/bounce.cf .fi .SH "TEMPLATE FILE FORMAT" .na .nf .ad .fi The template file can specify templates for failed mail, delayed mail, successful delivery or for address verification. These templates are named \fBfailure_template\fR, \fBdelay_template\fR, \fBsuccess_template\fR and \fBverify_template\fR, respectively. You can but do not have to specify all four templates in a bounce template file. Each template starts with "\fItemplate_name\fB = <