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A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O      @@ !1Aa  0@`A #+3;CScs inflate 1.2.13 Copyright 1995-2022 Mark Adler strtoulFloppy diskUnknownHard diskCGMTNetworkNetwork T&Dfd:netbsdsd%d:netbsdsd%d%c:netbsdmem:nfs:netbsd >> %s boot, Revision %s (from NetBSD %s) << IPL args: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x text : %p-%p data : %p-%p bss : %p-%p stack: %p heap : %p Memory Area: M%d=%dMB total %dMB Board Revision: machine=0x%x, model=0x%x pmmu=%d, cache=%d, panel=%d, fdd=%d cpu=%d, fpp=%d, fpa=%d, iop=%d clock=%d ipl=%d, cpu_ex=%d, fpp_ex=%d kbms=%d, sio=%d, battery=%d, scsi=%d model name=%s invalid boot device.invalid booted device. NVSRAM information isn't valid FD[%c] DISK[%c] NETWORK[%c] COMPILED[%c] booted from %s IPL unit %d %s boot, Revision %s (from NetBSD %s) >> Press return to boot now, any other key for boot console. booting %s - starting %d [non-interactive mode] type "help" for help. >> %s%sno BFS partition. boot.logBFS write failed. batchbatch aborted. command: %s ***ERROR*** %s helpbootuxloadbinjumprebootmeminfodisklabellslog_savetesttlbcop0ksether_testga_testjump jump_addr [stack_addr] jump to 0x%08x. sp=0x%08x Y/N canceled. load load_addr no kernel image load end=%p loader start=%p kernel load area is overlapped with loader. load kernel to %p %dbytes. Y/N loading kernel. %d/%dbytes loading kernel. %d/%d done. sd0d:iopbootload iopboot failed. start=%lx entry=%lx nsym=%lx sym=%lx end=%lx jump to iopboot entry.(0x%x) Y/N boot dev:filename [argument to kernel] ex). Disk 0, Partition 10, /netbsd => sd0k:netbsd NFS, /netbsd => nfs:netbsd `kernel embedded in data section' => mem: Y/Nload file failed. jump to kernel entry.(0x%x)%s %s: invalid block #%d. type %d, unit %d partition %d not found. unknown floppy disk format %d. unknown disk type %d. %s: type=%d unit=%d offset=%d block=%d err=%d %s: invalid request block %d size %d base %d dk%s %d (%d-%d) no PDINFO no VTOC Tag Flags Start Count %d %d %d %d %d ls partition /[partition=%d, start sector=%d]nonamedata(compiled):noname nfsNetwork disabled. set kernel filename. ex.) nfs:netbsd nfs:/%s fdfloppy(boot):/%s (ustarfs) Disk disabled. disk(boot):%s disk(%d,%d):/%s (ufs) (bfs) %s invalid. request=%s no data %s: %s %d %d %d insert disk %d, and press return...invalid magic. invalid volume number. disk=%d requested=%d can't read tar header. bad tar magic. not supported device. %s: can't allocate memory. %s: can't load file. Error. CSR0=%x Timeout CSR0=%x desc%d not transmitted. cause=%x LANCE register r/w error. interrupt timeout. lance CSR0 %x != %x block %d tx desc error. rx desc error. CRC=%x LANCE CRC error. ok. LANCE timeout. LANCE Tx/Rx data error. ethernetks on/off self test command 0x%x i82589 self test data error. i82589 self test data OK. i82596 self test success. (loop %d) SCP_ADDR+4=0x%x i82586 self test failed. -------------------- option: r, d, p entry# done. ERR 4K 16K 64K256K 1M 4M 16M%d %s %x %x+%xtlb p entry#. [%d] size:%s vaddr:0x%08x paddr:0x%08x+0x%08x mask:0x%08x [%x, %x, %x, %x] unknown option "%c" PRId: %x Config: %x Status: %x Cause: %x BadVAddr: %x EPC: %x write: addr=%p access=%dbyte stride=%dbyte count=%d Y/N?invalid %dbyte access. %p = 0x%x read: addr=%p access=%dbyte stride=%dbyte count=%d. Y/N? %p: > 0x%x too long filename. (max %d) can't allocate buffer. BFS read failed. mem r addr access_byte stride count mem w addr access_byte stride count value mem d addr access_byte stride count filename mem b addr access_byte stride count filename mem g addr access_byte stride count filename (GA-ROM only) FB disabled. FB enabled. scancode = 0x%x RARP failed bootparam/whoami RPC failed gateway%s: gateway bootparam missing rootbootparam/getfile RPC failed netif_open() failed NFS mount error=%d inode: %d/%d no root directory. root inode: %d-%d dirent: %d/%d %s: "%s" -> "%s" error=%d. %s: "%s" deleted. %s: %lld deleted. %s: %d + %d -> %d (%zd) i-node full. data block full. disk full. dirent full. %s: start %d end %d %s: dirent found, but inode not found. inconsistent filesystem. invalid bfs super block. super block %zdbyte, inode %zdbyte, dirent %zdbyte magic=%x data_start_byte=0x%x data_end_byte=0x%x from=%#x to=%#x from_backup=%#x to_backup=%#x fsname=%s volume=%s [inode index list] %3d %8d %8d %8d (%d) %d %d %d %d %d %08x %08x %08x inconsistent cached data. (i-node) total %d i-node. [dirent index list] %d file entries. %3d %14s %8d %8d %8zd inconsistent cached data. (dirent) %d files. bfs sector = %d bfs super block + inode area = %zd bfs dirent area = %zd SUCCESS ERROR invalid VTOC no bfs partition found. bad dir entry unknownFIFOCHRDIRBLKREGLNKSOCKWHT%s: short packet, %zu < %ld %s: must mount first. %s: 'whoami' call failed %s: short reply, %zd < %d %s: bad socket. %d No response for RARP request %s: unknown vendor %p %s: no reply %s: reject, astat=%d, errno=%d %s: %s%s: error = %d read header failedread header shortELF=0x%lx open %s%s: bad write (%zd != %zu)lseek section headersread section headerslseek sectionread section+ [%s%lu+%lu.SUNW_ctf%s%ld]lseek text%luread textread datals: %s stat: %s %s: %s no ls support for this file system %d: %.*s (%s) not found %d: %s (%s) The ls command is not currently supported for %s Unknown error: code %dbad adaptor numberbad controller numberbad drive numberbad partitioncan't read disk labelunlabeledDevice not configuredOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryStale NFS file handleInappropriate file type or formatExec format errorInput/output errorInvalid argumentNot a directoryinvalid file offsetPermission denied%s: overflowed arp_list! %s: no response for %s%s: short write! (%zd < %zu)netboot: no interfaces left untried%s: couldn't probe %s%d 1.2.13|/-\incorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid code -- missing end-of-blockinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setinvalid literal/length codeinvalid distance codeinvalid distance too far backincorrect data checkincorrect length check%s: invalid base %d|Q7 p7Ġ 9dT7̠7ԠT7ܠ7䠠7젠F7H788 8<8?@8 B,8(;48,<Ġ88:p$ԠĠ;4Ġ`ԠL\dܠD(`A  A $A *RA 2dA ;A F&A ThA [A cS(A oPA xA TA @A A OA i@A ֌A ĠРA Ϡ5A ڠ 0A ࠠ5A yA KA PA 0A 1fA AMA P3TA qTA zPDA PA JA KA ŠA A ɠA ؠ&A ⠠`A pA w0AXA`AS8A)pA>xAD$AQAT{0A\l Ao`AyTAaAbA tAA#AXAzA͠AԠZLAߠJ,AP AQAAA ͠A3A'A/A?AQATA^DAh%AqAw$DAQA AƼAlA,ALAĠ#AΠFA֠AߠA렡XA8A AְAOA̴A)A6R0ADAK`ARAZ;AfJAy4A$APAxAXAʠRHAڠuA䠠DA렠 |AQA4AARTADlA'IA7XTAK8pAhרAnAz AAAA